
特朗普 "60分钟“首访:他们无弹药可报复, 这不是贸易战 (全文)

特朗普 CBS"60分钟“首访定调:这不是贸易战 

“他们可以报复, 但没有足够的弹药”


2018年10月14日,美东时间周日晚上,特朗普执政以来首次接受美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)《60分钟》( 60 Minutes》节目记者 Lesley Stahl 的专访。

60分钟》(英语:60 Minutes)为美国的一个新闻杂志节目,由哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)制作并播出,自1968年开始播出,迄今已播出逾40年。该节目制作品质精良,口碑上佳,是美国知名的电视节目,也多次获得奖项。节目开播的灵感来自加拿大国营频道同类节目《这个小时有七天》。


Lesley Stahl speaks with President Trump about a wide range of topics in his first 60 Minutes interview since taking office.

Lesley Stahl: China. 记:接下来我们谈谈中国

President Donald Trump: I get along with him. It's very important. China, let's go. 特朗普:我和他的关系很好。 这个很重要。好,我们谈谈中国的话题。

Lesley Stahl: I'm skipping across the world here. You've slapped a lot of tariffs-- 记:我先不从全世界看,你已经对(他们)很多商品征收关税。

President Donald Trump: $250 billion. 特朗普: 2500亿美元。

Lesley Stahl: Gonna do more? 记: 还打算征收更多关税吗?

President Donald Trump: Might. Might. 特朗普: 或许吧,或许吧。

Lesley Stahl: Round three? 记: 打算进行第三轮关税战吗?

President Donald Trump: They wanna negotiate, Lesley. They wanna negotiate. 特朗普: 他们打算谈判, 他们打算谈判。

Lesley Stahl: Are you ready? 记:你做好谈判的准备了吗?

President Donald Trump: Look. 特朗普: 看着办。

Lesley Stahl: Are you ready to-- 记: 你是否准备好了要......

President Donald Trump: I have a great chemistry also with President  of China. I don't know that that's necessarily going to continue. I told President Xi we cannot continue to have China take $500 billion a year out of the United States in the form of trade and others things.  特朗普:我和他们国家领导人的个人关系很好。我不知道真的是否有必要发动第三轮关税措施;我告诉他们领导人,我们不能再接受美国每年掏5000亿美元,不论是以贸易还是其他的形式。

Lesley Stahl: And how-- how 记: 那么是如何解决?如何解决?

President Donald Trump: And I said we can't do that, and we're not gonna do that anymore. 特朗普:我是说我们不能再这样下去了,我们不会再这么继续下去。

Lesley Stahl: How much squeezing of them are you prepared to do when American products are gonna be more expensive for American consumers in the end of all this? 特朗普:如果这些措施的最终结果是导致美国消费者支出上升,那么,你打算还继续挤压他们多少?

President Donald Trump: Okay. Okay. So, so far, that hasn't turned out to be the case. 特朗普: 好吧, 好吧, 目前为止,还没有出现这个现象(美国消费者支出上升)。

Lesley Stahl: Some-- 记: 有些上升了...

President Donald Trump: --if you think about it, so far, I put 25% tariffs on steel dumping, and aluminum dumping 10%. 特朗普: 如果你想一想, 我对钢铁倾销行为征收25%的关税, 对铝征收10%关税。

Lesley Stahl: But they've-- 记: 但他们已经......

President Donald Trump: --again.特朗普:再者

Lesley Stahl: --retaliated. That's what I'm asking. 记: 他们已经报复了,这正是我要问的。

President Donald Trump: They can retaliate, but they can't-- they don't have enough ammunition to retaliate. We do $100 billion with them. They do $531 billion with us. 特朗普: 他们可以报复, 但他们已经没足够的弹药了。我们对他们的1000亿美元商品征税,他们对我们531亿美元商品征税。

Lesley Stahl: Are you trying to sort of push them into a depression? 记: 你打算将他们推向萧条吗?

President Donald Trump: No no, although they're down 32 percent in four months, which is 1929. 特朗普:不,虽然他们股市最近4个月来已经蒸发32%,这就是美国1929年的情形 (1929年股灾和大萧条);

Lesley Stahl: Well that's what I'm asking. 记: 这正是我要问的。

President Donald Trump: I don't want that. No, I don't want that. I want them to negotiate a fair deal with us. I want them to open their markets like our-- our markets are open. 特朗普: 我不想那么做, 我只是希望他们和我们达成公平的交易。我希望他们能够开放市场, 正如我们这样开放市场。

Lesley Stahl: But you're in a 记: 但你现在已经......

President Donald Trump: And it will be a fair deal--特朗普:这将会是一个公平的交易。

Lesley Stahl: --trade war right now. Trade war.记:贸易战,现在正处于贸易战。

President Donald Trump: You call it war, I don't call-- 特朗普: 你称之我贸易战,我不这么称呼。

Lesley Stahl: You-- you-- 记: 你, 你...

President Donald Trump: --it--特朗普这是

Lesley Stahl: --you did today. 记: 你昨天就是这么说的。

President Donald Trump: I called it a skirmish. 特朗普:我称之为前哨战(小冲突)。

Lesley Stahl: I heard you, you called it a war. 记:我听到了,你昨天说这是战争(贸易战)。

President Donald Trump: I called it, actually I called it a battle. But, actually, I'm gonna lower that. I consider it a skirmish. And we're gonna win. 特朗普: 我实际是称之为战役。但,实际上, 我打算降低这个激烈程度, 我觉得这是一个前哨战(小冲突)。 我们将会获胜。

Lesley Stahl: You have also slapped some tariffs on our allies. 记: 你也对我们的盟友征收关税了。

President Donald Trump: I mean, what's an ally? We have wonderful relationships with a lot of people. But nobody treats us much worse than the European Union. The European Union was formed in order to take advantage of us on trade, and that's what they've done. 特朗普: 我是说,盟友是指什么? 我们和世界上许多国家都有友好的关系。但从来没有谁像欧盟一样对我们这么坏。 欧盟的存在就是为了在贸易上赚我们的便宜, 他们已经这么做了额,

特朗普: 中国是美国的“经济敌人”

Lesley Stahl: But this is hostile.  记:不过这么看来是一种敌对了。

President Donald Trump: And yet, they-- it's not hostile. 特朗普:这不是敌对关系。

Lesley Stahl: It sounds hostile. 记: 这听起来就是敌对关系。

President Donald Trump: You know what's hostile? The way they treat us. We're not hostile. 特朗普: 你说什么是敌对, 他们对待我们的方式才叫敌对,我们并没有敌对他们。

Lesley Stahl: No, but can't you deal with-- 记: 不,但你难道不能够.....

President Donald Trump: We've been-- we've been特朗普: 我们已经, 我们已经......

Lesley Stahl: --them without--记:不对他们采取......

President Donald Trump: --the stupid country for so many years.特朗普:这么多年来,我们已经是大傻瓜了。

特朗普: 他们以为美国是“大傻瓜”, 我还有“大招”

Lesley Stahl: Are you willing to get rid of that Western alliance? 记: 你打算和西方盟友们断绝关系吗?

President Donald Trump: Now, I like NATO, NATO's fine. But you know what? We shouldn't be paying almost the entire cost of NATO to protect Europe. And then on top of that, they take advantage of us on trade. They're not going to do it anymore. They understand that. 特朗普: 现在, 我喜欢北约,北约很好。 你知道吗, 我们不应该一种为了保护欧洲的安全而几乎承担北约的全部费用。而在这之外, 这些国家竟然在贸易上赚我们的便宜。他们不会再有这个机会了,他们已经知道了。

Lesley Stahl: Okay, but are, it does seem this, are you willing to disrupt the Western Alliance? It's been going for 70 years. It's kept the peace for 70 years.  好吧,这么说吧, 你是否打算破坏西方联盟?这个联盟已经有70年的历史了。已经保持和平70年了。

President Donald Trump: You don't know that. You don't know that. 特朗普: 你不懂的, 你不懂的。

Lesley Stahl: I don't know what? 记: 我不懂什么?

President Donald Trump: You don't know that 特朗普: 你不懂的。

Lesley Stahl: Is it true General Mattis said to you, "The reason for NATO and the reason for all these alliances is to prevent World War III?" 记: 国防部长对你所说的不是属实吗? 他说:“北约和西方联盟存在的原因是为了阻止第三次世界大战的爆发”?

President Donald Trump: No, it's not true. 特朗普: 不是的,不是这样的。

Lesley Stahl: What's not true? 记: 那真实的情况是什么?

President Donald Trump: Frankly, I like General Mattis. I think I know more about it than he does. And I know more about it from the standpoint of fairness, that I can tell you. 特朗普: 老实说,我喜欢Mattis 将军。 我觉得我懂得比他多。 从公平的角度看, 我懂得比他多。 我可以给你讲讲。

Lesley Stahl: I'm gonna try one more time. Okay. 记: 好,我再次洗耳恭听。

President Donald Trump: I know-- and, Lesley, you don't have to try again. I know exactly what you're saying-- 特朗普: 我知道, 你不必要说再试着洗耳恭听, 我知道你要说什么。

Lesley Stahl: Well, answer my question. 记: 好,请回答我的问题。

President Donald Trump: The answer is this. I will always be there with NATO, but they have to pay their way. I'm fully in favor of NATO, but I don't wanna be taken advantage of. 特朗普: 问题的答案是,我肯定会永远支持北约的, 但是他们应该付钱。 我愿意完全支持北约,但是他们不能老我们占便宜。

点评就贸易战问题,特朗普此次接受采访最值得关注的地方是, 他突然说这不是贸易战,这是前哨战(小冲突), 而且他说是要降低激烈程度, 所以用这个稍微温和的字眼来描述贸易事件。 这么看来, 特朗普似乎是变的温和了, 和前几天用100%的强硬口气形成了明显的反差。特朗普为何要这么做?他是真的要软化其之前的表明强硬立场?还是仅仅放个烟雾弹而已?

这里面值得关注的是,最近几天刚刚发生的一个重要情况, 一个是美国股市上周三和周四连续大跌,道指累跌超过1400点, 华尔街哭声一遍。而特朗普乘机将矛头指向美联储,认为美联储加息才是美国股市大跌的元凶;特朗普大骂美联储或许是为“贸易战”给美国市场的冲击找替罪羊。

全球狂跌: 谁是幕后罪魁祸首?

而另外一方面, 特朗普发动贸易战许久以来,中国对美的贸易顺差反而持续增加, 从这个角度看,美国没有得到好处;相反,由于美国提高关税,美国企业制造成本增加, 反而给美国制造业尤其中小企业带来不利。 以下为《华尔街日报》今天所报道的情况:

所以, 特朗普可能的贸易战目前为止,美国不仅没有赚到好处,反而付出了代价,是一种损人不利己的做法。所以, 特朗普可能会从表面上降低用词的激烈程度, 避免在中期选举中, 在用“贸易牌"和”中国牌“的同时, 也要避免引火烧身。

不论如何, 我们需要




欢迎关注民财经汇(jimincaijing), 了解贸易战最新动态。

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