
How Do We Teach Charity? 我们如何教授慈善事业?

This week Mr Casey Fanning discusses the role of charity at YCIS Beijing, and other ways in which we aim to grow and develop the whole person.

本周,Casey Fanning先生为我们讲述了慈善事业在北京耀中的地位,以及我们发展和全面培养学生的其他方式。

What is Seeds of Hope?


Seeds of Hope is our foundation-wide expression of charity, begun following the Sichuan earthquake in 2008. Seeds of Hope partners with non-profit organisations to bring better education and opportunities to disadvantaged children and marginalised communities.


How do we fundraise for Seeds of Hope?


Each year, schools across the Yew Chung and Yew Wah network join forces to hold foundation-wide fundraisers for Seeds of Hope, such the PO Charity Gala and the Piggy Bank initiative. As well as large scale events, each YCIS and YWIES school run their own local charity events such as Global Community Day.


What is Character Education at YCIS Beijing?


Many students at the school will know of me through my role in Character Education. In Primary, I have monthly Character Ed classes where we explore positive character traits to complement academic, social and personal development. In Secondary these themes are explored in assemblies, charity projects, tutor times and school trips. 


What’s it all for?


Through our work with charity and holistic education, we aim to raise students who are thoughtful, compassionate and responsible in all walks of life. This lies at the heart of our endeavour to raise Global Citizens fit for the 21st century. 


To read Mr Fanning’s full article on Seeds of Hope, charity, Character Education and holistic student wellness, click “Read more” below.


[CHARITY] Getting Involved with Giving Back 感受回馈

[FUNDRAISER] Ten out of Ten for our 10th Annual GCD! 第十届年度环球社区日满分!

[FUNDRAISER] “Animazing Night” Charity Dinner “萌宠之夜”慈善晚宴

