

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-10-18

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在这次旅行中,我们参观了纽约库珀斯敦附近的飞溪苹果酒厂和果园(Fly Creek Cider Mill and Orchard)。这座历史悠久的水力苹果酒压榨厂坐落在河岸上,150多年来一直以酿造新鲜香甜的苹果酒而闻名 。我看着他们用老式的方法做苹果酒,把各种各样的苹果grind(磨)成苹果酱,用布包起来,然后挤压果泥滤出果汁。

Apple Cider有翻译成“苹果西打”或者“苹果酒”,但一般是不含酒精的。这是一款美国传统饮料。

苹果酒(apple cider)和苹果汁(apple juice)是不同的。

















苹果佬约翰尼(Johnny Appleseed)(1774-1845)是美国拓荒者,他把苹果树种在了美国边境上。他没有随意撒种,而是在拓荒者西进之前种下苹果苗,这样他们到达时就能拥有苹果园。想想你如何能在自己未来的果园里播种收获果实。

“大苹果城(The Big Apple)”是20世纪30年代爵士音乐家使用的表达方式之一。当时人们想要看到纽约城俱乐部的优秀表演就“来自大苹果城”。今天,纽约市仍然被称为“大苹果”,充满机会和资源,等待着任何愿意“咬一口”的人。“今天你能抓住什么机会?














Apple picking:

prepare for your own harvest

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

I hope you enjoyed the Golden Week holiday break, and once again, let me offer my congratulations on China’s 70th anniversary. I’m sure you had a great week of travel, family gatherings, national reflection, and personal downtime. I always enjoyed spending Golden Week in Beijing, perhaps being one of the few who stayed behind!

And this week, we’re back to work. It’s kind of a tough week to stay motivated, and you may even feel like you’re in a low mood to be back in the grind after having so much time off. We went through this same drill after the Chinese New Year break, so if you need a boost, check out my article, How to get back to work after vacation. 

Unlike Chinese New Year, where we go back to work in the cold weather with short days, the weather after National Day each October tends to be nearly perfect. Blue skies, cool temperatures, and fall foliage all beckon us to get out and enjoy the weather before winter’s icy grip comes back. This can make our return to work more challenging this time of year.

Apple Orchard

I understand. I recently spent a weekend in upstate New York visiting with my cousin Jennifer. My parents flew up from Florida, and we had some great family time together. We also toured the area, taking in the spectacular scenery full of hills, valleys, farms, and fall foliage. It was hard to drive back to Philadelphia on Sunday and get back to work the next day!

As we’re all in this boat together getting through a week where we’d rather be outside playing, I came upon some inspiration in New York that might help us get back on track this week. And I found some wisdom in the most unexpected of places: apples.

On this trip, we visited Fly Creek Cider Mill and Orchard near Cooperstown, New York. With its historic, water-powered cider mill on the banks of a river, the mill has pressed fresh, sweet cider for over 150 years. I watched them make cider the old-fashioned way, grinding a variety of apples into applesauce, wrapping it in cloth, then squeezing the mash to strain out the juice.

Apple cider and apple juice are different.

Apple cider is strained apple mash, leaving a beverage that is dark and cloudy. To make apple juice, the cider is filtered and pasteurized to extend the shelf life. Even though bright, clear apple juice may look more appealing, apple cider is probably better for your health because it undergoes less processing.

Apple Tree 

Apple cider only has one ingredient: fresh apples. The harvest period for apples varies from one variety to another, but in general, mature apples can be picked for a few weeks in September and October. If you miss the harvest season, the apples will just fall to the ground and rot. Time is of the essence, and farmers can’t afford to let this chance pass them by.

Cider Mill

In China, Shaanxi Province is well known for its apples, and I once visited the apple farms in Cilin Village near Xianyang. The farmers explained how all hands are on deck during those few weeks of harvest. They then store the apples in natural cellars, where they can stay for several months. To this day, I continue to buy a few cartons of apples from the farmers in this village.

Pack Your Own Apples 

As apples don’t take a vacation, the farmers can’t take a vacation, either. But rather than look at their work as a chore, one farmer named Chen said how harvest is an opportunity to reap what they sowed. They planted the seeds, cultivated the rich red soil, watered the saplings, and waited. During these few weeks of picking, they reap the benefits of their labors.

Cilin Village in March

We can all look at our jobs or schooling in the same way. To get your job, you had to plant the right seeds. You got the education, went through the job search, and did your best. If you’re still a student, you prepared for and took the tests to get to the school where you currently are. And if you’re retired, you sowed many seeds throughout life and can now enjoy the rewards.

So, as you’re sitting at your desk trying to get through this week, take a fresh look at how you got there. You don’t have to grumble that “I have to go to work today,” you can instead say, “I get to go to work.” As you sit in the classroom listening to yet another lecture, rather than say, “I have to go to school today,” you can say, “I get to go to school.” Where you are is a privilege.

But you may be saying, “John, that all sounds great, and it may work for you, but you don’t know my circumstances. I’m just in a dead-end job. I just need the money.” Or, you may be saying, “Sure, John, that’s easy for you to say, as you’re no longer a student. But I’m still in school, taking test after test and trying to stay on top of my game. It’s just miserable.” 

I have been there. I remember quite vividly what it was like to be a student, and as a teacher, I am reminded each and every day of the challenges my students face. And I have had jobs and worked on projects that didn’t bring me much professional fulfilment. Just getting up and out the door was challenge enough. But you can change that, right where you are.

If you’re a student, you’re sowing seeds for your future. Each class you take, each paper you write, each student group activity you lead, and each internship you have is giving you valuable experience for your resume and your career. It may not be all fun and games, but you’re preparing yourself for something more. These seeds prepare you for the job market.

If you’re in the work world, your current job may be a stepping stone to the next. The experience you’re gaining helps you move up, either with your current employer or another. By process of elimination, you are also gaining self-awareness about what you don’t like to do. This insight will better position you to find a job more suited to you. You’re still planting seeds.

If you have an apple sitting on your desk right now, take a good look at it. Contemplate your current harvest, while thinking how you can also plant seeds for your next. If you need some help, here are some inspiring thoughts derived from apples:

Greek and Roman mythology honored the apple as a symbol of love and beauty. Also, the eye pupil was once referred to as an apple. Since we see through the pupil, the “apple” of the eye is important. Today, we still refer to someone we prize as “the apple of my eye.” Be that apple, and say to yourself that you are your greatest prize.

A popular saying in English is “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” because apples are an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and iron. In biblical times, King Solomon hailed the apple as a fruit of healing. Eat an apple today, and feel good about yourself knowing that you’re treating yourself well.

Johnny Appleseed (1774-1845) was a pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to the American frontier. He did not randomly scatter seeds, but planted apple seedlings ahead of the pioneers moving west so they would have apple orchards when they arrived. Think about how you can plant seeds to reap fruit in your own future orchard.

“The Big Apple” was part of an expression used by jazz musicians in the 1930s. Getting a show in one of the better New York clubs was “making it in the Big Apple.” Today, New York City is still known as the Big Apple, full of opportunities and resources awaiting anyone willing to “take a bite.” What opportunities can you act upon today? 

In Chinese culture, the apple is a symbol for calmness. So, as you endure the chaos of your first week back at work, take five, and let that apple bring you back to a state of calm and redirect your focus onto the things that are important in life. 

A delicious favorite for centuries, apples are still one of the most popular fruits in the world. In the United States alone, there are over 30 million apple trees.


Fly Creek Cider Mill & Orchard

My friend, the arrival of apples reminds us that we are now in harvest season. Likewise, we can reflect on our own life harvests—past, present, and future. Think of the seeds you planted that got you where you are, be grateful for your current state in life, and then go forth and plant more seeds. Let this vision of your future orchard give you hope to perk you up today.

All photos taken by John Smagula.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Grind \ ˈgrīnd \

a)含义:v. 磨碎;研磨


i.I watched them make cider the old-fashioned way, grinding a variety of apples into applesauce, wrapping it in cloth, then squeezing the mash to strain out the juice.


ii.When you only focus on a big goal someday, it’s easy to get burned out by the daily grind.


c)近义词:drudge, toil, travail

2.Reap \ ˈrēp \

a)含义:v. 收获;收割


i.But rather than look at their work as a chore, one farmer named Chen said how harvest is an opportunity to reap what they sowed. 


ii.It helps an enterprise realize its goals and reap business benefits.


c)近义词:capture, harvest, realize

3.Sapling \ ˈsa-pliŋ \

a)含义:n. 树苗


i.They planted the seeds, cultivated the rich red soil, watered the saplings, and waited. 


ii.A sapling is meant to grow and develop, becoming more and more a tree—more and more of what it was meant to be.


c)近义词:seedling, sprout, young tree

4.Calmness \ ˈkälm- ˈnes \

a)含义:n. 平静


i.In Chinese culture, the apple is a symbol for calmness. 


ii.I really like the calmness of my life here and now.


c)近义词:peace, quietness, serenity

5.Perk (up) \ ˈpərk \

a)含义:v. 振作起来


i.Let this vision of your future orchard give you hope to perk you up today.


ii.Perk up. No problem. You'll succeed.


c)近义词:boost, lift, raise

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


