
四六级 · 听力 | 四级新闻听力练习 - N20161114 - [ 试题+mp3+答案+录音文本 ]

2016-11-14 蔡雷英语
四六级听力 · 往期 


听力练习Listening Practice

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.


  1. The general US economic activity.

  2. Consumer spending in US economy.

  3. The lower savings rate in America.

  4. The government's effort on economy.


  1. The lower savings rate in four years.

  2. The spending boost by Americans.

  3. Special payment by the government.

  4. PNC Financial Services Group's support.

录音文本、答案Transcript & Keys




Consumer spending accounts for more than two thirds of US economic activity, making it one of the most closely watched economic indicators. The Commerce Department reports that Americans boosted spending 0.4 percent in June —slightly more than what economists had expected. It was the second consecutive monthly rise in consumer spending, and it was accompanied by a lower savings rate. Americans spent more despite lower incomes. Personal income fell 1.3 percent —the largest monthly drop in four years. The decline reversed a 1.3 percent increase in personal incomes in May that economists attributed to special payments the government made to try to revive the economy. But PNC Financial Services Group economist, Robert Dye says there might be better times ahead.


  • 3. What's the main idea of this news report?(B)

  • 4. What's the reason for the increase  in personal incomes in May? (C)

