
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 026 | "接轨"






contact, connect, link, link up with, dock on, dock with, be docked on, be docked with, integrate, become integrated with, get integrated with, be geared to, get geared to, switch overto, become compatible with, keep in line with








The Lianyungang-Lanzhou Railway is contacted to the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway at Zhengzhou.




The Lianyungang-Lanzhou Railway is connected to the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway at Zhengzhou.


"接轨”的意思是"连接”。to contact的意思是"联系”或"接触";to connect的意思才是"连接”。例如:


1. 救险队员们一直在设法联系被困的矿工。

The rescue crews have been trying to contact the trapped miners.


“接轨”的第一个意思是“连接铁轨”。英语可以译为to link the rails, to connect the rails。“全线接轨"就是“全线贯通”,英语可以译为(the rails) to be linked up or to be connected。例如:


2. 20051015日在拉萨接轨,青藏铁路最终建成。

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway was finally completed when rails were linked at Lhasa on October 15, 2005.

3. 最后,全线接轨,铁路就可以通车了。

Finally, the rails were linked and the line was opened for traffic.

4. 在拉萨接轨,使得从内地到西藏完全乘火车旅行成为可能。

The rails were linked up at Lhasa, making it possible to travel from interior China to Tibet completely by train.

5. 铁路线修到达西藏,最后在拉萨接轨。

The railway line had reached Tibet, and the rails were finally connected at Lhasa.

6. 在这座小镇接轨,提供铁路服务,一路横跨全国,通向东海岸。

Rails were linked together at this small townproviding train service all theway across the country to the east coast.

7. 胶济线在济南与京沪线接轨。

The Qingdao-Jinan Railway isconnected to the Beijing-Shanghai Railway at Jinan.


"接轨”的第二个意思是“使宇航器在太空相互衔接”,即“对接”。英语可以译为 to link up with,to dock on, to dock with, to be docked on, to be docked with。例如:


8. 这架航天飞机已经与国际太空站接轨。

1) The space shuttle has linked up with the international space station.

2) The space shuttle has docked with the international space station.

3) The space shuttle has been docked with the international space station.

9. 明年,一个技术舱将与太空站对接。

Next year, a technology module will be docked on the space station.


"接轨”的第三个意思是比喻“使两种制度或方法相互衔接"。英语可以译为 to link up with, to integrate,to become integrated with,to get integrated with,to be geared to,to get geared to,to switch over to, to become compatible with, to keep in line with。例如:


10. 这位专家谈论到如何使我们的统计制度与国际标准接轨。

The expert talked about how to make our statistical system link up with the international standards.

11. 随着加入世贸组织,中国国内的纺织市场和纺织机械市场已与国际市场接轨。

With its entry into the WTO, China’s domestic textile and textile machinery markets have integrated with the world market.

12. 随着农业市场与国际市场接轨,中国国内的农产品价格有所上涨。

China’s prices of domestic agricultural products rose as its agricultural market became integrated with the international market.

13. 随着财务制度的改进,这家企业已逐渐与国际市场接轨。

With its financial systems being upgraded, the enterprise has gradually got integrated with the world market.

14. 越来越多的公司已经采用这个与国际标准接轨的新的盾量管理体系。

A growing number of companies have adopted this new quality management system, which is geared to international standards.

15. 这个公司已经持续地改进管理,现在与国际惯例接轨了。

The company has constantly improved its management and is now geared to international conventions.

16. 对这些企业来说,提高他们产品的市场竞争力并与国际标准接轨是必要的。

It is necessary for the enterprises to increase the competitiveness of their products in the market and get geared to international standards.

17. 为了解决这些问题,我们应该与国际惯例接轨,并加速国际化的进程。

In order to solve these problems, we should switch over to international practices and accelerate the progress of internationalization.

18. 我国的银行运作已逐步与国际公认的惯例接轨。

Banking operation in our country has gradually become compatible with internationally accepted practices.

19. 中国展览界血内人士强调说中国的展览会应该与国际标准接轨。

Insiders from the Chinese exhibition industry emphasize that Chinese exhibitions should keep in line with international standards. 




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干货来了:BBC经典纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China

【寒假专辑】BBC最新史诗纪录片《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)



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