
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 017 | "飙升"

2017-03-14 北极光翻译







very strong wind, hurricane, whirlwind, rise rapidly, rise drastically, rise sharply, soar, skyrocket, rocket up, run up sky high, shoot sky high, drive a car at top speedspeed for the thrill of driving fastspeed for the thrill of it, act, play a roleget wild, go crazy, go mad








Recently oil prices have raised in the international market.




1) Recently oil prices have risen rapidly in the international market.

2) Recently oil prices have increased drastically in the international market.

3) Recently oil prices have increased sharply in the international market.

4) Recently oil prices have soared in the international market.

5) Recently oil prices have skyrocketed in the international market.


to raise 是及物动词,应改为不及物动词to rise的过去分词risen。但to rise, to increase等仅表示一般意义的上升,而不能表示急剧上升,需要加rapidly, drastically, sharply等副词来修饰。


“飙"的本义是“狂风”或"暴风、"狂飙”可以译为very strong wind, hurricane, whirlwind。例如:


1. 国际悲歌歌一曲,狂飙为我从天落。

To the stirring strains of the Internationale, a wild whirlwind has swooped for me from the sky.


“飙”可以后加动词,构成复合词,表示"像狂风一样"。“飙升”和"飙涨”的意思是“价格或数量急剧上升”。英语可以译为to soar, to skyrocket, to rocket up,to run up sky high, to shoot sky high, to rise rapidly, to rise drastically, to rise sharply。例如:


2. 自年初以来,翡翠等珠宝的价格一路飙升。

Since the beginning of the year, the prices of such jewels as halcyon have skyrocketed.

3. 近来,许多城市的住房销量一直飙升。

Recently, housing sale has been soaring in many cities.

4. 似乎这个城市的房价还要飙升。

It seems that the real estate prices will skyrocket in this city.

5. 近年来,这个地区的天然气消费量飙升。

In recent yearsthe consumption of natural gas has soared in this region.

6. 我从无数的人那里听说他们的电话费飙升。

I heard from countless people that their telephone bills had run up sky high.

7. 这家石油公司的股票价格一直飙升。

The stock prices of this oil company have been rocketing up.

8. 在过去的几个月里,沪深指数从4,500点一路飙升。

Over the last few months, Shanghai Composite Index and Shenzhen Sub-Index have rapidly risen up all the way from 4,500 points.

9. 如果经济衰退,失业率就会飙升。

If economy goes into recession, unemployment will rise sharply.

10. 最近,我国股价飙涨。

Recently, stock prices have skyrocketed in our country.

11. 我害怕这个地区的房价会飙涨,造成当地居民经济困难。

I am afraid that the real estateprices will shoot sky high in this area, causing financial troubles for the local residents.


"飙车”的意思是“寻求刺激而疯狂地开快车”。英语可以译为to drive a car at top speed, to speed for the thrill of driving fast, to speed for the thrill of it。例如:


12. 在高速公路上飙车是违法的,而且也是非常危险的。

Driving a car at top speed on the expressway is illegal, and also very


13. 这个年青人醉酒飙车,酿成惨祸。

The young man drove a car at top speed while intoxicatedcausinga terrible road accident.

14. 年轻司机更容易为寻求刺激而飙车。

Young drivers are more likely to speed for the thrill of driving fast.

15. 在公路上为寻求刺激而飙车的司机可能对他们周围所有的人造成


Drivers who speed for the thrill of it on highways may endanger everyone around them.

16. 他为寻求刺激而鉍车。

He drove his car at high speed for the thrill.


"飙戏"的意思是演戏"可能是说明演员投入的状态。英语可以译为 to act, to play a role。例如:


1) This film star will act in anew film.

2) This film star will play a role in a new film.


“发飙”就是"情绪失控”或”发狂”的意思。英语可以译为to get wild, to go crazy, to gomad。例如:


18. 这些拉拉队员在球场上真的发飙了。

The cheer leaders really got wildon the field.

19. 机器的噪音使我发飙了。

1) The noise of the machine mademe go crazy.

2) The noise of the machine droveme crazy.

20. 当他们心爱的球队在世界杯比赛中惨敗时,这些足球流氓发飙了。

These football hooligans went mad when their favourite team was defeated in the World Cup. 


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