

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21


当地时间 1 月 7 日,伊万卡 · 特朗普(Ivanka Trump)出席了全球最大的消费科技展 CES,并在现场发表其对于美国科技就业的看法。

“四年制大学并不适合所有人,政府希望鼓励其他存在的途径,比如学徒制…… 我们将发起一场声势浩大的运动,鼓励其他的学习途径”,她说。

作为白宫的技术专家、唐纳德 · 特朗普的总统顾问,她所讨论的主题是: 未来,白宫会将重点放在让工人学习新技能上,让他们为未来的工作做好准备。

与此同时,伊万卡也是美国劳动力政策顾问委员会 (American Workforce Policy Advisory Board) 的联合主席,该委员会由苹果和 IBM 等科技公司的首席执行官们组成。

在 2017 年,伊万卡还参与推动了关于科学和技术教育的总统备忘录,她表示,有必要把更多的科学、技术、工程和数学 (STEM) 重点引入美国学校。

从伊万卡的履历和行动来看,她并非不适合讨论这个话题,但是,CES 的主办方 CTA 决定在新年伊始最大的科技盛会上给伊万卡这样一个高级发言席位,这在特朗普总统的反对者人群中引起了可预见的反弹。一些声音认为,显然,有更多的女性科技从业者比伊万卡更适合在这个科技的场合上发言。

Ivanka Trump, daughter and advisor to US President Donald Trump, spoke for about 40 minutes at CES 2020 in Las Vegas on Tuesday afternoon, despite backlash on Twitter and Facebook where some called to #BoycottCES.

Given how polarizing her father is as POTUS, one might expect a mixed reaction to his daughter speaking in front of a tech-heavy crowd. But nobody booed.

I sat in the very front row and everyone clapped and showed respect for Ivanka Trump. There were no real negative crowd reactions throughout the 40-minute conversation between Trump and Consumer Electronics Association President Gary Shapiro.

Here are some of the highlights from Tuesday's speech.

On growth, and what she does every day: Trump said she's "predominately focused on pro-growth policies" like "enabling environment for companies to invest in US companies."

She said she cares greatly about "policies build upon that foundational environment, tax cuts, and de-regulations that provide pathways for Americans to pave great careers in this booming economy." She said "there's no better time to be working in America than today" thanks to "record low unemployment."

On helping the incarcerated get back on their feet: Trump said the administration has teamed up with local prisons to create programs in partnership with NGOs "to help people soon to be released to learn skills." She gave the example of how women in a maximum-security prison learned how to code without even experiencing the internet. "It's a very exciting time to be in the workforce," she said.

On what she calls "the blue-collar boom": "Wages are rising the fastest in the bottom quintile," Trump said. "Tech is helping fuel productivity, but we're here to talk about how jobs are evolving and changing — and to do the same job today, in many industries outside what's considered a traditional technology industry, there's a technical application and literacy that's required." She went into greater detail about how it's important to train people to use the "equipment of tomorrow," and how people often have to learn and re-learn skills throughout their lifetimes as jobs and industries change. She also talked about how apprenticeships are lacking in the US, compared to other countries.

On innovation: Trump talked about how innovation is a "net job producer," and "will allow for more inclusive growth" in the long run. "Disabled americans will be able to use robotic arms to do tasks they wouldn't otherwise be able to do," she said. "With that said, it's our responsibility as we think about this country and the health of all americans to be anticipating where there will be disruption, long-term or short-term, and come up with a plan to help transition those people."

On alternate forms of education: "One of the challenges we have in this country is we have a belief in society in there's one path, and that's college. While that's a great path for many Americans, most Americans don't take that path and it's not the right path for all Americans. So we want to celebrate the other pathways that exist."

Trump talked about how not all jobs require a bachelor's degree, and the importance of defining work based on skills rather than credentials, which "requires a major shift in our thinking."

"If you're a mid- to late-career worker who needs to learn a new skill to maintain relevance in this economy, guess what, you're not going back to college," She said. "We need to open the aperture and raise awareness around the many options that exist."

On immigration: Shapiro noted that "both our mothers are immigrants and they disproportionately create companies and jobs." In response, Trump said that immigrants are very important to America's story but "our immigration system is totally flawed."

"If you compare our system to Canada's … I think there would be bipartisan agreement that it needs to be overhauled," she said. "It can't displace the investment that needs to be made and the core skills of marginalized Americans. We need to do both: We need to recruit and retain the greatest talent tin the world, but we need to invest in American workers as reach over to the sidelines and put them into the workforce. And we can't import that."










对此,可穿戴振动器公司Crave的联合创始人张迪(音译Ti Chang)反问道:“没有其他人了吗?事实真的如此吗?”张迪认为,伊万卡经营服装品牌的经历不适合参加美国消费电子展,也不适合美国消费电子展对创新和技术的关注,张迪表示:““我不明白,我想知道他们邀请伊万卡的理由到底是什么?”












