
Laughter and Latte: A Night at the Theatre 欢笑和拿铁:剧院的夜晚

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17


On February 6, Yew Chung International School of Beijing Secondary students wowed their friends and family with an exciting and comical evening at the theatre. "Laughter and Latte - A Night of Two One-Act Plays" brought together students from Years 6-13 to showcase their artistic talents, as well as to support the Help a Child Smile (HACS) charity in Beijing.


Daniel Pearton, Head of the Arts at YCIS Beijing, explains more, including the valuable lessons in teamwork that students learned during the months of preparation leading up to the performance.

北京耀中国际学校艺术部总监Daniel Pearton解释道,学生在准备表演的几个月中学到了包括团队合作精神在内的很多东西。

Young Talents 青年才俊

The Years 6-8 Production, "The Next Generation", was a comedic performance about the myriad ways that phones have changed our lives. Amongst an ensemble of terrific performances, it was wonderful to see Aliya Drisner shine in such a large role.

6-8年级学生的作品"下一代",是一部关于手机改变我们生活方式的喜剧。在众多的精彩表演中,Aliya Drisner对角色的演绎十分出众。

To learn more, please click "Read More" below.


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