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双语:一位北美华人对川普总统的评价 | A Chinese American’s Perception on Trump

保守时评 北美保守评论 2020-08-18


Author: Rita


原文(Originated from):一位北美华人对川普总统的评价(含视频)


—— 编者

Why do I support Trump? (Part 1)

2020-05-05 7:46PM

I was often asked that question by some Chinese, especially in the midst of COVID-19.  People asked me that because more than 90% of "Trump News" on TV or newspapers is negative, judgmental, mortifying, and even derisive.  There is absolutely no reason to support such a person.

The truth is - I am not supporting Trump; The truth is - I have been waiting for such a person like Trump for a long time.

Since 1990s, I have been writing articles criticizing American (and Western) media and the liberal cultural world. They have forcefully pushed the Western world to the left, to the point of going beyond reason. From writing the biography of Kennedy, studying the Watergate case, and writing the biographies of superstars, I have gained a deep understanding of the political situation in the United States since the 1950s and 1960s. I have also closely followed the news of the United States and Canada every day for several decades as part of my job. Therefore, I know too well how the media of the United States and Canada has been trying to distort history by reversing right and wrong, and calling a donkey a horse.

They attack everyone who is in disagreement with them. I have observed many conservatives (especially the successful conservatives) completely ruined by them, reputationally, financially or mentally where some even died due to severe depression. ( I have written articles recording those events. My Current Affairs publication is for that purpose. )

The leftie media exploits a variety of means to destroy conservatives. Sometimes they attack opponents’ weaknesses. Who has no shortcomings?  Sometimes they use opponents’ family members to bring them down. Other times they employ the scheme of "huge reward attracts audacity" to bring forward accusers until they knock down the other party. (During President Clinton’s sex scandal, the publisher of the American porn magazine Hustler, a rogue, advertised a million dollars for anyone who could expose any scandal of a Republican Congressman. As a result, two Republican lawmakers were destroyed and Clinton escaped from impeachment. Another example was the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh.)

The earliest case was Nixon. I have always said that Nixon’s resignation was a coup launched by the US media. They couldn't defeat him with ballots, so they used an insignificant break-in incident to graft a crime unto Nixon. Every day the media tirelessly bombarded Nixon, then carefully examined his responses in order to find loopholes. They invented this saying: What matters is not committing the crime itself, but is trying to cover it up. Nobody could win over such a tormenting process more savage than the cruelest torture in China. After they succeeded in impeaching Nixon, they incorporated this scheme into the textbooks of the Journalism department in universities. Even today, Western journalism departments all over the world have taken pride in this incident. All the professors have been proselytizing such "investigative news report" scheme. Since then, it has become a noble duty for Western media to fix conservative politicians.

I have observed that numerous conservative figures had been attacked, but most of them did not have the ability or intention to fight back. They saw Nixon left a stigma in history because he dared to fight back. Who else dares to fight back? Time and time again, I have seen the media tweaking news out of context every single day.  You will never be able to uncover the truth if you only read their news reports without watching for yourself the actual press conferences, the Congress meetings, or the hearings.  Unfortunately, most citizens only watch the news messaged by the leftie media, thus are completely deceived.

In fact, many conservative politicians wanted to fight back. But as soon as they fought back, mainstream media collectively besieged them. Over the years, I have seen that the attacks launched by the media are nasty and fierce, and intensifying to the point where there is no limit. As a result, no one dares to fight back. Every single case has sufficient material for a book, a few of which I had specifically written about. In addition to Nixon’s impeachment, there were the Katrina incident of President Bush, the death of Bob Ford (former mayor of Toronto), and ex-prime minister Mulroney who was badly hurt despite his victory over decade-long accusations from the Liberal government and the media; Conrad Black, a conservative reporter, who was persecuted and sentenced to jail; upper house senator Mike Duffy who was investigated for no reason for three years; Prime Minister Harper, and Governor Harris. In the United States, there were the first director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, President Reagan, Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous religious leaders. Over the years, I had no recourse but to appeal on paper.  That changed the moment Trump emerged.

Trump was the first person who was willing and dared to confront the media. He was the first person to call out the evil of the media. If we do not support him at this time, we may never have a 2nd chance. If Trump fails, the conservatives may never get the opportunity to prevail again. I am not supporting Trump the person. I am joining him in the fight for each one of us. We must realize that we are not helping him. He is helping us.

For more than three years, the media had not been idle for a single day on their investigation into Trump. They exploited the Russian conspiracy, followed by a phone call in Ukraine, and now the coronavirus. Even some of Trump’s confidants were provoking alienation or trying to defeat Trump. How spotless must Trump be in order to safely get out of the muddle? That alone is a great accomplishment.

I am not a 100% conservative. But today the media of the Western world unanimously sides with a single political party. It is an extremely unhealthy situation. It is cancerous to democracy. This cancer must be removed, otherwise the Western world will perish. We cannot let Trump fight this battle alone. If he fails, we are all doomed.

Video 1. What has Trump done since the pendamic started

If you want to know what exactly Trump has achieved that is worth your support, please continue to read: Why do I support Trump (Part 2).

Why do I support Trump? (Part Two)

2020-07-07 3:45PM

I wrote why I support Trump Part One, which mentions that we need a political figure like Trump in the current political environment. It does not demonstrate what Trump has achieved that is worth our support. 

Below is a list of the policies he promoted in the past three years. Though I may not have the complete list, I try to be thorough and accurate based on my extensive research.

Let us first take a look at economy. Trump has introduced a comprehensive tax cut package right after he took office (at the end of 2017). In that package, corporate tax is the most prominent, reducing corporate tax from 35% to 21%, which not only reduces tax burden for corporations, but also makes American companies more competitive in the world. One of the most manifest impacts is that many multinational and American companies relocated or moved their companies and factories back to the United States, greatly increasing employment in the United States and improving government tax income. In the past, companies in the United States had faced repeated tax increases. Trump’s tax cut came as a nice surprise. I still remember that in the first two years after its introduction, numerous companies offered employees year-end dividends, with each employee receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Personal income tax has also been reduced, the most obvious of which is that the tax cut for the middle class ranges between 3% and 4%. Coupled with bigger children’s tax cut, middle-class families have increased their income by several thousand dollars a year.

The tax reduction policy, together with the elimination of various stifling regulations that impeded the economy, directly and indirectly increased employment (Trump administration said they eliminated more than over 1000 regulations). Within two years of the tax cut, the United States had increased employment opportunities by more than 7 million. Unemployment rate continued to drop. Before COVID-19 occurred, the unemployment rate in the United States was 3.5%, a sharp decline from 4.7% when Trump took office, and the lowest in 50 years. In addition, the black unemployment rate was 6%, also the lowest in 60 years.

In addition, the economic growth rate increased from less than 3% when he took office, to a peak of 4.2% in the second quarter of 2018, and 3.1% last year. Recall that during Obama's eight-year term, not a single quarter had seen a growth rate higher than 3%.

Although the closure of the whole country due to COVID-19 increased the unemployment rate, the rapid recovery in the past two months was unprecedented. Dow Jones has recovered most of the lost ground. A full recovery is just around the corner.

Trump's economic approach has no match from any other president. In fact, these polices were what he believed should have been implemented in the 1980s. As soon as he came to power (during the short time frame when the Republican Party controlled both the Senate and the House of Representatives), these policies were introduced quickly. I suggest that you search the Internet and watch his interviews in the 1980s and 1990s. These are all things he already felt should have been done. Yet the media accused him of having no vision, no plan, and no target.

Video 2. Trade War is based on the concept he had 30 years ago.

Another important thing he believed should be done was to re-negotiate the original North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA. He said it was unfair to the United States, enticing American companies to move to Mexico, as well as restricting American exportation to Canada. He renegotiated the agreement as soon as he took office. The Democratic Party, including Senate leader Chuck Schumer, asserted blatantly that Trump could never do it. However, Trump did it. He did it at a time when his relationship with Mexico and Canada was not the best. He persuaded the two countries to make concessions by threatening steel and aluminum taxes. At the same time, he led them to think they came out of the negotiation as winners. Passed by the parliaments of all three countries, the new agreement came into effect on July 1st, 2020.  That has greatly increased the number of job opportunities in the United States and improved US product exportation. It also increased the wage standard of Mexican workers.

Why didn’t former presidents do it, nor willing to do it?

Negotiating a sweater agreement with CN was a complicated process, like a big war. However, Trump exerted both hard and soft measures, working towards the same goal. In the past, due to the unbalanced trade between the two countries, the United States suffered an annual deficit of 500 billion dollars. He wanted to close this gap. At present, only the first phase of the negotiation is completed. Future negotiations may not be smooth. But he has already won billions of trade opportunities, tariff revenue, and exportation for the United States every year. That should be apparent to everyone.

He has also reached new sweater agreements with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the European Union. The new agreements provide a greater advantage to USA. At the same time, Japan, South Korea and other countries admitted the fairer nature of the new agreements and they have no complaints.

Trump achieved an even greater economic accomplishment. He enabled the United States to be self-sufficient in energy for the first time in 67 years and became the world’s largest energy producer. Not only did America eliminate its dependency upon foreign oil, America has surplus for exportation, a significant achievement in national defense. Now there is no need to worry about energy being controlled by foreign countries, especially hostile countries in the Middle East.

Trump did it because he persevered against the pressure from environmental groups. He approved the development of fossil fuels and opened up pipeline transportation. Environmentalists, with the help of their media friends, had obstructed the development of any energy within USA. As a result, Western countries became more and more reliant on Middle East oil, which hampered both domestic economic growth and national defense. Also, importing oil is not as environmentally friendly as domestic production. An oil pipeline in Canada has not been built even after decades of debate. No matter how many conditions you meet (as many as more than a hundred), the argument from the environmental group never ends.

Diplomatically, as soon as he took office, he kept his campaign promise by moving the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It didn’t trigger a war in the Middle East as many people had worried. That took courage.

Before Trump took office, North Korea repeatedly released intercontinental missiles. Not only were Japan and South Korea endangered (they even built bomb shelters), even the United States was threatened. Trump and Kim Jong Un held historic talks and resolved the crisis. Although Kim Jong-un continued to make small noise, he knew that Trump would never be lenient if Trump chooses to retaliate.  Hence Kim Jong-un has not dared to make big moves for three years. Japan and South Korea are grateful to Trump.

Another achievement that was rarely mentioned in the media is that as soon as Trump took office, he instructed the Department of State to negotiate with foreign governments to release detained Americans. Every month or two, one or two detained Americans were able to came back home. Trump did not pay a ransom for the release. Instead he leveraged diplomatic negotiation and conditional exchanges to enable his citizens to return home without impacting the interests of the United States. I observed that only Fox News reported on these released people and their grateful families. There was not a single mention from any other media.

Before Trump took office, many so-called experts predicted arrogantly that he would wage wars. The fact is that in the past three years, Trump did not wage a single war. Instead he prevented wars and even withdrew troops from foreign countries. Last year, Trump ordered the withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria. The local situation was complicated. Besides the Syrian government forces, there were Kurdish anti-Assad and Turkish forces. Many people warned that the Kurds would become the target of all parties after the withdrawal of US troops. But Turkey is one of the NATO allies and the situation shall be under control.

Regarding the war in Afghanistan, the longest in American history, Trump has completed the first phase of American troop withdrawal plan. American soldiers were reduced from 13,000 to 8,600, and expected to be further reduced to 4,000 before Fall 2020. The goal is to withdraw completely. Trump’s philosophy is: Middle East affairs shall be handled by Middle Eastern people themselves. The conflict in the Middle East has lasted for over a thousand years. American soldiers shall not have to sacrifice for that.

On the other hand, Trump's withdrawal did not mean he yielded. He strengthened the US military by increasing the 2017 defense military budget by 800 billion dollars. That was consistent with President Reagan’s idea: you must be strong to maintain peace. When you are strong enough, others dare not to make a move on you. Even if they dare to do so, you can quickly launch an offensive to contain it. Democrats and the Doves, however, have no powerful cards in hand other than reducing military expenses, withdrawing troops, and negotiating.

Trump has always wanted to establish a better relationship with Russia for that reason. He believes that Putin is somebody he can negotiate with. With domestic economic difficulties, Putin does not necessarily want to incur huge military expenses in the Middle East. If both sides reach agreement, the peace situation can be maintained, and all get a chance to rest and recuperate.

For the same reason, Trump also plans to withdraw the troops from Germany. He hopes to reduce 9,000 to 25,000 soldiers from the current 35,000.  The garrison in Germany consumes huge US resources.  Trump’s plan immediately was met with condemnation from European countries, accusing he was trying to please Russia.  Trump responded, very logically: USA stations army in Germany in order to fight against Russia, but Germany buys 30 million metric tons of crude oil from Russia every year; that is not rational. In addition, he made Germany and other NATO countries increase their financial support to NATO, instead of the United States bearing the largest military expenditure. At present, all countries have increased their military contributions, and are expected to meet their full obligations within one to two years.

Another great achievement of the Trump administration is that it almost annihilated the ISIS. When he first took office, the Islamic State controlled 17,000 square miles in the Middle East, more than 30,000 "soldiers" and a significant number of oil wells. By the Fall of 2018, with the help of Syrian anti-government forces and the multinational army led by the United States, the Islamic State controlled less than 200 square miles, with only sporadic "warriors" left.

That was the only circumstance where Trump used military forces, with significant and evident result. In October last year, he used Special Forces to siege Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State in northern Syria, triggering his suicide. That completely eliminated the Islamic State.  In January this year, a major general of Iran, Qassem Soleimani, was killed by an unmanned aircraft. Trump said that Soleimani was responsible for killing countless U.S. and allied soldiers using roadside bombs in past years. And intelligence showed that Soleimani was about to launch a major offensive. Main media accused Trump of international terrorism. They even said it would cause the Third World War. But so far Iran has not reacted, and does not dare to react.

In addition to expanding American defense capabilities, Trump also promoted space defense programs, rather than waiting to catch up with other countries. That is very visionary.

Finally, let us review one of Trump’s major promises during his presidential campaign: build the border wall to thwart illegal refugees. At the time when he took office, a large number of illegal refugees flocked to the border, mostly from Ecuador and El Salvador. The inundation of refugees was a result of Obama’s unrestricted acceptance of refugees and illegal immigrants, and his policy of never repatriating children. Each caravan of refugees had one to two thousand people. The Mexicans along the way provided water and food to them. When Trump mentioned this "refugee crisis", he was accused by the media of sounding unsubstantiated alarms. At that time, tens of thousands of refugees were trying to force their way across the border every month. The Democratic Party, the media, and humanitarian organizations closely monitored everyday whether Trump treated these people humanely.

What is the status today? Trump persuaded Mexico to stop these refugees from entering US via the south border of Mexico. He also asked Mexico to send troops to block the US-Mexico border. Mexico was very cooperative. There are currently 27,000 Mexican soldiers that are helping defend US border. (How did Trump do it? He is really a master of negotiation.) The current immigrants entering the United States illegally from the south decreased from hundreds of thousands a month during the peak to only a few thousand. And they must go through legal procedures.

Video 3. America is the land of heroes 《英雄辈出的国土

Trump’s plan to build the border wall had been severely obstructed by the Democratic Party, who even barred him from securing funds.  Despite all the legal challenges, Trump has successfully built 215 miles. At this rate, a 400-mile wall will be completed by the end of this year. The wall will have the latest technology with surveillance video and alarming systems. The wall is built in select crucial segments of the borderline, as not all of the US-Mexico border is accessible due to natural barriers, or some wall had already been built in the past.  The new wall plays a critical role in complete blocking.

The above are some of the main accomplishments, not including Trump's many Executive Orders. I often see him signing Executive Orders, including education, labor law, veterans' welfare, protection and promotion of all walks of life. Trump often said that he did more in a month than what other presidents did in a year, or even in a four-year term. Many people think he was bragging, but in fact he was not at all. He took action to fulfill all the notions he had in mind, unlike other officials who just went with the stream and completely forgot their promises.

Remember, Trump achieved all those accomplishments in the midst of non-ceasing impeachment investigation from the Democratic Party and the daily vehement attacks by mainstream media. Without those obstacles, his achievements will have been greater. He may have already implemented his final campaign promise to reconstruct America’s basic infrastructure.

























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