
Summary of Polices and Questions for Foreigners Entering China

iVisaChina iVisaChina 2023-03-14

Since February, with the increasingly serious global epidemic situation, while continuing to strengthen the prevention and control of domestic epidemic, the Ministry of foreign affairs, the State Immigration Administration, the Civil Aviation Administration, the State Health Commission, and the General Administration of Customs have taken a series of measures to effectively prevent risks of epidemic from overseas.

Today, we will make a briefing on the entry of foreigners during the epidemic prevention and control, including inbound visa policies, civil aviation flight control, entry quarantine policies and other related matters.



Besides, we have made a summary on the topics that everyone may concern:



During the epidemic, how can foreign nationals enter China under the current policy? 现阶段下,外籍人员可通过何种途径入境中国?
At present, foreigners can enter China through "fast track" or normal way, and a valid visa to enter China should be applied.



How to apply for a valid visa?如何申请签证?
In addition to the regular required materials, such as passport, visa application form, photos and so on. A special invitation letter issued by the Chinese government will also be needed. 

For the invitation letter, the employer shall submit application to the Business Committee of the district where the company is registered or the business service center of the street, and follow further instructions.





How to enter China with " Fast Track "?如何通过“快捷通道”入境中国?
South Korea: Relevant Korean personnel can apply for visa to China with the invitation letter issued by the Chinese local government and the health certificate issued by the medical institution designated by the Ministry of Health and Wellbeing of South Korea. After passing the health monitoring and quarantine inspection, the isolation time after entry can be shortened, and then they can be effectively managed in the whole process according to the closed-loop principle (it is forbidden to take public transport after entering China. You must use private vehicles to travel and monitor your health status at all times.). Details please refer to: Fast Track(1): China and South Korea establish a "Fast Track"

韩国:相关韩方人员可持中国地方政府签发的邀请函、韩国保健福祉部指定医疗机构出具的健康证明等材料按规定申请来华签证后入境中国,经过健康监测、检疫检测合格,可以缩短入境后的隔离时间,其后总体按闭环原则全程接受有效管理 (入境后禁止乘坐公共交通工具,须使用私人车辆出行,并时刻对自己的状态进行监控) 。详情请参考:5月起,中韩“快捷通道”来啦!

Germany: Foreign personnel who are required by the project or for humanitarian, their companies can get in touch with the German Chamber of Commerce, fill in the relevant forms, and German Chamber of Commerce will give them feedback.

Mandatory COVID-19 test is required before departure from Germany and the proof of negative test result valid 48 hours before departure issued by local health authorities should be provided. Details please refer to: Fast Track(2): German Executives Are Expected Back to China

德国:因项目需求或出于人道主义需要的外籍人员可以联系公司负责人,以公司的名义与德国商会取得联系,填报相关表格,德商会就具体信息给予反馈。申请人需在出发前至当地卫生部门进行COVID-19检测,出具出发前48小时有效的阴性检测结果证明。抵达上海后还将接受中方进一步边境检疫及隔离措施。详情请参考:Fast Track(2): German Executives Are Expected Back to China

Singapore: Chinese and Singaporean business and official travelers can apply for visas after their applications approved by the authority. The applicants need to have COVID-19 test within 48 hours before leaving their country, after arriving the destination, they should have test again and going through quarantine procedures. If the result is negative, they do not need additional isolation, otherwise, the positive testers need to receive treatment at the destination. All cost of the test, quarantine and treatment shall be borne by the applicants. Passengers using the "Fast Track" must strictly follow the itinerary approved by the authority in advance. Details please refer to: Fast Track(3):China and Singapore Launch "Fast Track" from 8 Jun

新加坡:中新双方申请人员需要通过对方负责接待的企业和政府机构提出申请,经主管部门审批同意后才可以按规定开始申请签证。申请人员在离境前48小时需要接受新冠病毒检测,检测费用自理。入境后,相关人须再次接受检测,合格者无须接受额外隔离,确诊者则需在目的地接受治疗,费用自理。出行期间,利用“快捷通道”的旅客必须严格遵照事前经过主管单位审批的行程。详情请参考:Fast Track(3):China and Singapore Launch "Fast Track" from 8 Jun


How to enter China through normal way?如何通过普通方式入境?
  • Foreigners with diplomatic, official, courtesy, C visa and China green card will not be affected. 

  • Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan can enter China mainland normally and receive further border quarantine after entry.

  • Foreigners who meet "certain conditions" can enter China after obtained new Chinese visa.

  • 持有外交、公务、礼遇、C字签证和中国绿卡的外国人不受影响,购买机票后,正常入境;

  • 港澳台人员可正常入境,入境后接受进一步边境检疫及隔离措施。

  • 符合“一定条件”的外籍人士向中国驻外使领馆申办签证后可购买机票入境中国,入境后接受中方进一步边境检疫及隔离措施。


What are the inspection and quarantine measures after entering China?入境相关的检测和隔离措施有哪些?
Due to the different local government policies at the destination, the time for centralized quarantine will be from 2 to 21 days.
  1. All passengers must take virus test 48 hours before departure, and only negative testers can board.

  2. During the flight, corresponding epidemic prevention measures will be taken,and the temperature of each passenger will be measured every four hours.

  3. In some places, passengers are allowed to go through " Fast Track ", they only need to have centralized quarantine for 48 hours if the COVID-19 test result is negative; while in other places, passengers are required to be isolated for 14 days after landing, and if the landing city is not the final destination, they will also be required to continue the quarantine according to the requirements of the destination city. 


  1. 由于所有乘客在起飞48小时前须先接受核酸检测,结果显示为阴性的人员方可登机

  2. 飞机航行期间也将采取相应的防疫措施,每四个小时空乘人员会为每位乘客测量体温

  3. 有些地方允许包机乘客走快捷通道,那么乘客在登机签和落地后的核酸测试结果为阴性的情况下,只需要集中隔离48小时;有的地方规定必须在落地后隔离14天,而且若落地城市不是最终目的地,还需要根据目的地城市的要求继续隔离。

  4. 相关隔离政策以地方政府的规定为准。


What are the “reward” and “circuit breaker” mechanism for airlines?什么是国际航班的熔断和奖励措施?
  1. Reward mechanism: if there is no passenger whose nucleic acid test result is positive in the same airline flight for three consecutive weeks, the airline is allowed to increase one flight per week within the range of flight volume specified in the airline business license, maximum two.

  2. Circuit breaker mechanism: if the number of passengers whose nucleic acid test results are positive in a single entry flight on the international route operated by an airline reaches 5, the airline's flight on that route will be suspended for one week, and if it reaches 10, it will be suspended for four weeks.

  1. 奖励措施,是指航空公司同一航线航班如果连续3周没有核酸检测结果为阳性的旅客,则允许其在航线经营许可规定的航班量范围内增加每周1班,最多达到2班。

  2. 熔断措施,是指航空公司在所运营国际航线上的单个入境航班中,核酸检测结果为阳性的旅客人数达到5个,则该航司该航线航班暂停1周,若达到10个,则暂停4周。


Relevant policies for access to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.香港、澳门、台湾出入相关政策。
Hong Kong: On June 2, Hong Kong announced the extension of compulsory quarantine for mainland, Macao and Taiwan arrivals for one month, until July 7; the extension of compulsory quarantine for overseas arrivals for three months, until September 18.


Macao: Foreigners are not allowed to enter. Passengers from mainland Hong Kong and Taiwan. Residents of the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan have been to foreign countries 14 days before entering the territory of China. They are allowed to enter Hong Kong and Taiwan 14 days before entering the territory of China, but they are required to receive medical observation at the designated place for 14 days after entering the territory.


Taiwan: Non-residents of Taiwan are not allowed to enter.



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