
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 013 | "漫游"“漫游费”

2017-03-09 王逢鑫 北极光翻译









ramble, roam, wander, roaming call, roaming, roaming fee, roaming charge, cost of roaming








The tourist rumbled in the streets of Beijing.




The tourist rambled in the streets of Beijing.


to rumble和toramble只有一个字母之差,可是意思大不相同。to rumble 的意思是 to move slowly and heavily,making a rumbling sound,即 "笨重的车辆轰隆地缓慢行进”。to ramble的意思是to walk for pleasure, especiallyin the countryside,即(尤指人在乡间)漫游”。ramble也可以当名词用。例如:


1. 偶尔几辆牛车轰隆轰隆走过大街。

Occasionally a few ox-carts rumbled the street.

2. 我看见坦克轰隆轰隆驶过大街。

I saw tanks rumbling through the street.

3. 我们在树林中漫游。

1) We rambled through the woods.

2) We went for a ramble through the woods.

3) We were on a ramble through the woods.


“漫游”的第一个意思指“人随意游览”。英语除了to ramble以外,还可以译为to roam, to wander。例如:


4. 这个年青作家漫游世界找寻灵感。

The young writer roamed the world in search of inspiration.

5. 你可以同你的家人漫游乡村。

1) You can roam the countryside with your family.

2) You can ramble in the countryside with your family.

3) You can go for a ramble in the countryside with your family.

6. 这些失业的成年人在大街上无目标地漫游。

These unemployed adults roamed the street aimlessly.

7. 昨夜当我在#街上漫游时,我抬头看天空,看见一颗非常明亮的星星。

Last night when I wandered in the street, I looked up to the sky and saw a very bright star.

8. 我不喜欢单独在树林中漫游。

I don’t like to wander in the woods alone.

9. 我们有些自由时间在雨中漫游。

We had some free time to wander in the rain.


"漫游"的第二个意思指"鱼随意在水中游动,或动物随意在地面走动”。英语可以译为to roam。例如:


10. 几头鲸在海洋中漫游。

A few whales were roaming in the ocean.

11. 鲑鱼在靠近沿岸的大海里漫游。

The salmons roam in the sea nearthe coasts.

12. 你可以观看鹿、狗、鸭子和鸡在田野漫游。

You can watch the deer, dogs,ducks and chickens roam across the fields.

13. 大象通常枝允许在这个印度城市漫游。

The elephant is usually allowed to roam in this Indian city.


"漫游”的第三个意思指手机离开注册的服务区到另一个区域后,通过网络进行通信联络的功能。英语可以译为roaming call或roaming。例如:


14. 有时候我利用手机漫游,但是责得吓死人。

Sometimes I made a roaming call but it was outrageously expensive.

15. 你可以在你去旅行的国家内利用手机漫游。

You can make roaming calls from your mobile within the country you are travelling to.

16. 这位技术专家争论说,漫游实际上给运营商几乎没有造成额外成本。

The technology expert argues that roaming calls actually incur almost no extra cost for operators.

17. 每年大约一亿五千万欧盟手机用户在他们的国家以外利用漫游打电话。

Some 150 million mobile phone customers in the EU use roaming to make calls outside their home nation every year.


"(手机)漫游费”可以译为roaming fee, roaming charge, cost of roaming。“漫游费价格”可以译为roaming price。例如:


18. 这个移动通讯运营公司有计划调整漫游费。

The mobile operator has plans toregulate roaming fees.

19. 高昂的漫游费已经引起中国消费者的抱怨。

High roaming fees have drawn complaints from Chinese consumers.

20. 这位官员说中国不会立刻取消漫游费。

The official says that China willnot eliminate roaming fees immediately.

21. —些欧盟议会议员已经支持新计划降低在国外打手机的漫游费。

Some Eura-MPs have backed new plans to cut roaming charges for mobile phone calls made abroad.

22. —些移动通讯运营商声称要降低漫游费。

Some mobile operators claim to be cutting the cost of roaming.

23. 这位专家认为中国只能逐步降低漫游费价格。

This expert holds that China can only cut the roaming price step by step. 


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