

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2022-06-20


每逢圣诞节,圣诞致辞也会随之而来!昨天英文演讲君和大家分享了英国女王63年前的第一次圣诞致辞,让大家领略了一下大方又优雅,满满的古典英伦范的Queen's English。





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The president and I want to wish every American Ah, very merry Christmas. 

During the sacred season, Christians celebrate the greatest miracle in human history. More than 2000 years ago, God sent his only begotten son to be with us. An angel announced the birth of our Lord and savior toe humble shepherds, he said. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all of the people. Today, in the town of David, a savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah. The Lord. You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger at Christmas. We thank God for sending us his son to bring peace to our souls and joy to the world. 

As you know, this Christmas is different than years past. We're battling a global pandemic that has affected all of us. Yet through this great challenge we have been inspired by the kindness and courage off citizens across this country. Teachers have worked extraordinary hard to keep our Children learning. Students have delivered groceries, toe elderly neighbors. Communities have found new ways to stay connected toe one another courageous first responders, doctors and nurses have given everything to save lives. Brilliant scientists have developed treatments and vaccines. 

We're delivering millions of doses of a safe and effective vaccine that will soon end this terrible pandemic and save millions and millions of lives. We're grateful for all of the scientists, researchers, manufacturing workers and service members who have worked tirelessly to make this breakthrough possible. It is truly a Christmas miracle during this wonderful time of year way. 

Also give thanks for the brave and selfless Americans who keep us safe. We are forever grateful for the men and women off law enforcement and the heroes off the United States military in this holy season. We thank God for his infinite love, and we pray that the light of his glory will forever shine on this magnificent land. On behalf of Melania and the entire Trump family, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.




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Hi, everyone.

Traditionally, as the year winds down, it’s a time for reflection – to give thanks, reconnect with loved ones, and cherish the more meaningful parts of life, removed from our usual day-to-day distractions. 

Of course, the events of 2020 haven’t shown a lot of respect for our traditions. In a year of so much tragedy, it can be tough to give thanks when you’re doing your best to get by. And far too many of us will have to gather around a table with an empty chair, if we’re able to gather together at all.

One thing, though, we can say about 2020 is that it forced us all to cherish what is most important, what’s most meaningful in our lives. To stop taking things for granted that truly matter. To be grateful for what we have, and to be alive to the pain of those less fortunate.

Throughout this challenging year, I’ve been moved, again and again, by the sacrifices so many were willing to make on behalf of others. The healthcare professionals who risked their lives to save ours. The workers who have kept our lights on and our shelves stocked, always essential to our economy, but finally recognized for it. The protesters of every race and age who saw injustice in their streets and their institutions and demanded change. And the less heralded leaders, the quiet changemakers who saw need in their own communities and leapt to address it. They checked in on their neighbors, delivered food and PPE to seniors and those experiencing hardship, offered mental health support to those recovering from trauma. Whatever holds this pandemic tore wide in our social fabric, these emerging leaders stepped forward to patch it up. 

These are exactly the leaders Michelle and I started our Foundation to support. We always thought they would lead us into a bright future, if only we could empower them, connect them with each other, and give them a dose of inspiration when they needed it. 

What we learned in 2020 is that these emerging leaders aren’t just building a brighter future, they’re safeguarding our present. In hard times, they are the ones who’ve given me solace. It’s their sacrifice in which I found hope. And as we begin to close the chapter on a difficult year with encouraging news on the horizon, it’s their leadership that will guide us today and tomorrow.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everybody.



BORIS Johnson said he has "never known a Christmas" like this one but said "sacrifices" made this year will keep people alive for next year's festive period.

In a video posted on Twitter, he said: "In most years it's a moment for togetherness and celebration in which the generations are jumbled together in the same household for days on end, pulling crackers and snogging under the mistletoe - you name it.

"And yet this year that is the one type of Christmas we simply cannot afford to have."

Mr Johnson said this Christmas was "not about presents, or turkey, or brandy butter" but about hope in the form of the Covid vaccines being developed.

He added: "It's thanks to the efforts of wise men and wise women in the east and elsewhere, we have a vaccine and we know that we are going to succeed in beating coronavirus, and that these privations that we're going through are temporary and we know that next year really will be better.

"We know there will be people alive next Christmas, people we love, alive next Christmas precisely because we made the sacrifice and didn't celebrate as normal this Christmas."




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“Merry Christmas, Canada! Today, our family joins Christians across the country and around the world to celebrate the birth of Christ.

“This time of year is full of joy, light, and traditions. As a family, we usually get together to eat too much food, share laughs and stories, watch cheesy holiday movies, give each other gifts, and most importantly, spend quality time together.

“This year, as we continue to deal with the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Christmas traditions will be different. Families aren’t getting together for big dinners and friends aren’t stopping by for cookies and eggnog, but we can, and should, give thanks for everything that unites us. Today is a time to recognize all the good that we have in our lives. It’s a time to celebrate Christ’s message of compassion and show people we love them – and right now, that message is more important than ever before.

“2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, but through it we’ve seen Canadians meet these challenging times with generosity, kindness, and hope. Neighbours are helping neighbours, kids are giving up play dates and birthday parties, and businesses are retooling their operations, all to help in the fight against COVID-19. We’ve seen this leadership and dedication from our front line workers, who have put themselves at risk to keep all of us safe and healthy and our families fed. And we also recognize the work of our Canadian Armed Forces members, both at home and abroad, and thank them for their sacrifice and service to our country.  

“This year everyone has done their part, because as Canadians we show up for one another. And today, as many spend this holiday away from the ones they love, we need to continue to support and reach out to friends, neighbours, and those in need in our communities. As a country, we will come out of this challenging year stronger and more united, and we will continue to stand together – both today and into the New Year.

“From our family to yours, Hadrien, Ella-Grace, Xavier, Sophie, and I wish you joy, health, and love this holiday season. Merry Christmas, everyone.”




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If there’s one overwhelming feeling we have this Christmas, I think it’s one of thankfulness, a sense of gratitude.

This year has not been easy for any of us. Some of us have faced the loss of loved ones. Others, the loss of jobs and their livelihoods. Separation from family. Isolation during lockdowns and lost gatherings with those we love.

For all of us, this year has been a time of stress and a lot of uncertainty.

Yet through it all, once again, we have rallied to each other, together. 

Australians are an amazing people with an amazing spirit. And this year, the Australian spirit has shone brightly again.

Though we had to be distant socially, emotionally we connected and turned to each other.

There were the firefighters and volunteers who got us through the Black Summer. The doctors and nurses, the researchers and scientists doing their utmost to protect and care for us throughout this pandemic. Retail workers kept the supply chains open. Volunteers made sure that no one was left behind or left without. Public servants out there providing support to people all over the country. Everyone playing their part. And even now up in Sydney, on the Northern Beaches, everyone is still there doing their bit to keep all of us safe right across the country.

So no matter where you are in Australia, this Christmas, I think, is one where, as Australians, we can once again count our blessings as a country. And in our very Australian way, resolve once again to share those blessings with others wherever we can.

So we give thanks this year for our Christmas because our blessings outweigh our struggles.

It is the tradition of these messages to give a shoutout to a group at Christmas who have done so much. 

So I do want to thank and honour all our older Australians in aged care and their carers. They have really endured a lot this year with visits limited and the loss of hugs and kisses and visits from the company of family. It’s been terribly hard. This year, we saw you draw on that well of strength that you have displayed over your entire lifetime. And in doing so, you kept others safe.

For all of us, those who are Christian and those who are not, this Christmas is again a time of great hope. And my prayer for Australia this Christmas comes from the great verse: “Let us not grow weary of doing good. For in due season, we shall reap a harvest, if we do not give up.”

So stay safe. Stay COVID-Safe. May God bless you and your family this Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Australia.

— 往期精彩英文演讲集 —
双语 | 英国前首相梅姨“硬脱欧”演讲:要脱,就脱得彻底!



