In the south of China's Gansu Province, the Maqu Wetland has more than 300 tributaries, large and small, distributed like capillaries across the surface of the earth.在中国甘肃省的南部玛曲湿地草原有着大大小小超过300条支流像毛细血管一样分布在地表。
As the Yellow River, China's second longest river, reaches Maqu, the water it carries accounts for just 20% of the total water volume of the Yellow River.中国的第二长河黄河刚流到玛曲时携带的水量只占黄河总水量的20%。
That total swells to 65% as it leaves Maqu.离开玛曲时已经达到了总水量65%。
The abundant water nourishes the vast grassland.充沛的水源滋养出了广袤的绿色。
This grassland is located in the eastern end of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China.这片草原位于中国青藏高原的东端。
With a total area of 3,750 square kilometers, it is about the size of three city's size of Los Angeles.总面积3750平方千米大约相当于三个洛杉矶的大小。
But this is no City of Angels, but a paradise for cattle and sheep.不过 这里可不是天使之城而是牛羊的乐园。
The Oula sheep breed is unique to Maqu.欧拉羊是玛曲特有的绵羊品种。
It gets its name from Mount Oula nearby.得名于不远处的欧拉山。
Their slightly spiral upturned V-shaped horns make them handsome beasts.八字形的羊角 稍带点螺旋为它的颜值大大加分。
The secret of the resilience of the Oula sheep lies in the green grassland.欧拉羊强健的秘密藏在绿色的草原里。
More than 50% of the grassland here is put over to growing Chinese herbal medicines.这里50%以上的草都属于中草药。
By grazing on these herbs, the sheep develop a stronger resistance to diseases.通过采食这些中草药羊的抗病能力大为提高。
Beyond grazing and drinking, running becomes their daily essential fitness sport.吃饱喝足奔跑成了它们每天必不可少的健身项目。
But the Oula sheep are not alone.欧拉羊并不孤单。
The Yaks of Maqu also love running across the wetland grassland.和它们一样喜欢在湿地草原上畅快奔跑的还有玛曲的牦牛。
China is the home of yaks.中国是牦牛的故乡。
More than 90% of yaks in the world live on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in the surrounding six provinces.全世界90%以上的牦牛生活在中国青藏高原及其附近的六个省区。
Yaks account for more than half of the livestock raised by Maqu herdsmen.在玛曲牧民养殖的牲畜中牦牛占了一半以上。
The rich water and grass not only nurtures Oula sheep and yaks, but also serves as the cornerstone of the existence of the Maqu people.丰美的水草孕育了欧拉羊的牦牛更是玛曲人赖以生存的基石。
The Yellow River, which nourishes more than 750,000 square kilometers of land, is called the "Mother River" by the Chinese people.黄河滋养了75万多平方公里的土地被中国人称为母亲河。
The Maqu Wetland contributes nearly half of the water to the Yellow River.而玛曲湿地为黄河贡献了将近一半的水量。
What it truly nurtures goes far beyond what we can see here.长按识别二维码可关注该微信公众平台
Journey to the West(西游记)全108集
Amazing China:38. 海岸线上的水墨画
Amazing China:39. 群山间的无暇美玉
Amazing China:40. 外冷内热的高山湖泊
Amazing China:41. 秘境喀纳斯湖
Amazing China:42. 天山下的巨大草原
Amazing China:43. 海蚀地貌博物馆
Amazing China:44. 敬信湿地的候鸟大集会
Amazing China:45. 麋鹿回家的故事