
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 021 | "着陆"






drag down, land, touch down, landing, touchdown, make a soft landing, take a soft landing, make a soft touchdown, soft landing, make a hard landing, take a hard landing, hard landing








A hard landing of the US dollar may well drag the global economic recovery.




A hard landing of the US dollar may well drag down the global economic recovery.


to drag的意思是“拖'表达不了"拖累”的比喻意义。to drag sth down 的意思是 to bring sth to a lower social or economic level,具有“拖累”的含义。

"着陆”的意思是“飞行器从空中到达陆地,或航天器降落到地面或其他星球表面上”。英语动词可以译为to land,to touch down。英语名词可以译为 landing, touchdown。例如:


1. 这位飞行员驾驶飞机安全着陆。

The pilot landed the plane safely.

2. 这位飞行员试图驾驶严重损坏的飞机着陆。

The pilot tried to land his crippled plane.

3. 这位飞行员设法让滑翔机在一个安全的地方着陆。

The pilot managed to land the glider on a safe place.

4. 这架飞机安全着陆时,我感到十分放心。

I was quite relieved when the plane landed safely.

5. 8个小时之后,这架飞机在纽约机场着陆。

Eight hours laterthe plane touched down at New York airport.

6. 这位飞行员作了一个完美的着陆。

1) The pilot made a perfect landing,

2) The pilot made a textbook landing.

7. 尽管天气不好,这位飞行员仍顺利着陆。

Despite the bad weatherthe pilot made a smooth landing.

8. 这些宇航员成功地在月球着陆。

These astronauts made a successful landing on the moon.

9. 这位飞行员被迫紧急着陆。

The pilot was forced to make an emergency landing.

10. 这位飞行员不得不在雾中盲目着陆。

The pilot had to make a blind landing in the mist.

11. 我们遭遇液压系统故障,请求优先着陆。

We have hydraulic trouble and request a priority landing.

12. 这架飞机着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。

The plane circled the airport before landing.

13. 这架飞机在着陆时爆炸了。

When landing, the aircraft exploded.

14. 由于天气恶劣,着陆延误了半个小时。

The landing was delayed for half an hour because of the bad weather.

15. 当这架航天飞机和它的6名乘员安全着陆时,他们深深地松了一口气。

They breathed a deep sigh of relief as the space shuttle and its six crew touched down safely.

16. 我们很快就要着陆,请您系好安全带。

We shall be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts.

17. 人类很有可能不久将在火星上着陆。

It’s quite possible that man will soon land on Mars.

18. 这位飞行员驾驶他的严重损坏的飞机在机场安全着陆。

The pilot guided his crippled airplane to a safe landing in the airport.

19. 1969720日,阿波罗号航天飞船首次登月着陆被载入史册。

On July 20, 1969, history was made with the first Apollo moon landing.

"软着陆”的第一个意思是"航天器利用一定装置,改变运行轨道,逐渐减低降落速度,最后不受损坏地降落到地面或其他星球表面上”。英语可以译为 to make a soft landing, to take a soft landing, to make a soft touchdown. 如:

20. 这个降落舱利用降落伞减低下落速度,使它能在千燥地面軟着陆。

The descent module uses parachutes to slow its fall, enabling it to make a soft landing on dry land.

21. 降落伞和气垫能帮助着陆装置软着陆。

Parachutes and aircushions will help the lander make a soft touchdown.

22. 这个航天器成功地在火星软着陆。

The spacecraft succeeded in making a soft touchdown in Mars.


"软着陆”的第二个意思是比喻"采取稳妥的措施使某些重大问题和缓地得到解决”。英语动词可以译为to make a soft landing。英语名词可以译为soft landing。例如:


23. 我们必须扩大内需,以实现经济的软着陆。

We must boost domestic demand so as to make a soft landing in economy

24. 这个亚洲国家的经济正走向软着陆。

The Asian country is on track to achieve a soft landing in economy.

25. 中国政府已采取实现经济软着陆的必需步骤。

The Chinese government has taken the steps needed to engineer a soft landing for the economy.


"硬着陆”的第一个意思是"飞行器不经减速控制而以高速度降落到地面上”。英语动词可以译为 to make a hard landing, to take a hard landing。英语名词可以译为hard landing。例如:


26. 这架直升机在山顶硬着陆。

1) The helicopter made a hard landing on the top of the mountain.

2) The helicopter took a hard landing on the top of the mountain.

27. 星期一上午,当一架小型飞机在这个国际机场硬着陆时,有两人幸存。

Two people survived when a small airplane made a hard landing at the international airport on Monday morning.


“硬着陆”的第二个意思是比喻“采取过急、过猛的措施较生硬地解决某些重大问题”。英语动词可以译为to make a hard landing, to take a hard landing。英语名词可以译为hard landing。例如:

28. 这场金融危机可能引发全球性经济硬着陆。

The financial crisis may triggera global hard landing in economy.

29. 重大股市泡沫破灭可以使得经济硬着陆。

The bursting of a major stock bubble can lead to a hard landing of the economy.

30. 高通货膨胀使得经济更容易遭受硬着陆。

High inflation makes the economy more vulnerable to a hard landing.

31. 经济预言家暗示美国经济硬着陆有50%的可能性。

Economic forecasters have suggested a 50% chance that the US economy could have a hard landing.




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干货来了:BBC经典纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China

【寒假专辑】BBC最新史诗纪录片《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)



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