

赞居®iReloChina iVisaChina 2023-03-14


In order to attract more tourist and temporary visa holders to help Australia's economic recovery, the Australian Home Office officially issued the latest visa policy on February 25, 2021, which allows eligible applicants to apply for subclass 600(Visitor) visa free of charge.


What is a Subclass 600(Visitor) Visa?

  •  旅游系列:赴澳度假、休闲或探亲访友。

    Tourism series: To Australia for vacation, leisure or visit friends

  • 商务访客系列:赴澳进行短期商务访问。

    Business visitor series: Short term business visit to Australia.

  • 担保类家庭系列:赴澳探亲。申请人必须有担保人。担保人可能会被要求支付保证金。

    Guarantee family series: Visiting relatives in Australia. The applicant must have a guarantor. Guarantors may be required to pay deposit.

  • 被批准的旅游目的地签证系列:中国公民参团赴澳旅游。

    Approved tourist destination visa series: Chinese citizens travel to Australia in groups.


Points for Attention in the Subclass 600(Visitor) Visa


  • 持600类访客签证的旅客不能在澳大利亚工作;

    Visitors with category 600 visa are not allowed to work in Australia.

  • 持此签证者可以一次或多次出入澳大利亚,每次停留不超过三个月、六个月或十二个月;

     The holder of this visa can enter and leave Australia one or more times with a stay of no more than three months, six months or twelve months.

  • 申请人可以在申请中指明其希望的出入境次数及停留时间,但签证官员会根据申请人的个人情况发放签证;

    In the application, the applicant can specify the number of times and the length of stay he wishes to enter to Australia, but the visa officer will issue the visa according to the individual situation of the applicant;

  • 一般情况下,3个月的访客签证已能够满足绝大多数访澳者的需要。如需签发停留期限更长的签证,则需要符合特定的条件;

    Generally speaking, a three-month visa can meet the needs of the vast majority of visitors to Australia. If you need to issue a visa for a longer period of stay, you need to meet specific conditions.

  • 此签证是为了满足申请人短期访问澳大利亚而设的签证类别。因此在一般情况下,此签证不能作在澳停留超过12个月之用;也不能借助此签证,实现在澳长期居住的目的。

    This visa is designed for short-term visit to Australia. Therefore, under normal circumstances, this visa can not be used to stay in Australia for more than 12 months, nor can it be used to achieve the purpose of long-term residence in Australia.


What are the Conditions for Free Applications for Subclass 600(Visitor) Visa?


  • 申请人本次递交时需要在澳洲境外;

    The applicant needs to be outside of Australia at the time of this submission.

  • 本次签证免费申请时间是2021年2月27日-2022年12月31日之间;

    This visa application is free from February 27, 2021 to December 31, 2022.

  • 此前签证是2021年3月21日之前在澳洲境外获得的600访客签证,包含一年/三年有效期的旅游、探亲访友、商务访问目的,但不包含10年有效期访客签证;

    The previous subclass 600(Visitor) visa was obtained outside of Australia before March 21, 2021, including one-year/ three-year valid purposes of travel, visiting relatives and friends and business visit, but excluding 10-year valid visitor visa.

  • 此前签证有效期于2020年3月20日至2021 年12月31日之间过期或者将会过期;

    The previous visa period expired or will expire between March 20, 2020 and December 31, 2021.

  • 此前签证为多次往返签证;或者是还没有持其入境的单次往返签证;

    The previous visa is a multiple round trip visa, or a single round-trip visa that has not yet entered the country.

  • 免签证费只有一次申请机会,不管结果如何,都不可以再次申请免签证费。

    There is only one chance to apply for visa free, no matter what the result is, you can not apply for visa free fee again


Documents to be Prepared for Applying for the Subclass 600(Visitor) Visa?


  • 签证申请表格(1419CHS)

    Visa application form1419CHS

  • 家庭成员表(54表中英文)

    Family member form (No.54 in Chinese and English)

  • 护照原件(如有旧护照,也要一起提供)

    Original passport (if there is an old passport, it should also be provided together)

  • 近期护照照片1张

    One recent passport photo

  • 户口本整本复印件

    Copy of the whole household register

  • 资金证明:(如果是学生,提供父母名下的资金证明)

    Proof of funds: (in case of students, proof of funds in the name of their parents)

  • 工作证明、退休人员提供退休证复印件、学生需要提供在读证明

    Work certificate, retirees to provide a copy of the retirement certificate, students need to provide proof of learning

  • 赴澳商务访问提供邀请函、赴澳旅游需提供单位准假信、赴澳探亲访友的申请人需提供邀请人的护照或澳大利亚签证的复印件

    Invitation letter for business visit to Australia, unit leave letter for travel to Australia, and passport or Australian visa copy of the invitees for visiting relatives and friends in Australia



According to the situation of the applicant and the reasons for the visit, additional supporting materials are needed. You can contact with iReloChina for more information.


In China, the Australian visa application center is still closed and only accepts online applications. The Australian immigration administration has been stagnant in its review of visa applications: Althoughit can be submitted, visa applications will be suspended without special reasons. If the applicant is not in a particular hurry, iReloChina suggests that you postpone the application.



The Australian border is still closed, and the "ban" has been extended to June 17, 2021. Only the following persons can enter to Australia:

  • 澳大利亚公民

    Australian citizen

  • 澳大利亚居民

    Australian residents

  • 直系亲属

    Immediate family

  • 过去14天都在新西兰的旅客(不包括奥克兰)

    Visitors who have been in New Zealand for the past 14 days (excluding Auckland)

  • 出于同情(以及其他一些原因)批准豁免入境

    For compassionate (and other reasons) reasons



Currently, the scheduled vaccines in Australia have arrived one after another in recent days, and the vaccination work will also begin. We hope that with the vaccination in Australia, study, work and life will gradually return to normal as soon as possible!

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