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Celine Dion开幕式穿Dior,不需要穿正式长裙,也穿了Dior休闲套装。话说小编虽然也是Dior粉丝,可是这样的老花一套,还是觉得不好看啊,有没有!Opening ceremony performer Celine Dion arrived in Paris on July 25 wearing a matching Dior tracksuit. 网球女皇Serena Williams这套LV非常有女皇范,气势100分。头发化妆也一百分。Serena Williams in a Louis Vuitton suit for the prelude to the Olympics event held at Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris on July 25. 这两个年轻的,复古风出场。今年应该流行缎面,小编也入了两条。不过缎面真不好驾驭,小小后悔。
Cynthia Erivo in an emerald green Louis Vuitton gown and Ariana Grande dressed in a pastel pink Thom Browne frock on July 26 in Paris. 英国新首相,自带雨衣,在一堆一次性雨衣中脱引而出。有时候不是你有多出众,机会是留给做足准备的人的。British Prime Minister Keir Starmer wore a Team GB rain jacket to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024. John Legend简直会穿越时空,小编才看了他这旧金山的演唱会,他立刻出现在巴黎,算下时间,绝对是马不停蹄。他是LV代言人,必须LV出场。老婆本来就是名模,这个大长腿一定要晒。普通人穿这套很容易就像阿婆,不能轻易模仿。Chrissy Teigen, in Chloé, and John Legend, wearing Louis Vuitton, attended the red carpet ahead of the opening ceremony on July 26. 嘎嘎开幕式,胖到让小编吓了一跳,前一天才看她在新电影Clown预告片里的瘦瘦的样子,开幕式上简直胖到不是同一个人了。这套衣服胖瘦穿的效果没有太不同,所以她的选择还是对的。Lady Gaga wore custom-made Dior during her cabaret-inspired performance at the opening ceremony. 世界上最快的女人之一,200米最后只有银牌太可惜了,据说是因为决赛前没有住奥运村,结果去比赛被告知要绕一大圈,于是晚了,来不及热身。在跑道上,她没有金牌可是永远是最美那个,头发首饰化妆指甲,甩别人一大截。US track and field athlete Sha'Carri Richardson dazzled the camera with her custom manicure during the opening ceremony. 美国第一夫人也到巴黎看比赛。都说拜登老了身体不好,第一夫人是跑马的,身体不要太好,穿上美国队队服,精神抖擞。US First Lady Dr. Jill Biden seen at the artistic gymnastics men's qualification event in a Ralph Lauren Team USA knit, and a matching tracksuit. Next to her Los Angeles mayor, Karen Bass, is wearing all white. 韩国女神枪手的玩具小象亮了。小编严肃考虑搞一个小猫挂件。South Korean Olympic sharpshooter took silver in the 10-meter air pistol event, wearing a pair of cyborg-worthy shooting glasses, Black Fila jacket, Sauer shoes and a stuffed toy elephant. 这一位是生怕别人不知道他是谁吗?要把名字印在衣服上。Snoop Dogg was seen at the women's artistic gymnastics qualification round wearing a personalized NBC Olympics sports jacket. Jessica Chastain穿了和第一夫人一样的RL毛衣。RL美国牌子,每次都设计奥运参赛服。中规中矩,低调,不会出错。Jessica Chastain opted for the same knit Ralph Lauren sweater as the US First Lady as she watched the women's artistic gymnastics qualification round. France's Sara Balzer competed her fencing match on July 29 with Olympics-themed nails. 女神Nicole Kidman高腰牛仔配荷叶边衬衫猫眼墨镜出场。Actor Nicole Kidman embodied off-duty French style in high waisted jeans and a ruffled blouse on her way to the women's gymnastic final during on July 30. 不得不说,黑天鹅Natalie Portman穿成这样如果只是看比赛,有点点不合时宜。不知道是不是因为她要做什么发言还是颁奖呢。Actor Natalie Portman was seen in a mustard yellow mini skirt suit leaving the Olympics grounds on July 30. “如果一切顺利,我就带这条羊项链。” GOAT在英文是羊也是Greatest of All Time的意思。没有点料都不敢带这样的项链。“If it goes well, I’ll wear the goat necklace,” Biles said in a press conference after her sixth gold medal win. “I know people will go crazy over it. But at the end of the day, it is crazy that I am in the conversation of greatest of all athletes because I just still think I’m Simone Biles from Spring, Texas that loves to flip.” Anna Wintour wore Marni to watch the artistic gymnastics women's qualification round on July 28. 当红模特都穿高腰牛仔裤,谁说高腰过时?美国队奥运夹克和帽子都很酷,休闲好看。
Model Kendall Jenner seen wearing Team USA merchandise and high-waisted jeans on August 1. Actor Sharon Stone pictured wearing a floral suit to the men's singles match between Spain's Carlos Alcaraz and Serbia's Novak Djokovic. Jordan Chiles of Team USA painted on a chic sweep of white eyeliner to compete on the balance beam during women's team final of artistic gymnastics. 英国公主这个才是真正低调。不知道是谁绝对是路人甲。Breaking from traditional royal dresscodes, Princess Anne wore an Olympic bucket hat and Adidas trainers to visit Team GB athletes in Paris on July 31. 世界上跑得最快的人,没有之一,时尚感也是没有之一。珍珠编在头发里,特制的三色钻石项链,闪电指甲艺术,别人抄都没有办法。平时出门也是各种大牌轮着穿,高调程度也没有之一了。谁让他最后赢了100M金牌呢!200M没有金牌,可是人家刚刚得了新冠继续参加比赛,拿了铜牌。只有说,这位太神兽了。(一起跑的不怕被传染吗?)US track star Noah Lyles of Team celebrates winning the gold medal in the men's 100m final. He accessorized with necklace that he's worn to previous races and pearls woven into his hair. A close-up on Noah Lyles' nail art. 网络上疯传的还有法国跳水运动员的照片。我就不加评论了,这个貌似也无法复制。
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