
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 024 | "妖魔化"








demon, turn sb into a demon, change sb into a demon, alter sb into a demon, convert sb into a demon, transform sb into a demon, demonize








The United States is turning Iran into a demon as the next target of a military strike.




The United States is demonizing Iran as the next target of a military strike.


demon的意思是"恶魔”或“妖魔“。to turn sb into a demon的意思是“用魔法使……变成妖魔",经常出现在神话鬼怪故事里,不是现实中的事情。它还有“变成恶魔一样的人”的意思。也可以用to change sb into a demon,to alter sb into a demon, to convert sb into a demon,to transform sb into a demon表示。例如:


1. 孙悟空摇身一变,成了个小妖怪。

1) The Monkey King instantly turned himself into a little demon.

2) The Monkey King instantly changed himself into a little demon,

3) The Monkey King instantly altered himself into a little demon.

4) The Monkey King instantly converted himself into a little demon.

5) The Monkey King instantly transformed himself into a little demon.

2. 这只猫被变成了一个妖精,并赋予了九条命。

The cat was turned into a demon and given nine lives.

3. 希特勒变成了杀了那么多犹太人的恶魔。

Hitler converted himself into a demon that had so many Jews killed.


"妖魔化”的意思是"把人、团体或政党说成像妖魔一样邪恶”。英语可以译为to demonize。例如:


4. 某些外国媒体妖魔化中国,伤害了中国人民的感情和尊严。

Some foreign media demonized China, hurting the feeling and dignity of the Chinese people.

5. 1949年中华人民共和国成立时起,西方报界一直在妖魔化中国。

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, Western press has always demonized China,


Some foreign organizations distorted the true facts, demonizing the products made in China.


The headline of the newspaper is the West is trying to demonize China.


To vilify and even demonize medical doctors is both a sorrow and a shame of our society,


It is unnecessary either to intentionally make a trade sacred, or to demonize it.


The salesmen from this company were exposed to have demonized their competitive rivals.

11. 在这本书里,神圣的女性被妖魔化,并被称为不洁。

In this bookthe sacred feminine was demonized and called unclean.

12. 我不认为他是那种任意妖魔化其他人的人。

I don’t think he is the type to demonize other people at will.

13. 他在报纸上发表了一篇文章妖魔化这位总统候选人。

He published an article in the newspaper to demonize the presidential candidate.

14. 这位有偏见的政客把亚洲移民妖魔化为潜在的或现实的罪犯。

The prejudiced politician has demonized the Asian immigrants as potential or actual criminals.

15. 战争时期的宣传总是妖魔化敌人。

Wartime propaganda always demonizes the enemy.

16. 政客们在竞选活动中倾向于妖魔化他们的对手,而不是走到一起。

Politicians tend to demonizetheir opponents instead of coming together in the election campaigns.

17. 这个政党的领导人对另一个政党的领导人说他们不应该互相妖魔化。

The leader of this political party said to his counterpart from another party that they should not demonize one another.

18. 艺术使政治妖魔化的东西人性化。

Art humanizes what politics demonizes.

19. 对待东方一直存在着两种明显不同的态度:一种是轻蔑和仇视,即丑化和妖魔化东方;另一种是赞赏和向往,即美化和诗意化东方。

There are always two apparently different attitudes towards the Orient: one is contempt and enmity, that is to vilify and demonize the Orient; and the other is appreciation and aspiration, that is to beautify and poeticize the Orient.




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干货来了:BBC经典纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China

【寒假专辑】BBC最新史诗纪录片《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)



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