
“Animazing Night” Charity Dinner “萌宠之夜”慈善晚宴

An important element of the IB Diploma Programme is Creativity, Activity, Service – or CAS. In addition to academic studies, every student taking the IBDP completes a CAS project, the purpose of which is to develop skills such as collaboration and decision making as well as expanding personal interests.


This year, Year 12 students Kersi, Teresa, Maisy, Selina and Cici, devoted their CAS project to the organisation of the annual student charity dinner. The dinner was named “Animazing Night”, in aid of local Beijing animal rescue charity A Voice for Animals. 


Beijing Indian restaurant The Taj Pavilion generously sponsored the evening, laying on a spectacular feast for over 40 guests made up of teachers, students, families and A Voice for Animals charity workers. Our Year 12s also arranged a raffle and an auction to raise additional funds during the dinner.


“It’s plain to see that our students have a strong commitment to charity,” said Ms Prachi Gupta, Year 12-13 Learning Community Leader. “They are filled with kindness and generosity, and are motivated by charitable causes. I think this is in large part thanks to our unique Character Education Programme which strives to instil the charitable and social values that lie at the heart of Global Citizenship.”

“很显然,我们的学生对慈善事业抱有坚定的信念,”12-13年级学习社区负责人Prachi Gupta女士说, “他们善良慷慨,受到慈善事业的激励。我认为这很大程度上是得益于我们独特的品格教育计划,该计划致力于培养全球公民身份核心的慈善意识和社会价值观。”

To read more about the dinner and find out how much our students raised, click "Read more" below.


[FUNDRAISER] A Night to Remember: The Seeds of Hope Charity Gala 盛大的夜晚:希望种子晚宴

[CHARITY] Seeds of Hope: Spreading Love and Charity 希望种子:传播爱和慈善

[CHARITY] Getting Involved with Giving Back 感受回馈

