
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 027 | "恶搞"







abusive imitation, mischievous distortion, practical joke, hoax, hoaxer, spoofing culture, juggled culture








This film director was suffering from evil doing.




This film director was sufferingfrom mischievous distortion,


evil的意思是"罪恶的doing的意思是"。但是不能将“搞”字对字地译为 evil doing。实际上,evil doing的意思是罪恶行动义比较严重。例如:


1. 他拒绝参与罪恶的行动。

He refused to participate in evil doing.


“恶搞”就是"恶劣的或恶作剧的搞笑”,是当前流行娱乐中以文字,图片或动画为手段模仿、扭曲或篡改的一种搞笑。英语可以译为abusive imitation, mischievous distortion, practical joke。例如:


2. 恶搞一部经典影片是不得人心的。

An abusive imitation of a classic film is unpopular.

3. 2006年,恶搞是中国最流行的词汇之一。

In 2006, mischievous distortion was one of the most popular expressions in China.

4. 意思混淆不清给恶搞提供了许多机会。

Confusion of meaning offers plenty of opportunity for mischievous distortion.

5. 把这样一位英雄描写成一个坏蛋,只不过是对事实的恶搞。

Portraying such a hero as a villain is nothing but a mischievous distortion of facts.

6. 这首电视广告歌简直就是对一首古诗的恶搞。

This jingle is simply amischievous distortion of an ancient poem.

7. 把这种现象简单地看作网络恶搞是不恰当的。

It is inappropriate to simply regard this phenomenon as a practical joke on the net.


hoax 的意思、是 an attempt to trick an audience into believing that something false is real,即“企图蒙骗观众,使其相信某个假的东西是真的"。hoax和由hoax构成的词组,也可以表示"恶搞”的意思。例如:

网络恶搞Internet hoax 恶搞电影 hoax film, hoax movie 恶搞电子邮件hoax email 恶搞图片hoax picture 恶搞照片hoax photo 又如:


8. 我们是否能够肯定这张相片是恶搞?

Can we be certain that this photo is a hoax?

9. 有些人深信华南虎的照片是恶搞。

Some people believe the photo of a South China tiger is a hoax.

10. 这些恐龙图片已被揭露是恶搞。

These pictures of dinosaurs have been exposed as hoaxes.

11. 与欺诈、欺骗和诈骗等比较激烈的字眼相比,恶搞是个相当温和的词汇。

Compared with harsher words like fraudcheat and swindlehoax is a rather gentle term.

12. 公鸡下蛋是头号恶搞新闻。

That the cock laid an egg tops the hoax list.

13. 这个网络恶搞以一名13岁女孩自杀而告终,这引起她家人的呼吁,要求得到更好的保护从而不受网络骚扰。

This I internet hoax ended with the suicide of a 13-year-old girl, which has led to calls from her family for better protections against online harassment.

14. 许多人不喜欢这部恶搞电影,认为它不道德。

Many people dislike this hoax filmthinking it immoral.

15. 你可以完全不理睬这些恶搞电子邮件。

You may completely disregard these hoax emails.

16. 这是他创造的恶搞图片。

This is the hoax picture that he created,

17. 我们需要找三个不同的人来评价这张恶搞图片。

We need to get three different people to evaluate this hoax picture.


“恶搞文化”是当前流行的玩笑文化。英语可以译为spoofing culture 或 juggled culture。例如:


18. 恶搞文化最近在中国网络上兴起。

Spoofing culture has recently emerged on the web in China.

19. 恶搞文化的兴起表现出传媒素养教育的缺失。

The emergence of spoofing culture shows the lack of quality education on the part of media.

20. 新型的恶搞文化是一种在高科技支助下的玩笑文化。

New juggled culture is a kind of joking culture supported by high technology.




21. 恶槁者把自身的愉悦建立在别人的痛苦之上,是很不道德的。

It is immoral for those hoaxers to base their own happiness on the suffering of other people.

22. 这些恶搞者正试图通过戏说经典作品来颠覆传统文化。

These hoaxers are trying to subvert traditional culture through altering classic works in a ridiculous way.




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干货来了:BBC经典纪录片《美丽中国》Wild China

【寒假专辑】BBC最新史诗纪录片《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)



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