
【资讯】 論文征集 | 歐洲漢學學會(EACS)第23屆會議

歐洲漢學學會 跨文化交际前沿 2022-04-24
     論文征集 | 歐洲漢學學會第23屆會議(23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS))


August 25–29, 2020 (2020年8月25-29日)


Leipzig, Germany(德國·萊比錫)



歐洲漢學學會(European Association for Chinese Studies,簡稱EACS)是歐洲最具影響力的漢學學術研究機構,協會主席布倫希爾德·施泰格。為了聯合所有漢學愛好者,為他們搭建交流與合作的橋樑,1975年,一群熱愛漢學的歐洲學者們在法國巴黎成立了這個協會,次年舉行了首次協會大會。如今,兩年一屆的大會已成為歐洲漢學界舉足輕重的學術研討會議,近幾屆吸引了超過300名來自歐洲乃至美國、澳大利亞、中國和亞洲國家的漢學家與會。學會會員包括奧地利、比利時、保加利亞、捷克共和國、丹麥、芬蘭、法國、德國、匈牙利、愛爾蘭、義大利、荷蘭、挪威、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯、斯洛伐克、斯洛維尼亞、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、英國、冰島等國的漢學家。學會的宗旨在於提升歐洲所有與中國學相關的學術活動。根據學會章程,學會每兩年召開一次大會,每次會議地址均不同。

Call for Papers

Kind reminder: The deadline for submissions is approaching soon (Jan 6 2020).

The 23rd biennial conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) will be held in Leipzig from 25 August 2020 to 29 August 2020. Local organisation is provided by the Institute of East Asian Studies, Leipzig University.

Applications must be submitted online at the conference’s webpage before January 6, 2020, 6 pm CET for a double-blind evaluation by an international board of referees. Scholars who have submitted their proposals by this deadline will be notified of their acceptance to the conference before March 31, 2020. The language of the conference is English.

Scholars of Chinese Studies from Europe and beyond are invited to submit their proposals for contributions in these categories:

•Archeology & Material Culture

•Chinese as a Second Language

•Contemporary Arts, Performing Arts & Art History



•Gender & Queer

•History (Modern)

•History (Premodern)

•History of Science and Technology

•Language & Linguistics


•Literature (Modern)

•Literature (Premodern)

•Philosophy & Intellectual History


•Politics (Domestic)

•Politics (International Relations)

•Sinology & Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

•Sinophone Worlds

•Sociology & Anthropology

The board accepts proposals in the following formats of participation:

1.Panel proposal: max. 250 words, including the name of the panel organiser, the chair, participants, and optionally a discussant; 3–4 paper abstracts with a maximum of 250 words for each abstract.

2.Individual paper proposal: max. 250 words

3.Alternative formats: max. 250 words, when applicable, please include the name of the organiser, the chair, and participants with an explanation of the chosen format (e.g. workshops and tutorials, film screenings) and presentation/contribution abstracts (max. 250 words each).








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