The Portrait of a YCIS Student | 何为北京耀中学生
At the beginning of the semester, the Primary School leadership team at YCIS Beijing implemented the concept of ‘Portrait of a YCIS Beijing Student Council Representative’, which emulated the teachers’ version of the same concept. The idea was created to serve as a blueprint of how an exemplary student in our school is.
According to Jane Martuneac Kang, “We initially devised ‘A Portrait of a YCIS Beijing Student Council Representative’ for students to select their Student Council representatives. The reason was to give criteria for what we believed would be a fitting representative," she said.
Jane Martuneac Kang老师说道:“我们最初设计这个概念是为了选拔学生会代表,我们希望一个适合的学生代表能满足这些标准。”
The benchmark of a portrait of a YCIS student, however, does not only apply to learners who wish to run for council, but the hope is also that all students aspire to this and become great ambassadors of the school.
Sometimes we say to our students, "You are wearing the YCIS logo. Therefore, you are YCIS. So be mindful of that. But it was important for us to clearly define what is a YCIS student and what we hope for students to be, and so we thought this was important for the students to be able to have something to emulate." Almost like small goals for themselves.
Ms Martuneac Kang also shared some of the criteria students should follow to meet these standards;
Be collaborative
Clearly and confidently communicate
Be responsible
Have passion
There are also endless other opportunities for students who embody these qualities, the main one being a member of the student council, but "there are other times of added responsibility, for example, being given a leadership position during special school events such as Global Community Day", Ms Kang added.
To read more about what an exemplary YCIS BJ student embodies, click the "Read More" button below.
Enhancing Character Through Leadership 培养领导力提升品格
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