
四六级 · 听力 | 新闻听力练习- N20161205

2016-12-05 蔡雷英语
四六级听力 · 往期 

Question 1

  1. A group of major high-tech companies are seeking to access encrypted data on iPhones.

  2. A terrorist killing happened in San Bernardino California last December.

  3. An amicus brief was filed by 17 tech firms jointly.

  4. Apple gets involved in its legal battle with the FBI.


Question 2

  1. An organization of a group of major high-tech companies. 

  2. A new access to the encrypted data on iPhones.

  3. A mechanism by which individuals or companies can offer their view on a case.

  4. A collection of victims’ families backing the FBI .




A group of major high-tech companies has supported Apple in its legal battle with the FBI as the authorities seek to access encrypted data on an iPhone used by the Islamist militant behind December’s killing spree in San Bernardino California. Dave Lee reports. “Twitter, Airbnb and Ebay are among the companies offering support to Apple in their case. The 17 tech firms jointly filed an amicus brief, a mechanism by which individuals or companies can offer their view on a case they feel affects them even if they’re not explicitly involved. Apple also has the support of the husband of victim Anies Kondoker who survived being shot three times in last year’s attack. However several other victims’ families are believed to be backing the FBI. Its director James Comey early this week maintained Apple is overstating the security risk inunlocking the iPhone.”


  • Q 1: What is this news mainly about?

  • Q 2: According to the news, what is an amicus brief? 


