
How to Bring Pets to China from Abroad?

赞居®iReloChina iVisaChina 2023-03-14

Recently some friends inquired how to bring pets to China from abroad. Today, iReloChina will talk about this topic.


Chinese law allows entry personnel to bring pets (dogs or cats) into China, and one person can only bring one pet per entry. Pets brought into China must be subject to customs quarantine and supervision in accordance with the relevant provisions of  the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China  and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Entry-Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine and its implementation regulations.



China Customs implements classified management for pets brought into China according to designated countries or regions and non-designated countries or regions:


Pets from designated countries or regions


Designated countries or regions include NewZealand, Australia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Hawaii, Guam, Jamaica, Iceland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Cyprus, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau.


Pets brought into the country from the above-mentioned countries or regions should provide a valid quarantine certificate and vaccination certificate issued by the official exporting countries or regions, and effective electronic chips shall be implanted.


The on-site quarantine of China customs mainly includes verification of official quarantine certificate, chip and on-site clinical examination.


Pets from non-designated countries or regions


Non designated countries or regions refer to all countries or regions except those listed above.


Pets from non-designated countries and regions should provide official quarantine certificate, vaccination certificate, rabies antibody test report (antibody titer or immune antibody amount must be more than 0.5IU/ml) issued by the laboratory of China Customs, and implanted with chips.


The on-site quarantine of China customs mainly includes the verification of official quarantine certificate, vaccination certificate, rabies antibody titer test results, chip and on-site clinical examination.


Matters for attention


1. The chip implanted by the pet must comply with the international standards ISO 11784 and 11785. The 15-digit microchip code contains only numbers and must be read by a reader. If the chip does not meet the above standards, the reader and writer that can read the implanted chip shall be provided.

宠物植入的芯片须符合国际标准ISO 11784和11785。15位微芯片代码只包含数字,并确保可被读写器读取。如芯片不符合上述标准,应自备可以读取所植入芯片的读写器。

2. The vaccine received by pets should be inactivated virus vaccine or recombinant/modified vaccine, not live virus vaccine.


3. Pets must arrive within the "validity periodof rabies vaccination" and "validity period of rabies antibody test".


4. Pets must undergo animal health clinical examination conducted by the official organization of the exporting country or region within 14 days before arrival. To ensure that there is no infection of <the people's Republic of China imported animals quarantine diseaseslist> related animal infectious diseases and parasitic diseases, including rabies.


5. The official quarantine certificate must include the following contents. If there are any defects in the certificate, the pet will be returned or destroyed.


Pet information (including breed, scientific name, gender, coat color, date of birth or age)


Number, date and implantation site of the implanted chip


Results and date of animal health clinical examination


If the above contents are altered, the certificate will be invalid.



When entering China Customs, declare at the customs and fill in the Registration for Pet Dongs and Cats Carried by Passengers.



1. Pets will be released on the spot after passing the on-site quarantine.


2. Pets that cannot provide official quarantine certificate or vaccination certificate shall be returned or destroyed.


3. For pets that cannot provide one or both of the rabies antibody test report issued by the laboratory approved by the Chinese Customs and the chip is not implanted (including the inability to provide or the unqualified materials), they will be treated in isolation for 30 days.


4. Pets with symptoms of zoonotic diseases or parasitic diseases found in the on-site clinical examination should be isolated and quarantined.


5. Pets that do not need to be quarantined can brought into China through any port. Pets that need to be quarantined are only allowed to be brought into China at ports with quarantine conditions. Pets that need to be quarantined will be returned or destroyed if they are brought into China from non-designated ports without quarantine conditions.


The list of ports with quarantine conditions for imported pets is as follows


Beijing Capital Airport, Beijing West Railway Station, Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Shanghai Railway Station, Shanghai International Passenger Transport Center, Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal, Urumqi Diwopu International Airport, Alashankou.


During the current COVID-19, not all flights have opened pet transportation service. Please confirm with the airlines in advance. According to China's current immigration policy, all people entry to China need to be isolation. If your pet is released smoothly, whether it can be isolated with you, please consult with the staff of the Health and Quarantine Bureau at the airport and follow the arrangement.


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