

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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Buddha smiled at Wukong. “How did you get so powerful?”
“A sage taught me secret formulas,” said Wukong. “I practiced them for many years. I am now equal to the Jade Emperor.”
“The Jade Emperor has been practicing the same formulas for many lifetimes,” said Buddha. “How can you think you’re equal to him? Go back to your mountain now and  behave yourself.”
“No,” said Wukong. “I’m not leaving until I get to rule Heaven.”
Buddha thought for a minute. “Sun Wukong, what powers do you have?”
“I can change into other animals,” said Wukong. “I can soar through the sky on clouds. I can do anything I want!”
“Then let’s make a bet,” said Buddha. “If you win, you can rule Heaven. The Jade Emperor will come to live with me in the Western Paradise. But if you lose, you will be punished severely.”
“What do I have to do?” asked Wukong.
“It’s simple,” said Buddha. He held out his hand. “You just have to jump off my hand.”
Wukong laughed. “That’s easy! I can jump across entire oceans!”
Buddha smiled. “Well then, let’s see you do it.”
Wukong stepped up onto Buddha’s palm.
“You’re a fool,” he said to Buddha. “I’m going to jump farther than you could ever imagine. When I return, I’ll be the ruler of Heaven!”
Wukong leaped and soared through the air. After a long time, he saw five enormous pillars. He landed in front of them.
“This must be the end of the world,” he said to himself. “I’ll go back now and tell Buddha to take the Jade Emperor away. Heaven is mine!”
Wukong was just about to jump back when he thought of something.
“There’s nobody around,” he thought. “How will I prove that I was here?” He tapped his chin. “I’ll write a note on this pillar. Buddha can come here and check.”
Wukong plucked two hairs and turned them into a brush and a jar of ink. On one of the pillars, he wrote: Sun Wukong was here.
“There,” said Wukong. “Now I’ll go and tell Buddha how far I jumped.”
Wukong leaped once more. After a long time, he landed on Buddha’s palm again.
“I’m back!” said Wukong. “Tell the Jade Emperor to leave.”
Buddha frowned. “How can you say you’re back? You never left my hand.”
Wukong was confused. “Yes, I did! I reached the end of the world. There were five enormous pillars. I even wrote on one. Come with me and I’ll show you.”
“There’s no need to go anywhere,” said Buddha. “Just look down.”
Wukong looked down. Near the bottom of Buddha’s middle finger was the note: Sun Wukong was here.
Wukong stomped his foot. “It’s a trick! You used some sort of magic!”
“It’s not a trick,” said Buddha. “You never left my palm.”
“I did! I did!” cried Wukong. “I jumped all the way to—”
“You lost the bet, Sun Wukong,” said Buddha. “And now you will be punished.”
Holding Wukong tightly, Buddha reached down to Earth. His hand turned into a mountain, which he placed on top of the monkey.
“Grr!” Wukong grunted, and pushed with all his strength.
The mountain started to rise.
Buddha pulled a small sheet of magic paper from his sleeve. He laid the paper on top of the mountain. The mountain dropped back down.
Buddha turned to the Jade Emperor. “Sun Wukong can’t lift the mountain now,” he said. “He will be trapped until his punishment is over.”


behave yourself [bɪˈheɪv jɔːrˈself] 放规矩一点
behave [bɪˈheɪv]  v.表现;表现得体;有礼貌;表现得…的
be 强调 + have 举止,持有 → 强调一个人的举止 → 举动
The doctor behaved very unprofessionally.
Behave yourself and be careful in what you say or do.
②severely [sɪ'vɪrli]  adv. 严重地;严厉地;严格地;苛刻地
severe [sɪˈvɪr]  adj. 极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;重的;苛刻的
se 分开,离开 + ver 真实 + e → 离开真实的 → 恶劣的
同源词:secede, secession, secessionism, secrecy, secret
The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production.
secede 正式退出(组织)(se+cede走→走开→退出)
seclude 和别人隔离;隐居(se+clude关闭→分开关→隐居的)
secrete 分泌;藏匿(se+crete分辨→分辨开→分泌;藏起来;)
sedition 煽动叛乱(sed=se+it走+ion→分开走→煽动叛乱)
seduce 勾引,诱惑(se+duce引→引开→勾引别人)
segregate 隔离(se+greg群+ate→和人群分开→隔离)
sever 切断;脱离(se+ver分开→分离开→切断)
select 选出(se+lect选→选出分开)
③grunt [ɡrʌnt]  v.发出呼噜声;发出哼声;咕哝;嘟哝  n.哼声;咕哝声;嘟哝声;(尤指猪的)呼噜声;工作乏味收入低的工人;步兵;士兵;大兵
When I told her what had happened she just grunted and turned back to her book.
④sleeve [sliːv]  n.袖子;有…袖子的;唱片套  vt. 给…装袖子;给…装套筒
Dan rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands.

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