
当工作压力山大时……| 禅修分享

何德伦老师 维安正念小站 2019-04-02




这分享来自于一位马来西亚的禅修者——何德伦先生,   他拥有30多年教授禅修的经验,并在德加尼亚禅师指导下修习四念处。何德伦老师分享在四念处修习当中的一些要点,无论对于初学者还是有多年禅修经验的人都有很大的助益。

长假结束啦,各位贤友回到了工作岗位,在日常生活中禅修离不开工作禅,德加尼亚禅师一直说,佛法与生活不能分开, 生活每一个方面都是修习,都是在培养心善巧的品质。何老师在这篇文章中,很好的与我们分享了一些工作禅的要点。祝福大家不为工作所累,善法增上。Bye for now~



愿你不匆忙人生的故事多烦忧愿你不烦忧天涯海角 不离自心我愿你心中守得一片宁静










然后,我们就可以清楚的反思,目前的情况对我们的心理健康,平静或无压力状态是否有害? 或者也可能是我们的心还没有能力和技巧来处理当前的状况,所以会产生压力。我们是否准备好耐心地面对,甚至对外面的发生怀有慈悲心?我们可以从这些情况中里学到些什么来培养心中的善的品质?这些都会为我们的心理健康加码。如果对你而言,你的心理健康真的很重要。 

At work, we constantly face various  issues ranging from overwork to unfairness, favouritism to backbiting or inconsiderateness to extreme stress. In any working environment these issues are unavoidable and in fact rather common. How best can we handle such situations?

The answer depends on what you are more concerned with: your mind’s health or clamouring for worldly wealth. If the latter, each will have one’s own manipulatory skills in getting what one wants, regardless of whether it goes against one’s conscience or causes hurt to anyone else in the midst of one’s pursuit, so long as what one wants is what one finally gets.

If you are concerned about your mind’s health, here is what you need to do. First, recognise that the situation you are in is what it is. It is a situation which you have chosen to be in. Even if the situation is such that you were forced or put into it, what you need to do is to acknowledge the situation first – acknowledging that what is happening outside your mind IS WHAT IT IS.

The sooner you acknowledge this, the sooner you will find your way to peace. What is outside of our mind is what we cannot determine or control. They are effects from whatever conditions which have made them happen. There is little you can do to what has already happened, but you can do something now to change its direction and that involves the second important part – you.

Your attitude towards what is happening, and the happening itself, must not be confused or mixed up. They are both different realities altogether. What happens cannot actually hurt us but  our attitude towards what is happening can. Why? Because attitude is our direct experience. If we sulk about it, sulking is our wrong attitude, our unavoidable experience. If we are angry about it, anger is our only experience. The story our mind tells will be our experience. And it hurts, not because of something outside of us, rather because of the story the mind tells us.

Once this is recognised clearly, then only can we begin to take charge of our mind’s health, giving utmost importance to it, instead of what is outside of our mind. And how do we go about that? By having the right attitude to be aware of our mind’s habitual negative tendencies. And what does that mean? It means observing our own mind as a kind of phenomenon, a kind of process, that seemingly has a life of its own, triggered by whatever happening that can take place; and that if we do not see it objectively, it will hurt us again – making us unknowingly believe that it is the outside world that is hurting us instead of our own mind.

Why is knowing our mind very important? That is because our suffering actually comes from how our mind relates to the world. Once we get this understanding clearly and right, then only can we properly reflect on or evaluate the situation outside of us - otherwise our suffering will be projected onto that event and that event will then seemingly make us feel that that is what we are unhappy about. This will confuse the actual happening as the real cause is not where we first thought it is.

We can then clearly reflect on whether the condition where we are in is detrimental to our mind’s health, to our peace or to our being stress-free, or it can also be that our mind does not yet have the skills to handle the situation, thus conditioning stress as a result. Is there a readiness in us to be patient, or even to be compassionate with what is taking place outside? What can we learn from the situation so as to develop virtues in our minds? All these adds up to our mind’s health. If your mind’s health really matters to you.



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