
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 020 | "代言"




speak on behalf of sb, endorse, endorse a brand, endorse a product, become the face of a brand, spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman, spokespeople, prolocutor, mouthpiece, voice, brandspokes person, brand ambassador, brand prolocutor






Those famous people who speak on behalf of problematic food shall bear joint liabilities.



1) Those celebrities who endorse problematic food shall bear joint liabilities.

2) Those celebrities who endorse problematic food shall undertake joint liabilities.

3) Those celebrities who endorse problematic food shall be jointly liable.


to speak on behalf of sb的意思是“代表某人说话”。这里的"代言”的特殊含义是"明星代表某一品牌或产品的形象,做广告宣传。to endorse 的意思是 to say in an advertisement that you use and Like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it,正是“在广告中代言”的特殊含义。famous people泛指"著名的人”,而代言的名人基本上是明星,英语用celebrity表示。

“代言”的第一个意思是“代表某一阶层或团体发表言论或说话”。英语可以译为to speak on behalf of sb。例如:



The scholar actually speaks on behalf of a few large family-based special-line enterprises, rather than representing the interests of common farmers.


"代言”的第二个意思是"代表某一品牌或产品的形象,在广告中加以宣传”。英语可以译为 to endorse a brand,to endorse a product, to become the face of a brand.例如:


2. 当购买一种产品时,有些顾客想知道是否有位名人代言这种品牌。

While buying a product, some customers want to know whether a celebrity endorses the brand.

3. 这位著名演员说,如果我不亲自使用一种产品,我决不会为它代言。

The famous actor said, “I won’t endorse a product if I don’t use it personally.

4. 我不知道究竟有多少名人真正使用他们代言的产品。

I wonder how many celebrities actually use the products they endorse.

5. 这位影星代言乳品广告,赚了不少钱。

The film star endorsed a dairy product, and made a lot of money.

6. 名人得到几百万美元来为一个品牌代言。

Celebrities are paid millions of dollars to become the face of a brand 


"代言人”的第一个意思是"代表某一阶层或团体发表言论或说话的人”,即“喉舌”。英语可以译为 spokesperson,spokespeople, prolocutor, mouthpiece, voice. 例如:


7. 于某些小区业主委员会成员即是物业管理公司工作人员,业主委员会实际上变成物业管理公司代言人。

As the members of the estate proprietors, committees in some residential areas are staff members of the property management companies, the estate proprietors, committees have actually become spokespeople of the property management companies.

8. 学生会是广泛范围学生的代言人。

The students’ association is the prolocutor of a wide range of students.

9. 这家报纸只不过是某些有钱人的代言人。

The newspaper is only a mouthpiece of certain rich people.

10. 工会应该成为员工的代言人。

The trade union should be the voice of the staff members.


"代言人”的第二个意思是“为企业或组织的赢利性或公益性目标而进行信息传播服务的特殊人员”,即"形象代言人\英语可以译为spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman, spokespeople。例如:


11. 这位体育明星充当了我们产品的代言人。

The sports star acted as the spokesperson of our product.

12. 作为篮球运动的代言人,他在杂志和电视上的数十个广告中亮相。

As a basketball spokesmanhe was featured on dozens of ads in magazines and on TV.

13. 这个模特作为一个世界著名品牌的代言人惊艳登台亮相。

As the spokeswoman of a world famous brandthe model stroke a pose on the stage, which made people pleasantly surprised.

14. 耐克怎么总是可以签下最红的明星作为名人代言人?

How does Nike always sign the biggest stars as celebrity spokespeople? "品牌

代言人”,可以译为brand spokesperson, brand ambassador, brand prolocutor.例如:


15. 香港动作片超级明星成龙为一种乌发洗发水充当品牌代言人。

Hong Kong action super star Jackie Chan acts as the brand spokesperson of a hair dyeing shampoo.

16. 这家公司通过使用品牌代言人达到了一些明确的目标。

The company achieved some clear-cut goals by using a brand ambassador.

17. 现在一些广告商和代理商倾向于使用虚拟品牌代言人,而不是名人来代言。

Now a few advertisers and agencies tend to use virtual brand prolocutors instead of celebrities to endorse a product.




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【寒假专辑】BBC最新史诗纪录片《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)



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