
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 023 | "泛滥"






be in flood, flood, overflow, inundate, be flooded with, be deluged with, be awash with, spread unchecked, spread in an unchecked way, unchecked spreading, reach epidemic levels, reach epidemic proportions









At present, forged relics are spreading unchecked in the market, which have deceived many customers.




At present, the market is flooded with forged relics, which have deceived many customers.


to spread unchecked 的意思是“不受限制地自由传播",指的是像思想或疾病等一种东西的广泛散布。市场上的文物"是数量众多的商品,"文物泛滥是大量的东西充斥市场。例如:


1. 我们决不能让错误思想和言行自由泛滥。

We won’t allow erroneous ideas and actions to spread unchecked.


“泛滥的第一个意思是"江河湖泊的水溢出而淹没"。英语动词可以译为to be in flood, to flood, to overflow, to inundate;名词可以译为 overflow。例如:


2. 这条河泛滥了。

The river has flooded.

3. 我们不能从那里穿过草地,因为河水泛滥了。

We can’t cross the meadow there because the river is in flood.

4. 每年春天,这条河都泛滥。

Every springthe river overflows,

5. 这条河泛滥,直到街道被水淹没。

The river overflowed until thestreets were awash.

6. 他们修筑了一道临时堤坝以防止河流泛滥。

They built a temporary dam to prevent the river from overflowing,

7. 南方一些人口稠密的省份洪水泛滥成灾。

Some populous provinces in South China were seriously inundated with flood.

8. 在古埃及,繁荣与人民的生存依靠尼罗河每年一次的泛滥。

In ancient Egypt, both the prosperity and the very existence of the people depended on the annual overflow of the Nile.


泛滥的第二个意思是事物数量太多而充斥。英语可以译为to be flooded with, to be deluged with, to be awash with. 例如:


9. 解放前,中国一些沿海城市外国货泛滥。

1) In the pre-liberation dayssome coastal cities in China were flooded with foreign goods.

2) Before liberationsome coastal cities in China were deluged with foreign goods.

10. 这个城市毒品泛滥。

The city is awash with drugs.

11. 这些日子,书店里关于如何养宠物的书泛滥。

These daysthe bookshops are flooded with books on how to keep pets.

12. 市场上声称具有减肥作用的健康补品泛滥.

The market is awash with health supplements claiming to have slimming properties.

13. 不幸的是,市场上假冒、谬误和伪造的证书泛滥。

Unfortunately the market is awash with phonyerroneous, and fraudulent certificates.

14. 根据这本书,一个半世纪以前在美国假冒伪劣产品泛滥。

According to this book, America was awash with counterfeit and shoddy products one and a half century ago.

15. 这个地区盗版光盘泛滥。

This area is deluged with pirated compact discs.


"泛滥”的第三个意思是比喻"一种坏的思想、不良现象或疾病等不受限制地到处扩散" 英语动词可以译为 spread unchecked,tospread in an unchecked way, to reach epidemic levels, to reach epidemic proportions;名词可以译为 unchecked spread,unchecked spreading. 例如:


16. 我们决不能让淫秽作品泛滥。

We can by no means allow pornography to spread unchecked.

17. 我们应该采取行动阻止这种不良现象泛滥。

We should take actions to stop this unhealthy phenomenon from spreading in an unchecked way.

18. 少数人的陋习导致了流言蜚语泛滥。

A few people’ s bad habits have given rise to the unchecked spreading of  rumours and gossips.

19. 美国私人拥有枪支泛滥使得犯罪人员更加容易获得暴力工具。

In the United Statethe unchecked spread of privately owned guns has made it easier for the criminals to get violence tools.

20. 网上淫秽作品泛滥对正在成长的青年人产生消极影响。

The unchecked spreading of Internet pornography is producing passive impact on the younger people who are growing up.

21. 毒品泛滥造成社会财富的极大浪费,对我国经济发展产生了严重的影响。

The unchecked spreading of drugs has caused great waste of social wealthproducing serious influence upon the economic development of our country.

22. 这个非洲国家政府已采取了一些措施制止艾滋病的泛滥。

The government of the African country has adopted some measures to halt the unchecked spreading of Aids.

23. 在有些电影和电视剧里,暴力正在泛滥成灾。

Violence is reaching epidemic levels in some of the films and TV plays.

24. 在那个城市,偷车正在泛滥成灾。

Car theft is now reaching epidemic proportions in that city.




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干货来了:BBC经典纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China

【寒假专辑】BBC最新史诗纪录片《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)



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