
CPAR panels @ 2020 ASPA

李华芳 读品贩子 2021-09-11

2020年春天的加州,4月3日至7日,ASPA会召开年会。Chinese Public Administration Review (CPAR)组织了3个panels,均已入选年会,欢迎关注。



The CPAR panels @2020 American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference

April 3-7,2020 | Anaheim, CA, United States


Panel 1   Intergovernmental Relations and Government Performance Evaluation 

Chair: Elaine Yi Lu, CUNY - John Jay College

Discussant: Liang Ma, Renmin University of China


Does the Fiscal Instrument have a Negative Effect? Central Subsidies and Local Fiscal Deficits in China

Ma Yao, RenminUniversity of China

Cooperation or Confrontation? Assigned Officials and LocalCadres in Targeted Poverty Alleviation Programs

Zhipeng Liu, Lili Liu,Beijing Normal University

The Principle of Justice in the Targeted Poverty AlleviationPolicy: Ideas, Dimensions, and Paths

Qian Wu, BeijingNormal University

The Evolution of China’s Cadre Supervision Policy: AnEmpirical Study Based on the Policy Documents from 1949 to 2019

Xin Lin, Renmin University of China

Construct a Scientific Evaluation System for Government Response Capability in China’s Context

Linlin Wang, Yuwei Wu, Communication University of China



Panel 2   Local Governments and Street-level Bureaucrats in China  

Chair: Wenxuan Yu, XiamenUniversity

Discussant: Marc Holzer, SuffolkUniversity


Making Local Government Work Better? The Effectiveness of Policy Goal Ambiguity in Public Organizations

Wenting Yang, Harvard Kennedy School& Shanghai Jiaotong University

Policy Implementation Paradox: Local Governments and Agricultural Policy in China

Jianhong Huang, Hunan AgriculturalUniversity

Municipal People’s Congress and Collaborative Governance: Does the Promulgation of Regional Regulations ReducePollution in China?

Ying Liu, Jiankang Li, Wuhan University

Street-level Bureaucrats and Performance Evaluation: Evidence from grassroots policing in China

Yi Liu, Tsinghua University

Law Enforcement with Shame feeling: Street bureaucrats’ implementation of “penalty for violating traffic rules” in China from 2014 to 2019

Lu Wang, Renmin University of China



Panel 3   Information Technologies and Collaborative Governance in China

Chair: Liang Ma, Renmin University of China

Discussant: TomChristensen, University of Oslo


What makes government communication popular: A content analysis of Tik Tok short-form mobile videos in China

Chengwei Wang, Renmin University of China

Negative public opinion, government response, and the reconstruction of the discourse power: A case study of social media in China

Hongbo Liu, South China University of Technology

Xinmin Gao, Sun Yat-sen University

How local government steers the collaborative governance process in China? A case study of cultural heritage protection

Bin Yang, Renmin University of China

Understanding and characterizing collaborative networks in environmental governance: A case study of air pollution prevention and control in China

Qingzi Huang, Renmin University of China

M-government, public-private partnership, and citizen trust: a study at the municipal level in China

Yueping Zheng, Sun Yat-sen University

我前面提到过,CPAR已经进入ESCI,也就是SSCI的前面一站。我自己是觉得有Google Scholar就足够了,但对国内来讲,SSCI好像还是一个很有吸引力的东西,但这个对CPAR来讲,我个人觉得不过是时间问题。


更多CPAR相关文章: CPAR的一小步:进入ESCI | 2019年ASPA侧记(附美女照片和博士劝退指南,慎点,因为都会让你心寒,比你美还比你努力怎么办,脸皮薄心肠黑读不了博)参加ASPA会议是吧?来都来了......来CPAR活动看看呗 | CPAR panels @2019 ASPA Call for Proposals | 往前推一点点:CPAR新一期背后的故事 | CAPR新一期介绍(Vol.9 No.1)CPAR是什么?搞得咋样了?还缺稿件不?想搞成啥样?
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