

English88 Steven 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

If the shoe fits (, wear it)

Definition: used to tell someone that you think a criticism of them is true. 



A: So you think I'm liar? 

B: Well, if the shoe fits!

A: 你说我在撒谎吗?

B: 你就承认吧,你!

I know you don't like being called unreliable, but if the shoe fits, wear it. 


A: Why do teachers always treat me like some kind of troublemaker? 

B: If the shoe fits! 

A: 为什么老师们总是把我当捣乱分子看待呀?

B: 他们可说得没错呀!

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Good morning, guys and gals, good morning, good morning. Did I say good morning? I said good morning but, good  afternoon, good evening and… just in case you're about to sleep, good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. Okay, guys and gals, that's all for today. This is Steven, thank you for tuning in and I'll see you next time. Haha… byebye! 哎!小光头,你快点回来!Sorry…sorry, sorry, sorry. I…um…well, I'm sorry. Alright, I was just kidding, gooooood morning guys and gals, what a wonderful, beautiful Monday morning. Good morning, good morning, good morning, Cookie Monster, C is for cookie that's good enough for me… Ahem…what should we talk about today? 

Cookie Monster: Let's talk about cookies, hahahaha…

Nah,I don't think that's an appropriate topic for an English learning channel. 

Cookie Monster: Um…let's talk about the expression "if the shoe fits, wear it!"

Okay, sounds fun, let's do that. 

Okay guys and gals, sometimes being truthful is hard, especially when you have to tell a person something unpleasant. There is a phrase in American English that is used for this purpose. Okay, if someone says to you, "if the shoe fits, wear it," or simply the ellipsis "if the shoe fits," they're saying that if something applies to you then you should accept it. Alright, let's take a look at the first example: 

Okay guys and gals, the definition of "If the shoe fits, wear it" is: to tell someone that you think a criticism of them is true. Here's another example: 

Cookie Monster: Sentence 3, cookies! Hahahaha…

Olivia: Hi, 小光头.

Steven: Hey Olivia, how's your personal life? 

Olivia: I don't like busybodies, Steven. 

Steven: Are you calling me a busybody? 

Olivia: If the shoe fits, wear it! 

Steven: Aww…okay, I see how it is between us.

Oh, by the way, guys and gals, it can be so mean or unkind to say this expression to someone. Usually you would say or you would ask, "Hey Olivia, how's your love life?" Whoo…which is even more direct. So you should use this phrase only with people you know very well. You know what I mean? 

Thank you, thank you, I love you all. Thank you so much, click "like." Thank you, thank you, thank you, leave a comment. Thank you, thank you, follow our 微信公众号. Thank you, thank you, goodbye. Thank you, thank you so much…

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