
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 025 | "架子"






Stand, rack, shelf, frame, skeleton, clothes-horse figure, outline, frame-work, put on airs, assume great airs, be haughty in one’s manner, stand on one’s dignity, ride the high horse, mount the high horse, be easy of approach, be modest and unassuming in ones manner, stance, posture, way








You are a clothing rack. You would look good in anything.




You’ve got a clothes-horse figure. You would look good in anything.


clothing rack指瞭晒衣服的架子,没有比喻意义。clothes horse ""无关,除了指晾晒衣服的架子以外,还可以比喻穿戴讲究、衣着时髦的人。例如:


1. 这个晒衣架用来晾晒衣服和毛巾。

The clothes horse was used for drying clothes and towels.

2. 她是沿街最引人注目的衣着时髦的人。

She is the most striking clothes horse along the street.


"衣裳架子”比喻“窈窕身材”,可以译为clothes-horse figure。例如:



She has huge dark eyes, a smiling face and a clothes-horse figure.

4. 这位老妇人仍然保持着她的窈窕身材。

The old lady still retains her clothes-horse figure.


"架子”的第一个意思是“支撑物体的构件或放置器物的用具”。英语可以译为 stand,rack,shelf, frame, skeleton。例如:


5. 这个花瓶架子自身就是一件艺术品。

This vase stand is an art piece in itself.

6. 这个花盆架子的装饰图案令人赏心悦目。

The ornamental design of the flower pot stand is pleasing to the eye.

7. 织物陈列在铁丝架子上。

The fabric was displayed on awired stand.

8. 她洗完盘子,然后放到盘子架子上去晾干。

She washed the dishes and then put them in the plate rack to dry.

9. 请不要随便从架子上拿取书藉。

Please do not help yourself to books from this shelf.

10. 他被从墙上伸出的架子碰伤了。

He was hurt by a shelf protruding from the wall.

11. 笔记本放在最高的架子上。

The notebook is on the topmost shelf,

12. 她小心翼翼地把杯子放在架子边上。

She carefully placed the cup onthe edge of the shelf.

13. 我的书太多,架子装不下。

I have too many books for myshelves,

14. 昨天她把一个架子装在墙上。

Yesterday she fixed a shelf to the wall.

15. 架子在那么大的重压之下开始弯了下去。

The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.

16. 他们缺少搭藤蔓攀爬的架子用的杆儿,而没有架子,葡萄产量就会减少一半。

They were short of sticks to make frames for the climbing vines, without which the yield would be halved.

17. 他瘦得几乎变成了一个骨头架子。

He is reduced almost to askeleton.


”架子”的第二个意思是"比喻事物的组织或结构”。英语可以译为outline, framework。例如:


18. 你应该先搭好架子再开始写文章。

You are supposed to work out an outline before starting writing.

19. 小说的架子已经搭好了。

The framework of the novel has been worked out.

20. 这所新学校正在搭架子。

This new school is setting up its framework.


"架子”的第三个意思是“自高自大的神态、装腔作势的作风”。“摆架子"或°拿架子”,英语译为to put on airs,to assume great airs, to be haughty in one’s manner, to stand on one's dignity, to ride the high horse, to mount the high horse。例如:


21. 因为爱摆架子,所以他不受欢迎。

He is unpopular because he likes to put on airs.

22. 不要对老百姓摆官僚架子。

Don’t put on airs like a bureaucrat in front of the masses of people.

23. 你最好不要对我拿架子。我不喜欢那一套。

You had better not put on airs with me, I won’t like it.

24. 她老拿架子,因为她自以为比别的什么人都好。

She is always putting on airs because she thinks she's better than everybody else.

25. 他和群众打成一片,从来不摆架子。

He mixed freely with the peoplenever putting on airs.

26. 我的邻居总是摆架子,装出她认识重要人物,被邀请出席豪华宴会。

My neighbour is always assuming great airs, pretending she knows important people and is invited to rich parties.

27. 他只是个科长,官不大,架子却不小。

He is only a section chiefwho takes a minor postbut is haughty in his manner.

28. 她没拿架子,没把我们当作仆人对待。

She didn’t stand on her dignity or treat us as servants.

29. 只有道德形象不高的人才会摆架子。

It is only people of small moral stature who have to stand on their dignity.

30. 他这个人有点太喜欢摆架子。

1) He is a bit too fond of riding the high horse.

2) He is a bit too fond of mounting the high horse.


"没有架子”,就是"平易近人,谦和”。英语可以译为 be easy of approach,to be modest and unassuming in one’s manner 例如:


31. 那位部长一点儿没有官架子。

That minister is easy of approach.

32. 那位要人一点儿没有架子。

That important man is very unassuming in his manner.

33. 尽管有名,她仍然是个没有架子的人,就像她以前当学生时那样。

Despite her fameshe remained the modestunassuming person she had been as a student.

“架子”的第四个意思是"架势、姿势”。英语可以译为stance,posture, way。例如:



He took the stance of going all out to do the work.

35. —看他锄地的架子,就知道他是个庄稼里手。

Judging from the posture he takeswhen he works with a hoe, we know he is a good farmhand.

36. —看架子,就看出他是个好木匠。

From the way he works, you can see he is a good carpenter. 




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