






It has always been believed thathumor is exclusive to Western politicians. But Premier Li Keqiang changed thatwith his humor and wisdom in an impromptu speech at the welcome ceremony hostedby Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, in Canberra on March 23.


In Australia’s soccer, there is a“man of the match” in each game, and Premier Li was the “man of the match” atthe welcome ceremony, according to Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten.


Detail 1: preparation and impromptu


At the welcome ceremony, Turnbull showed he was fully prepared to welcome Premier Li by displaying his knowledge about the Premier’s background.


He said that Premier Li was China’s first premier with a legal background, while he was just the 14th Australian prime minister with a legal background.


The Premier’s professional background in economics and law, according to Turnbull, also makes the Premier aware how strong the mutual benefits are between the two countries.


“Mr. Turnbull and I were lawgraduates, and all of the guests today respect the rule of law. I hope we will promote bilateral cooperation based on the consensus of human society,” thePremier responded, which received warm applause.



Detail 2: food and wit


The food served at the welcome ceremony included a salad, chicken, dessert, and bread. Premier Li showed his humor by speaking about the dish.

昨天我入住饭店的时候,桌上摆着一份《澳大利亚人》报纸,一篇报道我来访问的新闻,标题最后几个单词是‘for beef market’(为了牛肉市场)李总理说,所以我刚才看菜单的时候就问侍者,今天有‘Beef’(牛肉)吗?他说没有,只有‘Chicken’(鸡肉)

“I saw a copy of The Australian on the table in my room when I checked in yesterday. The headline of a reportcovering my visit said I came here ‘for the beef market’. So I asked the waiter just now if there is beef on the menu today, and he said no beef, only chicken.”


The hall burst into laughter. Then he said that both countries pursue fair trade and stressed that his visitis not only for beef and chicken but also for bilateral cooperation and communication in many sectors.


“I come for free trade, regional peace and stability, and cultural diversity,” he said.



Detail 3: clouds and friendship


In his speech, Turnbull mentionedthe progress made by the two countries in innovation, culture, education, andtourism. The opposition leader Shorten then reviewed the history of diplomaticrelations between China and Australia.


Premier Li showed his expectationof China-Australia relations by speaking about his flight.



“The plane passed through thick clouds and lightning when my wife and I arrived in Canberra, but we kept movingforward. So we have firm belief that the friendship between China and Australia will move on ward and forward,” he said.



Detail 4: trade deficit andopening-up


In his speech, Turnbull listed aset of data regarding economic cooperation between China and Australia.One year after theChina-Australia free trade agreement took effect, Australia’s wine exports toChina grew 38 percent, oranges 36 percent, and skin care products 82 percent. Furthermore, Australia’s abalone exports to China doubled and lobster exports even quadrupled. All this helped to boost bilateral trade to $100 billion.



Turnbull said that a wine businessman told him that the China-Australia free trade agreement is the most important policy to happen in his 39 years in business. The Premier then added another set of data. Amid laughter and applause, the Premier then said that Chinese consumers should be given more choices and China’s agriculture can be improved through competition and cooperation. “Of course, we don’t want to see trade imbalance, but I firmly believe that instead of closing the door, expanding trade is the way to solve the trade imbalance,” he said.



Detail 5: reform and opening-upand free trade


Speaking of opening up, Turnbull said that China’s former leader Deng Xiaoping once said that a country can onlythrive through opening-up, and such a comment also suits Australia.


He said that China’s transformation in the last 40 years is one of the most important and exciting developments, and joint efforts should be made to fight protectionism. China can make great contributions to global peace and prosperity in this changing era.


“Currently, protectionism and voices against globalization are on the rise. We don’t deny problems in globalization, but such problems are not from globalization and tree trade itself, but our methods to cope with them,” Premier Li said.  The cooperation between China and Australia shows our strong determination to safeguard free trade, he stressed.


Detail 6: Zheng He’s expedition West and peaceful development

特恩布尔在致辞中谈到了中国明朝郑和下西洋的故事。李克强随后回应道,那是几百年前,中国还处在帝国时代。郑和临行的时候曾经问中国当时的皇帝,我的使命是什么?皇帝回答说:“For peace. For friendship!(为了和平,为了友谊!)”

Turnbull mentioned Zheng He’sexpedition to the West during China’s Ming Dynasty.


Several hundred years ago, ZhengHe asked the emperor about his role in the expedition. The emperor answered that Zheng’s role was to promote peace and friendship, Premier Li said.


“China has a tradition ofcherishing peace, and our peaceful development is not only the inheritance ofsuch traditions but also the consideration about the reality and future interests of China, as well as development of human civilization,” he said.


Detail 7: Aborigines’ dance and cultural diversity


When he entered the banquet hall,Premier Li received a warm welcome from Australia’s Aborigines, who put on a performance of traditional dance and music.


The local elder extended a warm welcome to Premier Li and wished complete success on his official visit.

我由衷尊敬澳大利亚对文明多样性的尊重。李克强说,这是一个多元共生的世界,我此次到访,也是为了文明多样性和中澳合作的相互尊重而来。” Premier Li said that the world is diversified, and his visit is also for cultural diversity and mutual respect. During the banquet, both Turnbull and Shorten expressed thanks to local Aborigines and Australian Chinese for their contributions to Australia’s development.



Detail 8: Australian football andpicking sides


Premier Li stressed that the efforts to enhance China-Australia cooperation is based on mutual respect and China adheres to independent foreign policies and a development path fitting national conditions. China also respects Australia’s decisions in foreign policies.


“We don’t want to see the Cold War style of picking sides. We are willing to solve problems based on rules,consensus and the UN charter,” he said.


Shorten mentioned in his speech that there will be an Australian football match held for Chinese and Australian prime ministers in Sydney.


Premier Li told Shorten that hewill not “pick sides” and will cheer for the winner, no matter who wins.


The Premier’s speech received a warm extended applause. “This is the best speech I have heard in two years,”said one senior Australian official.




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