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Some Dhamma brothers and sisters have asked me to reflect on how I practice at home. Since each individual is different, I don't think there is a universal formula that will work for everyone. My approach is suitable for me because of my own conditionings. Having said that, I would be pleased to share my reflections below.
1. Never Give Up 永不放弃
Don't give up no matter how hard it seems to develop continuous awareness or wisdom. In the beginning of my daily life practice, if the mind had lost awareness, it just simply became aware in the present moment. It didn't get upset or disappointed. Why should the mind get upset? What for?
2. Everything is About and For Mindfulness Practice
I organize my life around mindfulness practice, not the other way around.
When the mind needs to decide whether it should do or have something, it asks: "Will it benefit the meditation practice?"
Some years ago, I accepted a job which paid less but which allowed me to take leave to go on a retreat.
我的个人生活是围绕着禅修练习来安排的,而不是倒过来——让禅修来迎合生活。当心需要决定是否应该去做什么或要拥有一些什么,就会自问:“这么做是否有利于禅修?” 多年前,我接受了一份工作,虽然钱少但允许我请假去参加长期的禅修营。
3. Discipline纪律
I develop a daily routine that works for me and I stick to it. While I was working in downtown, I used the time on the bus (one hour each way) as the sitting meditation. After dinner, I went for an hour of walking meditation. The rest of time was mindfulness practice in daily activities.
4. Simplify One's life简化生活
For many years, I didn't have a cellphone because the mind didn't feel that it was necessary. I don't have a Facebook account and am happy not to have one.
5. Record, Review and Reflect
I use a journal to record my mindfulness practice. These are the questions that the mind asks itself:
a) What has the mind learned from the experiences?
b) If the understandings are not increasing, why? What and how should the mind do to increase the understandings?
a. 在这些经验中,心有什么所学?
b. 如果理解并没有增加,为什么?应该如何来增加理解或应该做什么来增加理解?
6. Formal and Informal Learnings 正式和非正式学习
Belonging to a Buddhist association is beneficial. At one point, I was a member of five Buddhist groups. (Since then, I have reduced it to only two.) I went to their evening and weekend classes. I also read a lot of Buddhist books and online Buddhist materials.