
别的医生总是让我等太久太久,而您确是为我而来 | 医生,收信快乐

小雨 双相躁郁世界 2020-02-15

  编 者 按  




作者|小雨 编辑|Emile








第二次见您,我因上诉约束之前的医院而受到院方的威胁,说是想报警将我抓进精神病院。我第一时间向您求救,您不怕对方医院,告诉我:“如果有天警察想抓你进精神病院,请马上通知我,我可以为你的精神状态作证。”你的话让我安心。我问您:“身为医生可以这样威胁病患吗?”您毫不犹豫地告诉我:“当然不能。” 这是您让我感动的第三件事情。

第三次见您,我因上诉失败向您哭诉。我问您:“如果您站在我的角度,您会怎么做?”您非常理智地回答我:“第一,我不会像你摔坏那么昂贵的手机。第二, 我会骂那位负责我的案子的人粗话。”您身为医生,却毫不犹豫地把粗话骂出来。我觉得我得到认同,我释怀了,因为你的粗话。这是您让我感动的第四件事情。








2019 年 11 月 30 日

  往 期 分 享  

02 你相信信仰的力量吗?
11我只听过你的声音,却从未见过你 | 你也曾幻听吗?


To my beloved Dr. Huang:

I met you after a bump on the road to bipolar disorder. I hit the south wall all the way and changed three doctors, and the reasons for each doctor change were different.

The first doctor was fine, but unfortunately the quality and system of her hospital was not good. The second doctor made me think he was discriminating against the mentally ill, and he treated my joy and sorrow as a disease. The third doctor received so many patients that I called the doctor after I noticed a manic relapse, but his nurse said it would take four days for him to see him.

I have always maintained a belief that if I notice anything wrong, I will go to the hospital immediately for a review. When I first came to the doctor's hospital, your nurse told me, "It's a need to see a psychiatrist here." "However, the nurse finally called to ask you, and you said, "Then I'll be in the hospital in half an hour. "

It gave me a good first impression. The doctor always kept me waiting too long, and you did come for me. This is the first thing you touched me.

The first time I saw you, you asked me, "Is there anything I can do to help you?" "I said, "I'm sick. "I didn't want to be sentenced to death right away, and I said, "Doctor, you're the fourth psychiatrist I've ever seen." "You say, "Oh, that's a good message. "

I slowly describe the medications I've taken along the way, my symptoms, and when I tell you about my unexplained restraint strapped to my previous hospital, you say, "I'm really sorry for what happened to you." "I'm crying right now, and that's what I've been waiting for a long time to hear. Before I finish, I ask you, "Am I still bipolar disorder?" "You say, "Yes." Then he said, "Bipolar can't judge your character, you're still yourself." "My tears fell again.

At the end of your first visit, you said you wanted to see me three days later. I said I needed to go to work, and the boss didn't have a good time. I asked you, "Do I worry you that much?" "You say, "Yeah. "Then you immediately wrote to my boss and asked me to leave work early to see you. You said you would wait until i have passed after your work time, i met the doctor always let me wait for them, and this time replaced by a doctor you come to wait for me. This is the second thing that moved you.

The second time I saw you, I was threatened by the hospital because of the appeal to restrain the former hospital, saying that I was going to call the police and put me in a mental hospital. I first call you for help, you are not afraid of the other hospital, tell me: "If the police want to arrest you into a mental hospital, please immediately inform me, I can testify for your mental state." "Your words give me peace of mind. I asked you, "Can you threaten patients like this as a doctor?" "You didn't hesitate to tell me: "Of course not. This is the third thing that moved me.

The third time I saw you, I cried to you for the failure of the appeal. I asked you, "What would you do if you stood in my point of view?" "You answer me very wisely: "First, I'm not going to break a cell phone as expensive as you do." Second, I'll scold the man in charge of my case for swearing. "As a doctor, you don't hesitate to scold you. I think I've got recognition, and I'm relieved because of your rude ness. This is the fourth thing that moved me.

The fifth time I saw you, my mood is very stable. You decided to let me take the drug. I said, "Doctor, I'll wait for you to announce that I'm not going to need any more medicine." "You looked at me helplessly and said, "Don't forget you have three more drugs to take." I smiled and said good-bye to you.

Doctor, we didn't know you long, you said, maybe one day you'll let me down like any other doctor, and I'm glad to meet you. I drew a sign at the Guanyin Pavilion:

The wind and waves of the river are calming down

In this day and there is peace

There must be support for your son

The murder came out to see the peace

I believe the sign said that the noble person is the doctor you. But, doctor, I've written so much, but unfortunately you can't read Chinese.



November 30, 2019


