
被网暴,几乎丧失职业生涯的 Taylor Swift 是如何逆风翻盘的?

牛津大学出版社 牛津辞典 2022-07-01

2022 年 5 月 18 日,美国创作型女歌手泰勒斯威夫特 Taylor Swift 获得由纽约大学颁发的艺术荣誉博士学位。在纽约大学毕业典礼中,她不仅为在场的所有毕业生和获颁荣誉博士学位的学术人员表示祝贺,还向大家分享了自己对于大学生活的畅想,在经历全球范围的网暴后是如何重新振作起来并收获自己职业生涯的新巅峰,如何对待生活中的得与失等一系列话题。她的这篇演讲稿中运用了很多常见的英文表达方法,文章结构和语法也非常工整,很适合我们进行英文学习。大家可以在文末找到原始视频哦!


Taylor 为了发展自己的音乐事业并没有选择读大学。对此,她分享道:I never got to have the normal college experience. I went to public high school until tenth grade and finished my education doing home schoolwork on the floors of airport terminals。为了追寻自己的音乐梦想,Taylor 在读高中时就四处奔波。为了在自己的梦想和学习中寻求平衡,她不得不在机场候机大厅的地板上做作业。

但是她也曾幻想过普通的大学生活,她说:As a kid, I always thought I would go away to college, imagining the posters I’d hang on the wall of my freshmen dorm。比如在刚入学时在宿舍中贴满自己喜欢的海报。为了满足自己的大学梦,Taylor 还在自己的大热单曲 Love Story 的 MV 中创造了一个场景:I meet a male model reading a book on the grass and with one single glance, we realize we had been in love in our past lives。她幻想自己在校园中与一个在草坪上读书的男模特四目相对,然后彼此都意识到双方曾在上辈子像罗密欧与朱丽叶一样坠入爱河。

可惜的是,她因为自己的音乐事业并没有能够拥有 a normal college experience。而 2022 届的毕业生们因为突如其来的新冠疫情也度过了一段非同寻常的大学时光。But I really can’t complain about not having a normal college experience to you——即使如此,我也不能抱怨自己没能拥有一个普通的大学生活经历。

下面的情景,你是不是也很熟悉?因为疫情中的大学生们被封锁在宿舍内,每天通过 Zoom 远程上课。他们不仅需要为自己的考试成绩发愁,还要进行多轮的核酸检测 You went to NYU during a global pandemic, being essentially locked into your dorms or having to do classes over Zoom. Everyone in college during normal times stresses about test scores, but on top of that you also had to pass like 1,000 COVID tests。

其实通过这几年的特殊经历,大家都有共鸣——即使大家想要的是一个没有疫情影响的普通大学生活 I imagine the idea of a normal college experience was all you wanted too。但生活就是如此,你很难拥有自己想要的一切,你必须学会接受生活所给予你的一切 But in this case, you and I both learned that you don’t always get all the things in the bag that you selected from the menu in the delivery service that is life. You get what you get。生活不易,我们都应为自己经历的这一切感到自豪 And as I would like to say to you, you should be very proud of what you’ve done with it

即将毕业的时候,探索自己未来的人生 You leave New York University and then you go out into the world searching for what’s next. And so will I.


在音乐事业收获巨大成功的 Taylor 也经历了来自社会的磨练。在 2016 年,美国某网红利用经过剪辑的电话录音恶意造谣抹黑 Taylor 使她受到全球网民的网暴。经过此次事件,Taylor 在公众视野消失近 2 年。在这期间,她重新审视自己身边的人和事,专注自我进行音乐创作,最终于 2017 年发布专辑《reputation》回应了此前诸多的争议,并大获成功。

在演讲中,她对这段经历是如此评价的:Being publicly humiliated over and over again at a young age was excruciatingly painful but it forced me to devalue the ridiculous notion of minute by minute, ever-fluctuating social relevance and likability。她在年轻时经历了无数次的羞辱,这都让她学会如何化干戈为玉帛,不再为外界的恶意之声所困扰,也不在意他人的意见,不盲目追求他人的喜爱。

她甚至还打趣地说道:在经历网暴后,她几乎丧失了自己的职业生涯,但却为此精通了很多关于酒的知识(因为借酒消愁)Getting cancelled on the internet and nearly losing my career gave me an excellent knowledge of all the types of wine

Taylor 说自己听起来可能像是一个盲目的乐观主义者,但其实她并不是 I know I sound like a consummate optimist, but I’m really not。她想告诉大家的是In your life, you will inevitably misspeak, trust the wrong people, under-react, overreact, hurt the people who didn’t deserve it, overthink, not think at all, self-sabotage, create a reality where only your experience exists, ruin perfectly good moments for yourself and others, deny any wrongdoing, not take the steps to make it right, feel very guilty, let the guilt eat at you, hit rock bottom, finally address the pain you caused, try to do better next time, rinse, repeat.


通过这篇演讲,我们也可以学到这样的英文表达方式:And I’m not gonna lie, these mistakes will cause you to lose things。我不会向大家发射糖衣炮弹,这些错误会让你失去很多东西。但失去并不等同于失败,在失去的同时,我们也收获颇丰 I’m trying to tell you that losing things doesn’t just mean losing. A lot of the time, when we lose things, we gain things too。确实,在经历了网暴后的人对自己身边的人和事有了全新的理解,并收获了事业的新巅峰和爱情(这是另一个故事了)。


Taylor 在演讲中还探讨了很多值得我们深思的主题,因为文章篇幅的限制,小编就不展开讨论了。完整视频请见 New York University 官方网站(需复制链接至浏览器):https://www.nyu.edu/life/events-traditions/commencement/all-university-commencement/2022-ceremony-video.html

- END -

撰稿丨逗逗姐姐 & 艾文弟弟

参考丨New York University 官网

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