
Giving Back to the Community with CAS 用CAS回馈社区

Last week, many well-known Beijing based NGOs and other non-profit organisations attended our Yew Chung International School of Beijing’s Annual CAS Fair. The goal of this annual fair is to provide students with meaningful and impactful opportunities and a chance for them to get involved in areas such as Creativity, Activity, and Service within our School and the Beijing wider community. 


Qualifying for the IB Diploma relies on a variety of factors and requirements and primarily being immersed in a holistic learning environment which our School extensively promotes. This means that students are required to engage in CAS activities not only to achieve the IB Diploma but also the demanding YCIS Beijing Diploma.


Invited NGOs

The main purpose of the CAS fair is to encourage students to volunteer and give back to the community. “We try to invite as many NGOs as we can every year” said Prachi Gupta, IB Diploma Programme Coordinator. The School only chooses NGOs who are open to providing opportunities for students to become volunteers. “Some of these NGOs have worked with our School for many years and they recruit students for voluntary work.” She added. Volunteerism brings awareness to students on what is happening in the world around them, a crucial element in developing character, one of our School’s core principles.


CAS的主要目的是鼓励学生参与义工活动,回馈社会。IB课程主管Prachi Gupta表示:“我们每年都会尽可能多地邀请非政府组织。”学校只选择那些愿意为学生提供志愿者机会的非政府组织。“其中一些非政府组织与我们学校合作多年,他们招募学生从事志愿者工作。”她补充道。志愿服务让学生意识到他们周围的世界正在发生什么,这是培养性格的一个关键因素,也是我们学校的核心原则之一。

Present at the fair were NGOs such as Educating Rural Girls in China, Roundabout and the Yale Club which have given our students many opportunities in the past to get directly involved, not only by spreading awareness, but also allowing students to contribute positively with their ideas and have an impact on the organisation itself and subsequently to community. 


"Another example of a good partner is the Migrants Children Foundation, where our students have had the opportunity to teach younger children.” Prachi explained: "We look for these kinds of opportunities where we want our students to interact and connect as well in the community” she ended. Roots and Shoots, a long-term partner, was also present at the fair. Their mission, in line with our in-school efforts, is to encourage adopting a green and sustainable lifestyle with a focus on nature conservation.


To read more about the opportunities offered by CAS, click “Read More” below.


[CAS]  Understanding CAS  了解CAS

[CHARITY] How Do We Teach Charity? 我们如何教授慈善事业?

[CHARITY DINNER] “Animazing Night” Charity Dinner “萌宠之夜”慈善晚宴

