
世辉荣誉|多领域及律师荣登asialaw Profiles 2023年度榜单

今日,国际权威法律评级机构《亚洲法律概况》(asialaw Profiles)正式发布了2023年度亚太地区领先律所和律师推荐指南,世辉凭借卓越的法律服务表现和优秀的行业口碑在私募股权、资本市场、公司并购、投资基金、科技与电信、银行与金融服务6项行业/业务领域获得推荐,牛振宇律师获评领先律师。

此次是世辉连续第五年入选《亚洲法律概况》(asialaw Profiles)亚太地区领先律所推荐指南。


🏆 私募股权

🏆 资本市场

🏆 公司并购

🏆 投资基金

🏆 科技与电信

🏆 银行与金融服务


牛振宇 私募股权

客户评价Client feedback 
劳动用工  Labour and employment


“Professional, accountable and always responsive.” 

私募股权  Private equity


“They are very efficient, responsive and experienced. The team is energetic with the very proactive and young partner who can devote much time to the deals.” 


“The lawyers I work with are extremely professional, highly efficient and considerate of their client, not only in the issues on which they currently providing legal service, but in the long run and with a profound insight.” 

刘畅  Chang Liu


“She is a very smart lawyer with a good business sense.”

王晓栋  Xiaodong Wang


“More than just being a professional lawyer providing distinguished legal advice who has experience and knowledge of industry insights, Wang has good communication and great interpersonal skills. He is passionate about his work and has compassion for his client. It's quite a delight to work with such a top-notch expert.”

张洪源  Hongyuan Zhang


“Very professional; straight to the point to provide solutions for all the cases; timely feedback; a responsible lawyer who also takes care of the interests of the client.”

赵培植  Peizhi Zhao


“Very responsible and with solid legal knowledge and skills.”

《亚洲法律概况》(asialaw Profiles)是亚太地区及国内知名的法律评级服务机构,专注于分析亚洲及太平洋地区的法律市场。其调研和排名由经验丰富的编辑和研究团队编制,综合实际服务表现、客户反馈、同行反馈等信息进行评选,旨在为客户在寻求法律服务时提供可靠的市场信息。



世辉荣誉|多领域及律师荣登asialaw Profiles 2023年度榜单


