




• 音频为中文致辞,难度为advanced。材料可用于脑记复述、交传或同传。


Clad, Inauguration, convene, vis-à-vis, predominant, multi-polarity, equilibrium.



    今天我们教大家一些小的翻译技巧。就拿第一段来说吧“深秋的北京五彩斑斓”,在很多演讲开场白都会有类似的说法,各种四字成语,例如秋高气爽、春暖花开、风光旖旎之类的。这些成语往往让翻译者很头疼。其实遇到这些褒义形容词的成语一点儿都没有必要慌张,记笔记的时候只需要把季节记出来,形容词可以用impressive。这个词除了表示印象深刻,也可以模糊翻译所有的褒义形容词。比如第一句话除了译文的参考翻译以外,我们还可以说“As we meet here together in Beijing in this impressive autumn season”,这样意思也翻译到位了,还更符合英文的表达方式。第一段当中的“具有现实意义”也是常出现的概念,通常可以翻译relevant。“国际关系民主化”,其实汉语当中不是遇见“××化”就一定要翻译成-ization的,“more democratic international relations”用这种形容词+名词的偏正结构更符合英文的表达。

    第四段当中还有一个“只有…才…”的逻辑结构,这也是口译中常出现的一种结构,记录方法是记“只”和“可”,翻译的时候可以用only by doing sth can we do sth else这样的句型。






    In this autumn season when Beijing is clad in a riot of colors, it gives me great pleasure to meet with friends, old and new, at the Beijing Forum and discuss the progress of human civilization. Since its inauguration, the Beijing Forum has been convened under the general theme of “The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All”. Discussions have focused on advancing peace and development, making the Forum a valuable platform for deepening mutual learning and understanding. The theme of this year’s forum, “The Changing World and the Future of Humankind”, is highly relevant. It dovetails with current global developments and touches on matters of interest to all.



    The world today is going through changes of a kind unseen in a century. Looking around, we see faster evolution of the global governance system and international order. With different ideas vis-à-vis each other, there is a heated debate on how to perceive all those changes. People will naturally ask: Where is our world heading for? How are different countries and civilizations to interact with each other? Do we choose openness or seclusion, cooperation or confrontation, a win-win or zero-sum outcome? These are the key questions that we shall take stock of.



    In today’s world, economic globalization remains the predominant trend. Globalization is a huge boost to economic development and human progress. It has lifted productivity and living standards to an unprecedented degree. Between 1990 and 2010, global economic growth averaged 5.51 percent. Since the start of this century, 1.1 billion people worldwide have been helped out of poverty. On the other hand, for some time there has been an obvious backlash against globalization. The reasons may be complicated. The trend of economic globalization is irresistible. 



    Only by focusing on more open and inclusive mentality, more balanced and universal benefits, and more equitable and win-win outcomes can we make the correct choice relevant to times. In today’s world, multi-polarity is clearly the order of the day. The transition to a multi-polar world has been fraught with ups and downs. The end of the Cold War actually started a process toward a more multi-polar world. The collective rise of emerging markets and developing countries at the turn of the century, among other things, marks a major shift in global politics and greater equilibrium in the balance of power. 



    In today’s world, more democratic international relations is all the more what people aspire for. Countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are all equal members of the world community. Global affairs should be decided by all countries working together, and international relations should be conducted on the basis of recognized norms like sovereign equality, dialogue and consultation, and the rule of law. All these are strongly desired by the overwhelming majority of countries worldwide. The basic norms of international relations, built on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, together with the international system centering around the United Nations, have brought more than 70 years of peace, stability, development and prosperity since World War II. 



    In today’s world, diversity of civilizations is exactly the choice of history. Diversity, equality and inclusiveness are the hallmark of human civilization. Each civilization and culture is valuable in its own right. One may be different from another, but no one is superior over the other. The achievements of all civilizations need to be respected and treasured. History tells us that human progress is enabled by mutual learning among civilizations, and world peace and prosperity is underpinned by the harmonious coexistence of all civilizations.
















CATTI · 翻译硕士考研 · 海外翻硕 · 高端游学



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