
热词速递 | 从杭州女孩失联案谈“留守儿童”

田间小站 田间小站 2022-09-30

继2015年6月贵州毕节四兄妹之殇事件后,杭州女孩失联案又一次揪动大众的心(strike a plaintive chord with the public),也让留守儿童这一话题再次引发热议(spark heated discussions on the issue of left-behind children)。

因家长进城务工而产生的留守儿童(left-behind children),是中国许多地区的一类特殊弱势群体,他们长期与父母分离,家中监护人(guardian)据统计80%以上是祖父母或者远亲(distant relatives)。这些年事已高、文化素质较低的祖辈监护人(the illiterate elderly guardians)基本没有能力辅导和监督孩子学习。

并且,留守儿童遭遇猥亵(child molestation)甚至受到性侵害(sexual assault)不能及时得到父母帮助,极易酿成严重后果。而公安部门统计数据显示,被拐卖儿童群体(abducted children)中,第一位是流动儿童(migrant children),第二位则是留守儿童。


  • 辍学
    drop out of school

  • 被边缘化
    be marginalized

  • 更容易出现心理健康问题和遭受身体伤害
    be more prone to psychological problems and physical injuries

  • 社会适应能力不足
    insufficient social adaptability

  • 心理失衡
    psychological unbalance

  • 道德失范
    moral deterioration

  • 自虐
    self-inflicted injuries

  • 青少年犯罪
    juvenile delinquency


  • 加强农村留守儿童关爱保护和城乡困境儿童保障。关心帮助军烈属和孤寡老人。
    We will strengthen efforts to ensure the care and protection of children who remain in rural areas while their parents work away in the cities and provide support for children living in difficult conditions in both rural and urban areas. We will provide care and assistance to the families of military personnel and revolutionary martyrs and elderly people who live alone.

  • 加强社会信用体系建设。切实保障妇女、儿童、残疾人权益,加强对农村留守儿童和妇女、老人的关爱服务。
    We will step up the development of the social credit system. We will ensure the full protection of the rights and interests of women, children, and people with disabilities, and strengthen support and services provided to the children, women, and elderly who remain in rural areas while their family members work away in the cities.


  • 让精准扶贫做到因地制宜
    targeted measures in poverty alleviation that follow local characteristics

  • 户籍登记制度和入学制度改革
    reform of the household registration system and school enrollment system

  • 鼓励乡村创业,合理安置农村剩余劳动力
    incentives for rural village start-ups, rational placement of surplus rural workers

  • 构建全社会关爱网络,建立救助保护机制
    proposing that the whole society sets up a caring service system, as well as a rescue and protection mechanism

  • 逐步建立和完善保护留守儿童合法权益的法律法规体系和政策措施
    gradually put in place laws and regulations to safeguard the rights and interests of left-behind children


  • 留守一代
    left-behind generation

  • 空巢老人
    empty nesters

  • 流浪儿童
    street children

  • 农村留守人口
    rural left-behind population

  • 外来务工人员子女
    children of migrant workers

  • 不得不离开家谋生
    be forced to leave home to earn a living

  • 劳动力短缺/用工荒
    labor shortage

  • 劳动力过剩
    labor surplus

  • 执行监护人责任
    enforcement of guardian's liability

  • 联合国儿童基金会
    United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

  • 国务院妇女儿童工作委员会
    National Working Committee on Children and Women under State Council



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