
CATTI 开讲啦 | CATTI 备考营第8期 | 视频演示 | 4月12日汉译英翻译练习案例讲评

赵小贤 北极光翻译 2023-11-03



CATTI 英语笔译招人啦!



60 天







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1. do justice to公平对待;
We will work to foster a positive environment in which everyone wants, strives, and is able to excel themselves, and can do full justice to their talents.
I will fail to do justice to this ancient city if I should do no more than extol just one certain aspect of it.
He does not do justice to his wife.
2. sail
to move quickly and smoothly in a particular direction; (of people) to move in a confident manner 掠;飘;浮游;(人)昂首而行,气宇轩昂地走
She sailed past me, ignoring me completely. 她从我身边翩然走过,看都不看我一眼。
She sailed into the hall.
3. overgrown
(with sth) ( of gardens, etc. 花园等 ) covered with plants that have been allowed to grow wild and have not been controlled 植物蔓生的;杂草丛生的
an overgrown path 长满野草的小径
The garden's completely overgrown with weeds. 花园里长满了杂草。 
( often disapproving ) that has grown too large 发展过快的;长得过大的
an overgrown village 膨胀过大的村庄
They act like a pair of overgrown children (= they are adults but they behave like children) . 他俩的举动就像一对大孩子。
Looking where she pointed, Old Shuan's wife saw that the grave in front had not yet been overgrown with grass.

CATTI 备考营第1期 | 4月1日汉译英翻译练习案例讲评

CATTI 备考营第2期 | 4月2日汉译英翻译练习案例讲评

CATTI 备考营第3期 | 4月3日汉译英翻译练习案例讲评

CATTI 备考营第4期 | 4月5日汉译英翻译练习案例讲评

CATTI 备考营第5期 | 4月6日汉译英翻译练习案例讲评

CATTI 备考营第6期 | 4月8日汉译英翻译练习案例讲评

CATTI 备考营第7期 | 4月10日汉译英翻译练习案例讲评








Life can be likened to a long river, and we are the ones wading through it. The river seems calm on the surface, but it is actually surging with indiscernible undercurrents. Some people step back, while others drift with the rapids. Only a handful of persons can trudge against it and reach the other bank. There was a time when I was as inferior as an ugly duckling without aspiration. I never dreamed that I could be a white swan one day. I even feared to look straight into others' eyes, but always hid myself among the crowd. Alas! I was doomed to live in vain this life.






1. Liken

V-T If you liken one thing or person to another thing or person, you say that they are similar. 把…比作

She likens marriage to slavery.  她把婚姻比作奴役。

2. wade through/ trudge

敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩 gnaw at a hard bone and wade through a dangerous shoal

3. indiscernible 看不见的

4. undercurrents 暗流

5.look straight into

6. 凰男,丑小鸭ugly duckling




Three Recipes for Success


Xi Murong once said “Human life can be likened to a long river, and we are the ones wading through it.” The seemingly quiet river is actually surging with indiscernible undercurrents. Some people will step back, while others drift with the rapids. Nobody short of a heroic spirit can trudge against it and reach the other bank of success.


Listen! They say there are three recipes for the way to success.


Aspiring high, give your dream a chance


There was a time when I was as inferior as an ugly duckling without high aspiration. I never dreamed that I could be as successful as a white swan one day. I even feared to look straight into the eyes of others. I always hid myself among the mass. Alas! I was doomed to live in vain this life.


However, one day, Helen Keller, a deaf and blind girl, came into my life. Her legendary experience and enlightening book Three Days to See moved and inspired me. Having read this book, I understood that one’s ideal was well above reality, and I should give my dream a chance. Helen was right. However ordinary as I was, I was much more fortunate than her. But she never resigned hopes and abandoned herself to despair. On the contrary, she unremittingly kept pursuing one and one ambitious dreams. Thinking of this, I could not help feeling ashamed of myself.


So I began to search my heart time and time again and tried to elevate my mind.


I still remember the first time when I took part in the speech contest. Facing all the students and teachers, I stood in the stage, and suddenly my mind went blank. However, the dedicated look and teachers’ encouraging eyes rejuvenated my courage and willpower. I also cannot forget the days when I started to learn dancing. At my first performance on the stage, I got seized with such nervousness that I felt cold all through my body. But the trusting stare of my partner and the warm applauses of audience melted my nearly frozen dream. The moment the spotlight centered on me that I turned into a white swan. At the age of 17, I studied abroad in an unfamiliar country a thousand miles away. That was my first time that I had left my home where I had lived for seventeen years. At that time, I was always weeping all the time. However, my friends’ warm words and parents’ cordial embrace seemed to turn into a magic, powerful fire encouraging me to a bright future.


Give your dream a chance, low hills can enjoy the magnificence of high mountains; give your dream a chance, water drops can gather into the vast sea; give your dream a chance, a sapling can grow into a big tree.


Persevering long, who laughs last laughs best


There was a time when I was always setting up goals but never persisted in and put them into practice in a down-to-earth manner. As a result, I was such a quitter that I had never finished one thing in time. However, at that time, I came to know a wise man in a robe, standing on the riverside and crying into the air. The man is none other than Sima Qian, from whom I know as long as you are perseverant you will achieve your goal.


Sima Qian had a passion for history from his childhood. From the moment when he decided to compile Records of the Historian, he had stepped on an endless journey with firm steps. Unfortunately, he was framed by a villain and sentenced to castration penalty. Oh! How could he stand up to such a big humiliation? How could he endure such a disgrace and persist in finishing the compilation work? Thank God! Finally his efforts paid off. He completed the immortal masterpiece which was positively commented as “the Unmetrical Li Sao and Incomparable Splendor of Historian” by Lu Xun.


As Mr Lian Shisheng said in his Essays of Autumn Water, “In the war, it is usually the last five minutes is the deciding factor, and the side who can persevere is the winner.” If Sima Qian had given up halfway, his spirit would be as disgraceful as his body. However, he endured the grief and indignation with great willpower and finally made a success.


From then on, I was no longer a capricious dreamer, but tried to be a persistent goal-pursuer. I still remember the hard year before senior high school entrance examination. At the beginning, everyone was as energetic as an athlete’s flying start and made full use of every minute. In the midway, most gasped for breath and slowed down their pace. In the last month of final sprint, all were exhausted and burned out. However, this last “five minutes” is a deciding moment of success. The numerous papers and exercises witnessed my enduring perseverance. At last, I smilingly entered into the examination room with confidence.


Keeping cool, soft pace go far


There was a time when I was swollen by a few achievements and despised others in an arrogant manner. At that time, I cherished a great love for Vincent van Gogh. While enjoying the glorious sight of Sunflower with intense hues and appreciating his saying “Sunflower is my flower”, how could I imagine he reduced to such an abject situation and silently led such a melancholy life? I seemed to understand that soft pace go far.


As an old saying goes, “Almost all the generally called great sages and wise men cannot be accepted and appreciated by their times.” Not only van Gogh’s talent was not recognized and valued by his time, but also he was forsaken and regarded as a lunatic. Even so, he still kept a quiet mood and remained true to himself. He unremittingly devoted his lifetime to finding out about the mystery of colors and thoroughly expressed his grievance and helplessness on his paintings. Departed as he was, his paintings and indifference to honor and disgrace kept popping up before my eyes.

于是,我笑着将自己的奖状、证书放进了箱子底部,对夸奖我的人说声“谢谢”,然后学会忘记;对批评我的人也说声 “谢谢”,然后学会铭记。不再被浮夸所左右,我保持着一颗水晶般纯净的心,静得不起一丝涟漪。明天又是新的一天,忘掉过去的种种,才能拥有长久的未来,看淡眼前的一切,才能在静中,厚积薄发。

So I put all my awards and certificates in the bottom of a box. I said “Thank you” to those who praised me, but learned to forget it; I also said “Thank you” to people who criticized me, but learned to remember it. I will no longer be influenced by others’ complements and I always keep a peaceful heart that nothing could disturb. Tomorrow is another day. Only by forgetting the past glory can you prospect long; only by overlooking the earthly desire can you go far.


Aspiring high and keeping cool, carry these three recipes and live in a down-to-earth manner, I believe the success is sure to wait for you around the corner.







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