
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 028 | "造假"







bogus, counterfeit, fake, fakery, false, forge, fraud, sham, cheating, make fake things, cook the accounts, crack down on






This award-winning photo of Tibetan antelopes has been exposed as making a fake.



1) This award-winning photo of Tibetan antelopes has been exposed as fake.

2) This award-winning photo of Tibetan antelopes has been exposed as a fake.

3) This award-winning photo of Tibetan antelopes has been exposed as being fake.

4) This award-winning photo of Tibetan antelopes has been exposed as being a fake.


fake既是形容词,也是名词。不能将“造假”字对字地译为to make a fake,因为英语没有这样的搭配。但是“被揭露是造假”可以有to be exposed as fake / a fake / being fake / being a fake 等四种说法。

真实只有一个,英语中表示"真”的词很少。伪造的、冒充的、冒牌的或仿造的东西有许许多多,英语中表示"假”的词很多,有bogus,counterfeit, fake, false, forged, fraud, sham 等。例如:


1. 这个外国旅客因持假护照而被拘留。

The foreign passenger was detainedfor holding a bogus passport.

2. 两人因贩卖带有耐克和路易威登等著名品牌的假商标的货物而被捕。

Two people were arrested for selling counterfeit trademark merchandise marked with famous brand names such as Nike and Louis Vuitton.

3. 这位卫生专家警告说假药正在全球夺取成千上万人的生命。

The health expert warns that fake medicines are killing many hundreds of thousands of people across the globe.

4. 这位专家正在给听众讲如何区别真假古瓷瓶。

The expert is telling the audience how to distinguish authentic from fake antique vases.

5. 法庭最终证明被告伪造了假文件和假签名。

The court finally proved that the defendant had made a false document and a false signature.

6. 这名男子被发现在黑市买卖假币。

The man was buying and selling forged money in the black market.

7. 有时候,造假极难看出。

Sometimes, fraud is terrifically hard to spot.

8. 这位鉴赏家发现这张假画上有一个假签名。

The connoisseur found that the rewas a sham signature affixed to the sham picture.


“假货”,英语可以译为counterfeit, fake。例如:


9. 当你去一家路易威登专卖店,你花3000美元买一个包;但是如果你去洛杉矶的市中心,你却能花50美元买一个假货。

When you go to a Louis Vuitton shop, you pay $3,000 for a bag; but if you go to downtown Los Angeles, you can buy a counterfeit for $50.

10. 每个想买古董而又不在行的人,都怕买到假货。

Everybody who wants to buy antiques, but is not an expertfears buying a fake.


“造假”,英语可以译为 to make fake things, to counterfeit, to forge。例如:


11. 警方今天声称在本地区抓获一个制造假证件的团伙。

The police today claimed to have busted a gang that made fake certificates in this district.

12. 最初,制造假钞的唯一方法是雕版印制。

Originallythe only method of counterfeitingpaper money was by engraving,

13. 警方声称这个契约上的签名是伪造的。

The police claimed that the signatures on the contract had been forged,


“造假账”,可以译为to cook the books, to cook the accounts。例如:


14. 这个会计师因造假帐而被开除了。

1) The accountant was sacked for cooking the books.

2) The accountant was sacked for cooking the accounts.


“造假行为”和“造假术”,可以译为cheating,fakery, forgery, fraud。例如:


15. 这位教授在学术造假丑闻被揭露后就立即辞职了。

The professor resigned immediately after his academic cheating scandal was exposed.

16. 这个摄影造假术包括将他的头连到别人身体的影象上,使他看上去瘦一些。

The photo fakery includes a photoof his head attached to an image of a different body that makes him look thinner.

17. 警方继续调查他与这个公司签的合同中是否涉及造假。

The police continued to investigate whether there was forgery involved in the contract that he signed with the company.

18. 近几年,一些国际公司由于会计造假连续倒闭。

In recent years, some international companies went bankrupt successively because of accounting fraud.     


"打假”的意思是"依法打击制造、销售假冒伪劣商品”。英语可以译为 to crack down on。例如:


19. 中国政府已采取各种有效措施打击假冒伪劣商品。

The Chinese government has taken various effective measures to crack down on counterfeit goods.

20. 中国各级工商管理部门将继续打击假冒伪劣产品。

The industrial and commercial authorities at various levels in China will continue to crack down on fake products.

21. 警方已立即采取行动在市场上打击盗版产品。

The police have taken immediate actions to crack down on pirated goods in the market.




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