
专著推荐 |《语言教育中身份和互动的复杂性》

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09

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联系人王老师 13501892122 电话同微信


The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education

主编: Nathanael Rudolph, Ali Fuad Selvi, Bedrettin Yazan




国际物流周期8周 (此间需要国际包运货机、海关报关检疫等一系列手续,批量采购进口商品的最快周期)


This book addresses two critical calls pertaining to language education. Firstly, for attention to be paid to the transdisciplinary nature and complexity of learner identity and interaction in the classroom and secondly, for the need to attend to conceptualizations of and approaches to manifestations of (in)equity in the sociohistorical contexts in which they occur. Collectively, the chapters envision classrooms and educational institutions as sites both shaping and shaped by larger (trans)communal negotiations of being and belonging, in which individuals affirm and/or problematize essentialized and idealized nativeness and community membership. The volume, comprised of chapters contributed by a diverse array of researcher-practitioners living, working and/or studying around the globe, is intended to inform, empower and inspire stakeholders in language education to explore, potentially reimagine, and ultimately critically and practically transform, the communities in which they live, work and/or study.



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Nathanael Rudolph, Ali Fuad Selvi, and Bedrettin Yazan: Introduction: The Complexity of Identity and Interaction in Language Education

Section I: Learners, Teachers, and the "Ares," "Cans" and "Shoulds" of Being and Becoming

Chapter 1: Syed Abdul Manan, Maya Khemlani David, Liaquat Ali Channa and Francisco Perlas Dumanig: The Monolingual Bias: A Critique of Idealization and Essentialization in ELT in Pakistan

Chapter 2: Meike Wernicke: Constructing "Other" Identities as a French Second Language Teacher

Chapter 3: Lobat Asadi, Stephanie Moody and Yolanda Padrón: "English is the Commercial Language Whereas Spanish is the Language of My Emotions:" An Exploration of TESOL and Bilingual Teacher Identity and Translanguaging Ideologies

Chapter 4: Véronique Lemoine-Bresson: Identity Dynamics in the Speeches of Language Teachers' in French and German Primary Schools: How Do They Go About Constructing "Interculturality"?

Chapter 5: Jeremy Gombin-Sperling and Melanie Baker Robbins: English in Cuba: Reflections on a Study of Cuban Teachers' and Students' Relationships to English

Section II: Teacher Identity As/In/Beyond Practice

Chapter 6: Şeyma Toker: From Being a Language Teacher to Becoming a Graduate Student-Teacher: in the Midst of Professional Identities

Chapter 7: Naashia Mohamed: Who am I and Where Do I Fit In: A Narrative Analysis of One Teacher's Shifting Identities

Chapter 8: April Salerno and Elena Andrei: Suntem Profesori / We Are Teachers: Self-Exploration as a Pathway to Language Teacher Education

Chapter 9: Alfredo Urzúa: Teacher Identity Construction in Progress: The Role of Classroom Observations and Interactive Reflective Practices in Language Teacher Education

Chapter 10: Sedat Akayoğlu, Babürhan Üzüm and Bedrettin Yazan: Preservice Teachers' Cultural Identity Construction in Telecollaboration

Section III: Learner Negotiations of Identity in and Beyond the Classroom

Chapter 11: Shinji Kawamitsu: Meaning-Making as a Site of Struggle: One Japanese Language Learner's Negotiation with Identity and Writing

Chapter 12: Adolfo Arrieta and Nayibe Rosado: Negotiating Complex Identities through Positionings in On-Going Interaction: A Case Study in a Foreign Language Teacher Education Program in Colombia

Chapter 13: Sarah Hopkyns: Dancing Between English And Arabic: Complexities in Emirati Cultural Identities

Chapter 14: Eliana Hirano and Caroline Payant: The Story of Tabasum: An Exploration of a Refugee Student's Developing Identities

Glenn Toh: Afterword


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