

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

What's the damage ? (humorous)

Definition: Used to ask how much you have to pay for something.


I love this sweater! Excuse me, sir, what's the damage?

我非常喜欢这件毛衣! 对不起,先生,打扰一下,多少钱呢?

Looks expensive. What was the damage, if you don't mind me asking?


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up everybody? It's Mr.Wong here. We finally made it to the weekend! Nice! So last night was my friend's birthday, the rest of the sqaud(老王和朋友之间的小团队) were too lazy to throw a party for him, mainly because we didn't wanna clean up. So we decided to celebrate his birthday in a super fancy restaurant. Boy! Let me tell ya, it was a really nice restaurant, the steaks were really tender and juicy, one of the best steaks I've had in my life.

So we all decided to chip in(共同出钱) for the bill. My friends asked the waiter, "what's the damage?" He was like, "675 dollars, not including gratuity(小费)." Oh my goodness, looks like we ain't going back there again. Haha, and speaking of "what's the damage", that's gonna be our phrase of the day, let's check it out!






Guilty as charged 原来是这个意思啊!?(口语必杀技)








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