
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 025 | "忽悠"







Sway, flicker, jerk sb around, hoodwink, bamboozle, suddenly, all of a sudden, before we realized it








Various deceptive means are hardly preventive.




Various deceptive means are hardly preventable.


preventive的意思是“预防性的”,具有主动含义,只能用作定语,不用作表语。preventable的意思是"可以防止的”,具有被动含义。“防不胜防的”是“几乎不能防止的”意思,应该译为hardly preventable。例如:


1. 我们必须采取预防性行动来保护我们的环境。

We must take preventive actions to protect our environment.

2. 世界上欺诈的和奸诈的交易是防不胜防的。

Tricky and treacherous dealings in the world are hardly preventable.


"忽悠”的第一个意思指"人体或物体的晃动”。英语可以译为to sway 或 to flicker。例如:


3. 走钢丝的杂技演员在具有一定高度的细钢丝绳上忽悠个不停。

The tight rope walker continuouslyswayed on the thin wire at a great height.

4. 一面大旗在旗杆上被微风吹得直忽悠。

1) A huge flag swayed on the pole in the gentle breeze.

2) A huge flag fluttered on the pole in the gentle breeze.

5. 光秃的旗杆在狂风中忽悠过来,忽悠过去。

1) The bare flagpole swayed to and fro in the strong winds.

2) The bare flagpole swayed to and fro under the hard gusts.

6. 长长的扁担在他肩上直忽悠。

The long carrying-pole swayed on his shoulder. 

7. 油灯忽悠忽悠的,一会儿亮,一会儿灭。

The oil-lamp flickered on and off.

8. 夜色中,江面上渔船的灯火忽悠忽悠的。

In the darkness of the night, lights flickered on the fishing boats on the river.

9. 我看见一个影子在树后忽悠忽悠地晃动。

I saw a shadow flickering behind the tree.


"忽悠”的第二个意思原为东北方言,相当于“愚弄”、"糊弄”或“捉弄'具有诙谐、生动的意味。英语最好不译为to deceive或to cheat这样普通的动词,而译为 to jerk sb around, to hoodwink, to bamboozle 等佳语说法,更能表达出“忽悠"的细微含义。“被忽悠”可以相应地译为to be jerked around, to be hoodwinked, to be bamboozled。例如:


10. 别忽悠我!我不会上当。

Don’t jerk me around!I won't be taken in,


False commercials are jerking the consumers around.

12. 许多顾客被这个大公司忽悠了。

Many customers were jerked around by the big company.

13. 骗子忽悠这个老太太,让她买了条一文不值的项链。

The swindler hoodwinked the old lady into buying a worthless necklace.

14. 他以能忽悠,让人相信各式各样的胡言乱语而臭名远扬。

He is notorious for hoodwinking people into believing all kinds of nonsense.

15. 记者揭露了这个医药大亨是如何忽悠消费者的。

The news reporter revealed how the pharmaceutical giant had hoodwinked the consumers.

16. 这个股民被忽悠买了垃圾股。

The investor was hoodwinked into buying junk stocks.

17. 这本书表明媒体是如何忽悠受众的。

The book shows how the media has bamboozled the audience.

18. 在一篇博客里,这位记者说布什总统忽悠了美国人民,让他们卷入伊拉克战争。

In a blog, the news reporter stated that President Bush had bamboozled the American people into the Iraqi War.

19. 我被忽悠签了这个不合理的合同。

I was bamboozled into signing their rational contract.


“忽悠一下”作为副词短语的第一个意思是“忽然晃动的结果”。英语可以译为 suddenly, all of a sudden。例如:


20. 我感到两腿一软,忽悠一下就跌倒在地上。

My legs felt like jelly, and I suddenly fell off on the ground.

21. 鱼儿在水面上忽悠一下就不见了。

Suddenly, the fish disappeared from the surface of the water.

22. 她的心忽悠一下提到嗓子眼儿上了

All of a sudden, she had her heart in her mouth.

23. 汽车忽悠一下就掉进河里去了。

All of a sudden, the car fell off into the river.


"忽悠一下”作为副词短语的第二个意思是"不知不觉地'与“时间过得快"有关。英语可以译为before we realized it。例如:


24. 暑假忽悠一下就过去了。

1) Summer vacation passed quickly before we realized it.

2) Summer vacation passed swiftly before we realized it.

25. 天忽悠一下就冷了。

It turned cold before we realized it.

26. 天忽悠一下就黑了。

It got dark before we realized it.

27. 夜幕忽悠一下就降临了。

Evening came before we realized it. 




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