
AMOY LIFE Charity Hiking Review | 明清古道

Jackieko Amoylife 2020-09-11


 Video by Dmytry

Date: Jun 30th

Place: Ming Qing ancient path

Participants: 20 signed up, 15 attendees 

Distance: 10-12KM, 4.5 hrs, climb 500m+

Click to check provious recent hiking:

▶ XIKENG VILLAGE Hiking Review | 西坑村徒步

 DanXi Village WuSong waterfall Hiking Review | 淡溪村徒步回顾

Departure | 出发


7:45AM meet at North gate of Jinbang Park, depart at 8:00AM sharp.

▲ Group photo at the start point

Ming Qing ancient path | 明清古道


Ming Qing ancient path, have a history of 190 years from now, most are original dirt and stone road, try to discover the beauty of the city from the places that you know best.

▲ Ming Qing ancient path

Bike Road | 越野自行车道


it took almost 1 hour to reach top of the first small moutain, this part will be kinda tough for sedentary people since it is a long slope with sand dirt road. Bear in mind! Do have breatfast if you go hiking in the morning or you will suffer from hypoglycemia.

▲ Peek of first one small mountain

小山顶之后,一段下坡土路,控制好重心,沙子路面容易滑,我们发现了藏匿在山上的哆啦A梦!: -)

Downhill after the first peek of the small mountain.

 We found Doraemon when downhill

Banlinggong | 半岭宫


Steps road decorated prayer flags all the way down from Banlinggong temple, way beautiful.

 Down from Banlinggong temple

Meihailing | 梅海岭


Path from Meihailing to force area and then Dongpingshanshe village, we had a 10 mins breakk at Meihailing, I came across a golden retriever here last time when trail scouting, but this time we bumped in to a rare half black half white goat.

▲ Buy some water and ice candy

Nursing Home | 养老院


Passed one nursing home on the mountain, we had a break here and picked some wax apple to add moisture, the aged ppl here are very friendly and talktive.

 Passed one nursing home on the mountain

Peek of Wucun | 梧村制高点


Peek of Wucun, there are 2 spots of big rock areas where you can take a break and photograph with great sight line, you can even find dubmbells, sit-ups, climbing poles “devices” there.

▲ Peek of Wucun

Go downhill | 下山回到起点


Down from peek of Wucun and back to start point Zhizulin temple.

▲ We made it

What we done | 我们干了啥!


Lynette是厦门阿福流浪之家动物保护中心长期的义工志愿者,大家如果有时间想去阿福做义工或者有个人旧的衣物想捐赠的,可以和她直接联系。微信ID: honglynette


We got 20 ppl signed up for the charity hiking event with collection of 240 RMB total, we donated all the money to Xiamen AFU shelter, Lynette is one of the regular long term volunteer at AFU, if u wanna be a volunteer or have some unused old clothes need to donate, you can contact her(Wechat ID: honglynette), I would like to say thank you so much again to all the guys for supporting the charity hiking event, we done a great job, and hope we could do more to be help future.

Meanwhile, we picked up some plastic wastes from top of the mountain and brought down to the park, and we appeal that "Don't leave any personal waste to outdoor and try to take away some which generated by others"

▲ Donation to AFU


Xiamen AFU Shelter




Thank you for subscribing to AMOY LIFE which is Xiamen focused, AMOY LIFE is an independent outdoor events community, we organize outdoor events engaged with expats lives in Xiamen and local residents, connecting people from all over the world to exchange and know much better of each other's cultures; meanwhile, AMOY LIFE will bring you any other of sports and outdoor events & some interesting events in or around Xiamen, hope you enjoy your life when stay in Xiamen, let's explore the city together & travel on with AMOY LIFE.

AMOY LIFE是一个面向厦门外国友人和本地居民的国际英文户外社区,不定期组织由在厦门的外国友人和本地居民一起参与的户外活动,致力于营造一个国际化的社交氛围,让来自不同国家的人可以自由的彼此交流并了解各自国家的文化和风俗;同时,AMOY LIFE会给在厦门生活的外国友人分享其它一些本地的户外活动以及其他一些有意思的活动信息,也会把外国友人在厦门举办的活动(比如沙滩派对/足球/橄榄球比赛/国际集市等活动)分享给本地的居民,让彼此可以互相了解并参与对方的活动,连接和融合让大家在厦门的生活变得更加有趣,也更加有意义!


 Video by Dmytry

AMOY LIFE Previous Hiking:

 Yun Ding Shan Hiking & T rees Planting

▶ 2018 Tianzhu Mountain Hiking Conference

▶ Recount of Jin Jing Hiking | 金井古镇徒步回顾

▶ Recount of Nan Tai Wu Hiking 

▶ Recount of Nan Tai Wu Hiking ②

▶ Recall of Quanzhou Hiking | 徒步回顾

▶ Recall of Dong Ping Shan Hiking on April 17th

〖Hiking〗前埔天心谷寻找心形石徒步登山 - 3月6日


〖Hiking〗Recall of New Year Hiking to Junying Villiage

〖Hiking〗Recall of Junying Villiage & XiongShi Waterfall Hiking

▶ XIKENG VILLAGE Hiking Review | 西坑村徒步

 DanXi Village WuSong waterfall Hiking Review | 淡溪村徒步回顾


Life is short, Play hard!


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