
四六级 · 听力 | 新闻听力练习- N20170603

2017-06-03 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 往期回顾 


  • A. The event lasted awhole day.

  • B.  Michelle officiated theegg roll.

  • C.  Three hundred childrenand family members were invited.

  • D.  Obama gave childrentennis coaching in the event.


  • A. Local children.

  • B. Music stars.

  • C. Music band.

  • D. A basketball coach.


  • A. Easter Egg Roll datesback to 1878.

  • B. Presdient Barack Obamahosted the Eastar Egg Roll.

  • C. The book Where the WildThings Are was introduced.

  • D. How the tradition ofEaster Egg Roll has evolved.


President Barack Obama turned the White House into a huge playground Monday, welcoming 30,000 children and family members for the traditional Easter Egg Roll(复活节滚彩蛋).

Obama, wife Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha mingled(混入) with kids and their parents thronging the manicured(挤满) gardens in the spring sunshine, in an all-day event which follows tradition dating back to 1878. Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie belted out the US national anthem and the event also featured(作为...的特色) reggae(瑞格舞) star Ziggy Marley. Hundreds of excited guests had earlier cheered the First Family when they emerged from the White House, after being serenaded(唱小夜曲) by a marine band(海军乐队) playing cartoon theme tunes and nursery rhymes(童谣). With a whistle(口哨) in his mouth, Obama personally officiated as young children took part in the egg roll down the White House lawn and then went on to give others basketball coaching on the mansion’s (公馆的)private tennis court.Later, the president read to another group of children from the book Where the Wild Things Are. The first White House Easter Egg Roll took place in 1878 when President Rutherford Hayes invited local children to roll eggs on the South Lawn.


  • 1.  What dowe learn about the Easter Egg Roll?

  • 2.  Who wasinvited to the first White House Easter Egg Roll?

  • 3.  What isthe news report mainly about?




