
【原创】​【口语必杀技】What's the catch?

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

What's the catch?

Definition: We use it when something sounds good, but we are worried about any hidden problems. We are asking what the drawbacks are. When something is too good to be true, we ask, " What's the catch?"

有什么对我不利的方面吗?/ 有什么隐藏条件吗?/ 有什么意图?/ 有什么目的? / 有什么内幕?

a / the catch (n.)

(usually singular)

Definition: A hidden problem or difficulty.


A: Hey! Mr.Wong, what's the catch? 

B: The catch is..., you have to be my girlfriend.

A: 喂!老王,你有什么企图?

B: 条件是你必须做我女朋友。

A: You could have my computer.

B: Really? Wait a second, what's the catch?

A: 我的电脑给你吧。

B: 真的? 等一等,有什么条件?

A: What's the catch?

B: The catch is, you have to treat me out to dinner.

A: 有什么隐藏条件吗?

B: 条件就是你必须请我吃晚饭。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Why(感叹词) hello there! This is Mr.Wong speaking. I've got a friend, well he's not really my friend, we were just in the same class. He pulled up to my driveway, and I didn't know it was him. But damn, he was driving a really nice Tesla(名车). When he was getting out of his car, he waved at me as he was grabbing a box of stuff. Turns out this guy was trying to sell me something. And you know it because we haven't talked for over 10 years, and when he comes with a box of things, he's probably trying to sell something.

"Hello Wong, did you know that water filter is good for your health? Stop drinking the dirty water from your sink, most Americans have Alzheimer's(老人痴呆症) because they drink water from the sink. Our clean water filter has all the minerals you need! I can give you the water filter for free!"

I'm like, hell no, it's too good to be true! So I asked, "What's the catch?" "Oh, no, no, no, my friend, no catch. What you have to do is - sell 10 of these water filters for me, and we will give you the money for the ones you sell, but you can have the one we give you!"

I thought to myself, "Holy crap! This is like a pyramid scheme(金字塔骗局;非法传销)!" So I went home and locked the door. He stayed in my front yard for 15 minutes then left. I didn't feel sorry for him because well..., he drives a Tesla(名车)! Haha, just kidding. So today's phrase of the day is "what's the catch?" Let's check it out!

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A good catch 又是什么意思呢?

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