
【原创】【口语必杀技】 Can't get enough of…

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

can't get enough of (sth/sb)

Definition: To enjoy something so much that you want more and more of it.


I can't get enough of his new album, I've been listening to it all day!


I can't get enough of this apple pie!


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hello there, this is Mr.Wong speaking. It's the Lunar New Year, I wish everybody a happy rat year. Haha, since it's the rat year, let's start off with a quick joke, here we go!

The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple pie without any cheese, because the guest loves cheese and he was really looking forward to it! But unfortunately they were all out of cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest's plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said, "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?" "In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.

↑ a rat-trap ↑

Hahahaha, alright, so today's phrase of the day is "can't get enough of something or someone," Let's check it out!

大家好我是Mr.Wong,在这个鼠年里我祝你们无论做什么事情都是鼠一鼠二,众望所鼠,如鼠家珍,鼠钱吉祥,神仙眷鼠,乐不思鼠,聪明如鼠,鼠年钱黏,一家眷鼠,吐鼠不凡,范张鸡鼠,鼠不胜鼠,金鼠报喜, 再来个鼠钱鼠到手抽筋,財源滾滾鼠不完,最后如果有认真听的话……我的心……鼠于你,哈哈好的!



实 体 例 句

On the other hand, the more rare caviar becomes, the more we can’t get enough of it.


(we can't get enough of it / people can't get enough of it = 某东西很受欢迎)

Why Is Caviar So Expensive?

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Same here (Homeless People 2) 

I was like... (Homeless People 3) 



Knock yourself out ! 竟然是这个意思!?




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