

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-11-01

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草坪The Grass











“好篱笆才有好邻居”是从罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)的著名诗歌《补墙》。几年前,农民们修护他们的围栏,以防止牲畜游荡到邻近的农场。今天,这句话的意思是好邻居之间应该互相尊重财产,管好自己的事情。
















圣经也呼吁我们要珍惜自己的财物,正如第十诫命所教导的:“ 毋贪他人财物。”














I want what you have!

The grass is always greener

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

With cousins Leo, Linda, and Brandi

I just spent the weekend in Connecticut, where I attended my cousin Linda’s wedding. It was wonderful to see family and roam around my old stomping grounds. On this trip, I took note that many people in the state live in detached homes with manicured lawns that wrap around their entire properties. This brought back memories.

Growing up in suburban Connecticut, I helped take care of our lawn. It was a pretty gargantuan task. Every spring, we had to plant seed and fertilize. In the summer, we watered and mowed the lawn every week. In the fall, we raked leaves. Even though the lawn goes dormant in the winter, the next cycle begins soon enough. Lawns are a lot of work.

In my present Northeast Philadelphia neighborhood, most people live in rowhomes, where they have patches of lawn in their front yards. They tend to be small, like 100 sq m (1,000 sq ft), but it requires the same work. Every March we start the same drill: planting and fertilizing, which turns to watering and mowing in the summer, and raking in the summer and even the winter.

In recent years, there has been a large influx of Chinese immigrants to my Philadelphia neighborhood, mostly from Fujian and Guangdong provinces. Some families tear out the front lawns to plant vegetable gardens. They tell me that planting hollow-stem vegetable, loofah, and bitter melon is a much more practical use for the space!


Many homeowners put up fences between their properties. On this Connecticut trip, I noticed how some families had picket fences, which evoke images of idyllic homes and the happy families who live in them, whereas others had post-and-rail fences, used in more rural properties to give a rustic touch.

In addition to landscaping value, these fences also serve a purpose of demarcating the property boundaries between neighbors. Fences can build a camaraderie in a neighborhood, as if the fence gets broken, the neighbors have to work together to fix it. If a family has children or pets, the fences create an enclosed space where they can be safe.

“Good fences make good neighbors” is from Robert Frost’s famous poem Mending Wall. Years ago, farmers maintained their fences in order to keep livestock from wandering onto neighboring farms. Today, this saying denotes how good neighbors should respect one another’s property—and to mind their own affairs.


I also noticed that many lawns were in different conditions. Some were emerald green, thick and plush. Others were patchy and full of crab grass and other weeds, which would probably just die off and turn brown in the winter. But by and large, most lawns looked the same. Green enough, well maintained, and certainly with their share of brown patches. So it is with nature.

Seeing all these lawns and fences reminded me of the popular expression, “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Its most basic meaning is that other people’s lawns always seem better than your own. One neighbor will look at their neighbor’s lawn and think it’s better than his. That other neighbor will look back and say the same thing.

In other words, what each neighbor is saying is, “My lawn isn’t good enough, so I should have my neighbor’s lawn because it’s better.” However, the expression is rarely used literally, although there are plenty of people who are in competition to have the best lawn! The expression is most commonly used as a metaphor for wanting something you don’t have.

When you bemoan that the grass is greener elsewhere, you are turning away from your reality by searching for another life, a different life, or a better life somewhere else. Rather than work with the life you have, you try to get someone else’s. You can be overcome by envy, believing that other people have better lives, better things, or better toys than you do.

On my visit to Shanghai's Jade Buddha Temple, I learned four steps to overcome envy: label jealousy when it occurs, recognize that jealousy is a part of our human weakness, look to your heart, and refocus on your own priorities.


When we want what others have, we start to go down a slippery slope. This covetousness can lead to depression, anxiety, and the nagging belief that we have too little. This sense of emptiness can also cause greed, where we want more and more, but feel that we can never have enough. Life can become like an unfulfilling bottomless pit.

Try as you might, in the end, you can only have your own lawn. Even if you could buy your neighbor’s house with its seemingly greener lawn, you would then look to the neighbor’s house on the other side and want that lawn. And so forth and so on. You’ll spend your entire life trying to acquire other things, without appreciating what you already have.

Buddhist scripture teaches that the way to happiness is actually quite simple; the secret is to learn to want what you have and not want what you don't have.

Moreover, to want someone else’s lawn is to undermine your own mental health, as you turn away from making the most of what you already have. When you deny your many blessings, you come to a false belief that you are inadequate or lack capacity. When you impose these self-limiting beliefs on yourself, you lose focus self-confidence, and even hope.

You can, however, learn to want your own lawn. You can re-orient yourself to deal with the life you already have. This may seem deflating, as we’re taught to struggle and progress to new heights. And sure, I have written about overcoming hardships. But the two concepts are not inconsistent. Seeking to improve your circumstances is different from wanting someone else's. 

Having personal and professional goals add to our wellbeing, giving us a sense of purpose and achievement. Wanting what others have, though, is a habit driven by low self-worth. Envy and greed will not lead to a sense of achievement, but just to a vicious cycle of wanting more, while only focusing on what we think is wrong with our lives.

Gratitude can help you appreciate what you have, instead of seeking what you don't. A teacher once suggested to write good things down daily—choosing the things that actually give us the sensation of feeling good. You can be as general or as specific as you want, but it’s a great habit to cultivate. One of my coworkers writes them on post-it notes and sticks them to her wall. 

The Bible also calls us to cherish our own belongings, as the 10th Commandment instructs, “You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.”


“The grass is greener” is largely a myth. In reality, the greenest lawn is the one that is watered. Your neighbor’s lawn will not become magically or mystically green. There’s a good chance they watered and fertilized it if it is, in fact, greener. If you want a greener lawn, you have to sow, fertilize, water, and cut.

A popular author wrote, "The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. No, not at all. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you are." –Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

When you focus on what you can do to improve your own circumstances, working with what you have, you will have a much greater chance of success than if you just passively crave what others have. Sow into your life and plant your future orchard. You have no control over where you have come from, but you can control how you plan for and pursue your future. 

My friend, my drive through suburban Connecticut was a reminder that, metaphorically, we all have lawns and fences. We may be inclined to want what others have, but true happiness will start with appreciating what we already have. Sow your own seeds, and water your own lawn. You’ll grow in accomplishments and self-worth, becoming who you were made to be.

{  今日英文速记卡  }


\ ˈma-nə-ˌkyu̇rd \

a)含义:adj. 修剪整齐的


i.On this trip, I took note that many people in the state live in detached homes with manicured lawns that wrap around their entire properties. 


ii.Manicured lawns and two-car garages are on every block.


c)近义词:beautify, clip, cut


\ gär-ˈgan(t)-sh(ə-)wən \

a)含义:adj. 庞大的;巨大的


i.It was a pretty gargantuan task.


ii.It's a new paradigm for computing which affects everyone, and with it come gargantuan business opportunities.


c)近义词:gigantic, immense, mammoth

3.Rustic \ ˈrə-stik \

a)含义:v. 乡村的;纯朴的


i.On this Connecticut trip, I noticed how some families had picket fences, which evoke images of idyllic homes and the happy families who live in them, whereas others had post-and-rail fences, used in more rural properties to give a rustic touch. 


ii.She likes rustic comfort and good food.


c)近义词:bucolic, country, pastoral

4.Patchy \ ˈpa-chē \

a)含义:adj. 零散的;分布不均的


i.Others were patchy and full of crab grass and other weeds, which would probably just die off and turn brown in the winter. 


ii.The data on these differences are patchy, the study’s authors acknowledge.


c)近义词:mottled, speckled, uneven

5.Vicious \ ˈvi-shəs \

a)含义:v. 恶毒的;恶意的


i.Envy and greed will not lead to a sense of achievement, but just to a vicious cycle of wanting more, while only focusing on what we think is wrong with our lives.


ii.Round and round, the liquor market descended into a vicious cycle of competition.


c)近义词:brutal, fiendish, savage

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


