
The Shiozukas: French Food and Fresh Fruit 法国食物和新鲜水果:Shiozuka家庭

In our family profile this week we talk to the Shiozuka Family: Mum Rieko, Dad Hiroshi, and children Yuji and Risae, who moved to Beijing this summer.


Please introduce yourselves


We are the Shiozukas, from Tokyo. Rieko and I met in 1991 at our first jobs at Canon – where I have been working ever since. In 1998, we relocated to Paris and, two years later, Amsterdam. Our first two children were born in Amsterdam – Erina, who is still in Japan, and Yuji who has just started Year 12. Our little girl, Risae, is in Year 5. 

我们是来自东京的Shiozuka家庭。 Rieko和我于1991年在佳能—我的第一份工作中相遇,从那时起我一直在那里工作。1998年,我们搬到巴黎,两年后搬到了阿姆斯特丹。我们的前两个孩子出生在阿姆斯特丹—现在居住在日本的Erina和刚刚开始12年级的Yuji。我们的小女儿Risae现在读5年级。

What do you hope to bring home with you from this experience? 


[Hiroshi] I hope that this international education will help our children become more global in their outlook, and to communicate with people from around the world. This is why we chose YCIS Beijing rather than the Japanese school.


[Reiko] I would like to learn to cook some Chinese dishes! When we were in Paris, I learned to cook French food which we have loved ever since. 


What do you miss the most from home?


[Reiko] We miss Erina very much. Over Chinese New Year, I am going back to Tokyo to support her with university entrance exams. I can’t wait to see her.


To continue reading the interview with the Shiozuka family - including the best and worst bits about the move according to Yuji and Risae - click “Read more” below.


Welcome Shiozukas to the YCIS Beijing family!


[FAMILY PROFILE] The Friia Family: Beijing Ducks and Max the Dog 耀中Friia家庭:篮球和狗狗

[FAMILY PROFILE] From Russia with Love... And Four Children 有爱的俄罗斯六口之家

[STUDENT PROFILE] Francesco Babs: The Modest Scholar 谦虚的奖学金获得者: Francesco Babs

