
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 024 | "房奴"







mortgage slave, mortgage








Such high housing prices have rendered me a house slave.




Such high housing prices have rendered me a mortgage slave.


不可将house slave译成“房奴"。house slave与field slave形成对比,指当年美国从事家务劳动的黑奴,即"家奴”;而field slave是从事农耕劳动的黑奴,即"田奴”。例如:


1. 乔治的祖母是从事家务劳动的黑奴,祖父是从事农耕劳动的黑奴。

George’s grandmother was a house slave and his grandfather was a field slave.


House slaves usually lived better than field slaves. They usually had better food and were sometimes given the family’s cast-off clothing.

3. 简是个家奴,她被主人强迫嫁给另一个黑奴。

Jane was a house slave who was forced by her master to marry another slave.


“房奴”的意思是"按揭购房者"。英语可以译为mortgage slave。例如:


4. 房奴被采用来描述那些桉揭还款超过月薪一半的人。

Mortgage slave is adopted to describe those people whose mortgage payment is more than half of their monthly salary.

5. 你肯定会得到那所好房子,但是你将不得不变成一个房奴来养房子。

Sure, you can have that nice house, but you’re going to have to become a mortgage slave to keep it.

6. 约翰是个心力交瘁的房奴,挣扎着在压力大的职业、不愉快的婚姻和四个小孩的需求之间争取平衡。

John is a stressed mortgage slave, struggling to balance a high-pressure career, an unhappy marriage and the demands of four small children.

7. 当房奴并没有真正使我充满热情。

Being a mortgage slave doesn’t really fill me with enthusiasm,

8. 他已使自己从一个房奴变为一个房地产投资商。

He has transformed himself from a mortgage slave into a property investor.

9. 我有点处于房奴的状态。

I’m somewhat in the mortgage-slave situation.


西方人除了买房和买车,还买游艇或帆船。Mortgagee slave的本义是 "按揭购买者”,除了“房奴",也可以指“车奴"或“船奴”。例如:


10. 他把自己描述为他的公寓的房奴和他的汽车的车奴。

He described himself as a mortgage slave to his apartment and car.

11. 我想你只是一个买帆船给你的邻居们留下好印象的船奴。

I think you are just a mortgage slave buying boats to impress your neighbours.




12. 我以我的新居得到了一笔固定利率的按揭贷款。

I’ve got a fixed-rate mortgage onmy new home.

13. 他正千方百计设法不让他的按揭还款上涨。

1) He is trying hard not to let his mortgage payment go up.

2) He is trying hard not to let his mortgage repayment go up.

14. 这个买主以他现有的财产来按揭贷款。

The buyer raised a mortgage on his existing property.

15. 你可以从他那里得到如何申请按揭贷款的建议。

You can get tips from him on how to apply for a mortgage.

16. 我们是应该付现金,还是取得桉揭贷款来买第二套居所?

Should we pay cash or take out a mortgage to buy a second home?

17. 他已从他有帐户的银行取得按揭贷款。

1) He has taken out a mortgage from the bank he has his current account with.

2) He has started to have a mortgage from the bank he has his current account with.

18. 她还没有还清用于购买房屋的全部按揭贷款。

1) She hasn’ paid off all the mortgage for the house she’s bought.

2) She hasn’t paid back all the mortgage loan for the house she’ s bought.

19. 如果你在三个交易日以内通知你的债权人,你有权取消这个抵押交易。  

1) You have the right to cancel the mortgage transaction if you your lender within three business days.

2) You have the right to rescind the mortgage transaction if you your lender within three business days. 




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